Roskomnadzor slows down twitter - what is manifested and how it works


Explain experts.

On March 10, Roskomnadzor promised to slow down the speed of Twitter, explaining that the social network does not remove unlawful content.

Restrictions will affect all smartphones and half of the "stationary devices". If social network does not continue to perform the requirements of the regulator, the RKN can take action "down to blocking".

Roskomnadzor slows down twitter - what is manifested and how it works 16676_1

What does the RKN do and how communication operators are connected with it

To slow down the RKN, uses TSPU (technical means of countering threats), established by the communication operators of 90 FZ "On the sovereign Internet", explained in a conversation with the VC.RU, an expert of "Internet Protection Societies" Mikhail Klimarov and the head of Roscomsvobody Artem Kozluk.

TSPA is working on DPI technology (Deep Packet Inspection) - they check the Internet traffic (packets) of the user for a number of parameters characteristic of specific sites, and solve, skip it, limit the speed or block it.

This is an autonomous system that does not depend on the operators - Roskomnadzor independently decides which traffic to skip and what to restrict.

The installation of TSPU is expensive, so they have a "big fourth" mobile operators and at least among major telecom operators - "", Rostelecom and others, says Kozluk.

Regional Internet providers may not be lacking TSPU, experts say, therefore, the PCN statement was indicated about the slowdown in Twitter work only on 50% of stationary devices.

Roskomnadzor declares that the slowdown of work Twitter touches only the photo and video, the transfer of the text "is not limited". This is explained by the fact that text messages are small in size and even taking into account their TSPU checking the speed of publication and download changes from the "one microsecond to two," says Climary.

How to check if a slowdown touched

Mobile operators note twitter slowing down - it is manifested in long (longer than 10-15 seconds) loading tape, pictures and videos.

  • You can check the operation of other sites if problems are observed only at Twitter - the reason in the actions of Roskomnadzor. If other Internet services also work more slowly, it is better to contact the provider.
  • You can connect VPN and check whether there will be Twitter (or another service) to work faster. If not, this is the overall problem of the social network.

Internet users also inform the faults in the work of the sites of government agencies, Rostelecom and others. Roskomnadzor said that the failure was not associated with the twitter slowdown, and Rostelecom announced "Failure to functioning equipment".

According to the Ministry of Culture, problems with access to public sites are associated with failures in the work of the Rostelecom network routers.

What can communicate telecommunications and users

According to CLIMA, in the subtitle acts, it is indicated - if TSPUs begin to influence the quality of the provision of services and restrictions on Roskomnadzor make it difficult to work other services, operators can translate them into the bypass mode and allow traffic directly.

That is, the operator has the right to disable TSPU on user calls, if other than twitter work slows down, the work of Facebook, VKontakte or any other service will slow down. And explain this by possible financial and reputational losses - customer departure, negative in social networks, additional load on technical support.

Users can use VPN services, as in the case of the TELEGRAM last blocking, is "Must Have, as well as wash your hands before eating," experts say.

How can twitter

Representatives of the social network have not yet responded to the statements and actions of Roskomnadzor. Artyom Kozluk calls several options, which can be twitter:

  • Ignore warnings because of a small audience in Russia.
  • Complete requirements and delete content that Roskomnadzor considers unlawful.
  • To declare "digital resistance", as Pavel Durov did during the Telegram lock, and mask traffic in mobile applications.
  • Use alternative ways to access the service, including through TOR.
  • Interact with users and enlighten how to get around slowing and blocking the social network.

# News #twitter # Roskomnadzor # Lock

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