Scientists revealed the secrets of the genealogy of mammoths from the glacial period due to the oldest DNA in the world


Scientists revealed the secrets of the genealogy of mammoths from the glacial period due to the oldest DNA in the world 16670_1

Scientists led by the Genetic Lava Dahlya representing the center of Paleontology of the Stockholm University revealed the secrets of the Mammoth Mammoths from the Ice Age. It was possible to implement this thanks to the oldest DNA in the world obtained from the carcass of ancient animals obtained from frozen in the Eternal Siberian Marzlot.

Researchers were able to extract Mammoth DNA from indigenous teeth of extinct representatives of the elephant family. The age of obtained genetic material has about 1,200 years. Until the recent discovery of the most ancient of famous DNA, DNA of a prehistoric horse inhabited on the territory of modern Yukon (Canada) was considered 560-780 thousand years ago.

The international team of scientists recreated DNA sequences of three available samples in order to study the family of the Mammoth's genealogical tree.

Variations in the genetic material showed how 10-ton creatures with fangs were evolved when ice shields thick in a kilometer covered most of the northern hemisphere and revealed a previously unknown ancestor of mammoths that once wandered over North America.

"With this gigantic DNA, you can directly observe the evolution of a launched more than a million years," says Genetic from Illinois University in Urbane-Champane Alfred Roca. Changes in the genome are noticeable, what makes it possible to understand how the evolving one species gradually turns into completely different noted by an expert. The paleontologists of the British Museum of Natural Science explained: the Arctic Eternal Merzlot stores up to 10 million skeletons of giants with the bevnesses. After extracting ice, some carcasses are not destroyed and wool and fabrics are intact. From such materials, specialists and remove DNA for further research in order to learn more details about the life and habitat of Mammoths.

Analysis of DNA samples obtained from the carcass of ancient animals found on the territory of Northeastern Siberia in 1970 showed that two of them belong to the steppe mammoth - Mammuthus TroGontherii (the form lived in the Pleistocene Epoch in Eurasia). The growth of the steppe mammoth was 4 7 meters and the length of the beer was almost 5 meters. The woolly mammoth was Mammuthus Primigenius turned out to be the owner of the third DNA. The team of scientists found out that one steppe mammoth belongs to the evolving group of whose individuals gradually turned into a form of Mammuthus Primigenius. The head of the work of Dr. Dalien does not reject the hypothesis about the existence of two different types of mammoths.

As part of another study, experts in the Japanese University Kindai tried to "return to life" giant animals of the ice age. They used the DNA of the Mammoth identified in Siberia about 28 thousand years old and introduced genetic material into rodent cells. Due to severe damage, the genes were unsuitable for full functioning - not a single sign of molecular activity was found that cell division was provided. Love Dalien does not believe in the effectiveness of attempts to revive the mammoths and skeptically refers to such experiments.

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