About new weekends for teachers and bill on remote learning


Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Enlightenment of the Russian Federation, recommended this year on December 30 and 31, non-working days for teachers, and also made an explanation on the draft law on remote learning under consideration at the State Duma of Russia.

About new weekends for teachers and bill on remote learning 16647_1
About new weekends for teachers and bill on remote learning / https://static.ngs.ru/

According to him, in 2020, teachers had to rebuild work and adapt to new, unusual conditions. They were forced to develop technologies in the shortest possible time, promptly apply non-standard techniques, as well as rethink the conduct of the educational process as a whole.

Employees of the Russian education system "have done adequately with this challenge, and this fact was recognized at the international level of Economic Cooperation and Development." Teachers, according to the minister, "led lessons, continued to perform an educational function and engage in extracurricular activities. Did not stop their work and the organization of additional education. "

In addition, analyzing the activities of the department and responding to the questions of the listeners of "Business Breakfast", S. Kravtsov gave an explanation on the draft law under consideration in the State Duma, according to which the Ministry of Education will be able to independently establish the procedure for applying e-learning and remote educational technologies in schools.

The head of the department explained: "This bill, without introducing something fundamentally new, systematizes those norms that partly have already been earlier, clearly registering the powers, helping the procedure of action by the management authorities of education and schools."

In other words, if for any objective reasons, the subject of the Russian Federation decides on the temporary translation of schools on distance learning, then this requires a "modern regulatory framework: how to organize this format, as evaluations will be made, as will be the development of one or another material, Regulation. "

In order to establish such an order, it is necessary to divide the powers of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Education. It is for this a new draft law and aims.

However, according to the Minister, the draft law "does not imply a care from traditional schools in schools. A lively dialogue of the teacher with a student is the basis of our education, the basis of education programs that we actively expand now in all schools, and it is invariably. "

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