From love to hatred: 8 high-profile stars


Valeria and Alexander Shulgin;;

The relationship of this pair ended back in 2002, but many people remember them. The fact is that Valery one of the first public individuals in our country announced to all: in her family, domestic violence flourished. The spouse regularly raised her hand on her, so that the actress could not always apply black bruises. All this happened in front of the three children of the couple. As a result, Valery was submitted for divorce. And the only thing that was able to defend, this is the right of guardianship over sons and daughter. Neither the apartment, no money that appeared for almost 10 years of marriage with Shulgin, did not see the singer. Moreover, according to her current spouse, Joseph Prigogin tells, until now, before each performance, they have to coordinate with her first husband the possibility of execution of certain songs due to the fact that the copyrights of them he refused to transmit.

Agatha Mutzing and Paul Priluchny

Another story with the use of physical strength. One of the brightest and most beautiful artistic pairs broke off during self-insulation. At first, Agata laid out a heartbreaking video, where he said that Paul beat her, and then filed for a divorce. Initially, no one in the gap believes: the artists always lived, as on the American slides - they often swore and very violently revealed. But no, this time they went to the end. It is known that the marriage itself was peacefully, but the details were not disclosed. However, the journalists found out: a fighter with children (their actors two) moved to the mother to the apartment at the river station, and the incense stayed in a country house for which the mortgage pays.

Julia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin;;

The story is unique in its kind, because officially, Julia and Andrei were not married. However, the presence of common children and severeness allowed the Baranovskaya to exit the situation, if so we can say with minimal losses. She found out about the treason of Arshavin during the third pregnancy and immediately sued the property. It should be noted that at that time she was not a well-known TV presenter, but just a girl's star football. Nevertheless, Andrei's influence did not help. At the court of Yulia got a car, a three-bedroom apartment in St. Petersburg and undisclaimed monthly payout.

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko

For 30 years of marriage, artists lazy to the total property worth more than 2 billion rubles and for the third year - after betraying Petrosyan with a young assistant - cannot be divided into it. It is known that the description of the ex-spouses is more than 500 pages. There are 12 apartments, a house-museum of more than 500 sq.m, a collection of paintings, antiques, porcelain, books. Until recently, an expert assessment of all these dispute items were carried out. Now the court is ready to proceed with the consideration of the case on the merits. It seems that this divorce can become the most expensive in our country.

Mel Gibson and Robin Moore

In Hollywood, the palm of championship in this sense is holding Mel Gibson for more than 10 years. After his connection with the Pianist of Oxana Grigorieva became public domain, the official wife, Robin Moore, demanded a divorce. Seven common children and marriage experience in 30 years old have become weighty arguments. The verdict was: the actor obliged to pay the retired in the amount of half of his condition (at that time it was estimated at $ 850 million!), As well as to deduct the former spouse half of the fees for all subsequent cinema work. In addition, Moore got two mansion in Malibu a total value of $ 22.5 million.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver

Another Hollywood class one who had to spread with a round sum at parting with his wife. The scandal ran out 2 weeks after the couple noted a silver wedding. It turned out that Iron Arni did not just go to the left, but became the father of the annual child from the family house man. According to rumors, the offended Schryver demanded $ 400 million at a divorce, that is, the entire state of Schwarzenegger, but the court divided everything in half into the spouses.

Jeff and Mackenzie Lights

If in the filmmir, the strongest to-set up to Gibson, then in the world, in general, no one was cooler than the founder of Amazon. $ 39 billion - Yes, it was as much as he paid his ex-wife: she got a quarter of Jeff shares in Amazon. With the exception of this detail, it can be said that the divorce of the pair (yes, because of the treason of her husband!) It was peacefully. The ex-spouses thanked each other for all over the years, and Mackenzie promised half of his condition to pay for charity.

Madonna and Guy Richie

Not always, at the divorce, the homes pay the husbands. Madonna had to lay out from $ 70 to $ 80 million for the right to disperse with the Gay of Richie. Anyway, the amount is rather big. And the pop queen broke up with her for the children to stay with her. Well, and for the fact that during the seven years of marriage Richie actually put the director's career paused and worried a creative crisis, being in the shadow of the famous spouse. Obviously, the same argument he led to the court in order to pick up the castle from Madge and a couple of English pubs. True gentleman!

Photo source: altmann

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