Thousands of milk cabbage and her relatives: they are first put it - keep up to the last

Thousands of milk cabbage and her relatives: they are first put it - keep up to the last 16633_1

But what makes it takes to consider Kale Super-product, this is the abundance of phytochimicates, substances associated with cancer prevention, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension - four main causes of death in most countries, including in Russia.

It is believed that phytochemicals help prevent damage to cells, prevent the replication of cancer cells and reduce cholesterol levels.

Calais contains more than 45 different flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies also showed that cabbage is effective in reducing cholesterol levels and as detoxification.

One of the phytochemical elements of cabbage, sulforafan, helps enzymes output potentially carcinogenic substances from the body.

Today, many variations of feces with different colors, shape, tastes and texture have been displayed.

Thousands of milk cabbage and her relatives: they are first put it - keep up to the last 16633_2

There are red leaves, reminiscent of corals, and varieties with long green-purple leaves (they are planted under winter), dwarfs and real giants.

For example, recently on the Internet began to sell rare seeds of the old "milk-roll cabbage Calais", which the head fans transferred for themselves from the status of aft culture into a valuable culinary variety. Thousandsol cabbage produces huge leaves, eat them not die even caterpilts if they cast all other cultures and move on feces. In addition, on a giant cabbage to detect the pest is very simple.

Thousands of milk cabbage and her relatives: they are first put it - keep up to the last 16633_3

In the photo with the harvest of thousandths of Cabbage Semenovod Peter Miller from the British company Kings Seed, which produces seeds. Photo source:

To other indisputable advantages of this culture, whether it is even curly, at least thousandths, the maximum simplicity in growing.

Any beginner will achieve success. Total three or four plants give a family of four good weekly harvest.

Moreover, if you wish to open the season as soon as possible, you can sow in boxes-containers, while the rest of the area comes with snow and soil is still frown. No free drawer? A flower pot with a diameter of at least 30 cm and with a well-drained soil is suitable.

When landing in a cool time of the year, that is, in early spring, select the solar section. In the case of Kale, the People's Agropractory "Carrot Parok", which is used for landing in the merlotal land. You can read more about the carrot rod here.

Thousands of milk cabbage and her relatives: they are first put it - keep up to the last 16633_4

When the Earth overtakes and it will be possible to subside the compost or overwhelmed with a reworked manure, then turn the bed under the feces as the predecessor culture, since it does not endure the heat.

As summer and transfer of tomatoes and cucumber seedlings and cucumbers for permanent residence, pull out the feet of feces with the root to free the place for more thermal-loving vegetables, until autumn comes for the next landing round. The frost-resistant cabbage sits in the garden, which is called, until the latter, and only sweeter only from the cold.

In the prepared seed bed - just spend the groove with your finger - sow no deeper 1 cm with a distance between rows at 15 cm. Then go away, leaving the strongest and healthy shoots, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, because even dwarf varieties will be the size of Beach ball. Then crumple and paint the water heated in the sun. Even better, if you can do in advance to irrigate the "bearers" from the first weeds.

Remember that the roots of cabbage depart horizontally from the central stem. Use the straw clean mulch to cover the beds so that the soil remains cool, saved moisture and facilitated the nutrition of the root system.

With an early landing, the main problem may be birds striving for a juicy vitamin greenery. So, at first, I need protection in the form of a wire mesh fixed on the frame. Kale is fine tolerate shading.

The harvest time to collect when the leaves become the size of the palm. Collect them one by one, starting from the lowest and extreme leaves and moving towards the center. Always leave some small central leaves to stimulate growth. In most cases, you can harvest again from the same plants in five to seven days.

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