Office of the President of Kazakhstan acquired Airbus for $ 110 million


Office of the President of Kazakhstan acquired Airbus for $ 110 million

Office of the President of Kazakhstan acquired Airbus for $ 110 million

Almaty. March 18. KazTAG - Over the past week, the theme of aviation in Kazakhstan has reached the first lines of media ratings. The reason was the two news: one sad, associated with the fall of the AN-26 of the KNB Aviation Service, entailed the death of four and injuries of two military aviators. Fortunately, the survivors went on amendment.

Another news was told the country former journalist GosSmi Yerbol Mandibek, who said that the government's leadership flew over 2020 by T20 billion, using a deficit: Icra and whiskey. But as Aviakherosin, which last year KazTag reported and other media. The next day, the government denied the data of the journalist, but without bringing the fact.

The KazTAG news agency decided to find out what the celestial innocents fly in the literal and figurative sense of this concept.

In 2020, the Office of the President (UDP) acquired a new Airbus A320 Neo. According to the source, this aircraft serves the first president - Chairman of the Security Council, the leader of the nation, the owner of many state awards with bows and without bows - Nursultan Nazarbayev. At the Airbus A320 NEO in the VIP-configuration, similar to what has acquired the UDP, the manufacturer put the official price tag at $ 110 million on its website. Taking into account the weakness of Kazakhstanis to "modesty", it is possible that the Nazarbayev plane can cost as a little cheaper, so And at times more expensive.

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"Airbus A320 Neo is a family of improved versions of the narrow-body passenger jet aircraft of the Airbus A320 family," data on the Airbus website.

Abbreviation "Neo" means "New Engine Option", that is, the "new engine version". By the way, this aircraft in a simple cabin version costs about 80 million euros.

Not in rank, we give an example of the fact that the new aircraft also appeared at the Aviation Service of the KNB - Brazilian Embraer 650, the cost is $ 20 million.

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As the experts told us, it does not use the leadership of the CNB, since earlier, about seven years ago they acquired the Russian Superjet Russian aircraft from foreign components. According to these experts, the aircraft was acquired as a sign of solidarity with Russian colleagues. However, the leadership of the main intelligence service of Kazakhstan for long distances prefers to fly on other SuperJet-ah. Perhaps, thus, the management of Kazakhstansky security officers will choose the honor and youth of "dry". Taking into account the ambiguous reputation of the latter.

President Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev as a true diplomat, the sap of all flies on the modest aircraft Airbus 321-211 of 2013.

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True, he began to be used since August 2014. He is older than the new Nazarbayev aircraft, and much less than the former aircraft of Ebbasi - Airbus 330-233 of the 2007 release, which he began to use since 2010 and about which, probably heard many Kazakhstanis. Let our people do not think that the country is poor and our government could not immediately redeem these aircraft, and from one to four years an aircraft paid or took by installments. Just this time went to the equipment of these aircraft with special sets and VIP-salons.

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Defense management item can be conducted with 757 "Boeing". Once again, we will take away from the table of the ranks of the airstatus and remember that one of the first aircraft of the first president of Kazakhstan is the Boeing 757-2m6 of 1986. As experts say, at the time of purchase it cost cheaply, but was more expensive than one Kazakhstan businessman with citizenship of Kazakhstan and Israel. In 2008, the board was transmitted "from the sin of away" the government for servicing the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, and it is on the balance sheet of the Air Force. The foreign site sounds even more pathetic: Kazakhstan Air Force. This aircraft due to age does not have fuel economy, but what kind of savings can it be about when a homeland needs to be protected?

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The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Senate and Majilis Speakers use the aircraft of the Office of the President, and more precisely - its aircraft. According to the status of a visit, a range of flight and the number of accompanied persons, they are provided with appropriate side. Most often the same Airbus and Embraer.

To the question: "What are the remaining servants of the people from the composition of celestials fly?" Experts say that the higher the status they receive from their people, the more private "Jets" begin to love.

In working trips to regions and neighboring states, the head of the Presidential Administration, the State Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister, separate ministers give Embraer-s. The head of the presidential administration is flies to the new Akim region ... how do you not give him a plane?! Price

Great modesty according to aviators has the Secretary of State, Krymbek Kusherbayev, who regularly flies on the flight aircraft with the people. Sometimes on a regular flight, the leader of the administration of Yerlan Koshanova, First Deputy Prime Minister Alikhan Smafova. Despite the information on YouTube, about the presence of your Boeing aircraft with a VIP-salon, sometimes visible by the Speaker of Mazhilis Nurlan Nigmatulline. Naturally, all these servants of the people fly a business class. Although there, for example, you can see the rectors of many subsidiaries of state universities.

Akims of regions and ministers enjoy the favor of large businesses. And according to a net coincidence, flights of businessmen coincide with the missions of ministers and leaders of the regions of Kazakhstan.

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Business willingly goes to joint ventilation "Region - Nur-Sultan - Region", since during a joint flight you can discuss the investment policy of power and social responsibility of the business.

Sometimes the akims and ministers of course have to be content with the seats of business and economy class.

It is worth remembering the story as Chairman of the City Court of the capital of Tlectes Barpibaev One of the first delivered to Nur-Sultan from Germany COVID-19 - on the private Jet-E Bombardier of his "ұұ" (Swat) - Multimillionaire Baharidine Ablazimov. Because the Kazakhs say: "Kүyuu - Just Jyldyk, ұұda - Jyldyk." That in the semantic translation means the wedding of the young for 100 years, and the relatives will remain on the century. Respect!

But in that story it turned out badly - and SES, and journalists raised hype: an independent judge in the businessman plane. It turned out as in another Kazakh proverb: үylen oңy - and Bolu қyyn. That in the same sense translation means: it is easy to marry something, and not at all.

Therefore, with the flights of Kazakhstan's celestialists, not everything is so simple. There are many of them, and private "jets" do not feel at all.

And therefore untraizers-servants of the people, going down in a literal sense from the sky to the sinful land, it is necessary to enjoy the armored "Maybahmi" and simple "lexus", instead of the cars of Kazakhstan production - they are not even enough for simple mortals ...

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