Grade of early cabbage with increased yield


    Good afternoon, my reader. Early grade cabbage heads are small in size and do not differ long storage. But it is precisely it is capable of growing rapidly and to please good, fresh taste and juice already in the first half of summer. The best varieties presented below are able to grow on a slightly grounded soil and in thickened landings.

    Grade of early cabbage with increased yield 16603_1
    Grade of early cabbage with increased yield of Maria Verbilkova

    Refers to salad varieties. It is a rapid hybrid, heads in a mature condition have a weight from 0.8 to 1.5 kg. Capustions do not crack. High yield rates are marked in the middle lane of Russia, the Volga-Vyatka and West Siberian regions.

    Distinctive signs of varieties are a small knocker, the leaves of a pale green shade, covered with a wax chain. In the middle of the white kochess. Cabbage has a soft taste and a pronounced smell.

    To obtain a large crop, you need to choose solar places, ensure timely watering, making feeding and soil looser. Suitable for growing in dense landings.

    Salad variety, which distinguishes high yield, even with highly thickened landings. The weight of the mature heads from 0.8 to 1.5 kg, outside green and rather dense. Inside have a yellowish hue and soft leaves.

    Salad variety with high storage time. Heads are large, from 1.5 to 3.5 kg of weight. Distinctive features are increased yield, resistance to common diseases and insects. Not bad tolerate drought and transportation.

    Grade of early cabbage with increased yield 16603_2
    Grade of early cabbage with increased yield of Maria Verbilkova

    Capping heads strong, dense, round, white and green shade. Sustainable cracking, differ in bright taste.

    A variety of special popularity. Sustainable freezing and cold. Head weight from 2 to 3 kg. Pretty dense cochanists are formed by soft leaves, painted into light green tones.

    There is a good height of the heads during thickened landings. An early landing in open ground is provided, since the June cabbage is not afraid of frosts up to -5 ° C.

    Contains vitamin C in greater quantities than other varieties. Suitable for the preparation of any dishes, but not used for chairs.

    Hybrid variety, resistant to rot and fleas. Head weight does not exceed 1.2 kg. The most often prepared salads from it. Light green cochanists have a yellow middle.

    Poor tolerate hot weather, but do not die when cooling. Casuals are not cracking, well tolerate transportation.

    Early hybrid distinguished by high yield. Head weight from 0.9 to 1.2 kg. Do not crack, their bright taste is marked.

    Kochevy are formed by small green leaves with wavy edges. Kochan is different from other varieties, as it has an oval shape. Tight enough. Especially high yield is marked in the Central Region of the Russian Federation.

    This variety is grown in all regions. Casuals are round, with low density. Sweet taste is brightly revealed in salads. Heads mass from 1 to 1.5 kg.

    Grade of early cabbage with increased yield 16603_3
    Grade of early cabbage with increased yield of Maria Verbilkova

    The leaves are small, they are noticeable with a small wax flare. Heads are not cracking, they have resistant to common diseases. Regular watering is required, since the start F1 does not survive with a lack of moisture.

    Unpretentious, resistant to cracking grade. Casuals are dense, strong. Green shade in section is distinguished by transfer F1 from other varieties. Very juicy, practically not subject to pest attacks.

    No more than one month is stored. Ideal for the preparation of salads and other dishes where fresh cabbage is required. Mass of heads up to 1.5 kg.

    Suitable for growing in all areas of Russia. It has increased yield and bright taste. Round cochanists are formed with small leaves, have a small density.

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