Saratov Oblsud: The case of a bribe against the prosecutor of Prigarov was opened only by the testimony of the director of the Saratov "Ritual"

Saratov Oblsud: The case of a bribe against the prosecutor of Prigarov was opened only by the testimony of the director of the Saratov
Photo of the press service of the Saratov Regional Court

Today, January 14, the press service of the Saratov Regional Court published an official comment on the fact of solving the instance of the abolition of home arrest to the prosecutor of the Kirovsky district Andrei Prigarov, accused of obtaining a bribe in particularly large amounts.

The court said that in addition to bribes in 18 million rubles, it is charged with an episode in part 1 of article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official authority). Both criminal cases were initiated on December 30, and the next day the prosecutor was detained by the operatives of the FSB.

"The investigator appealed to the court with a petition for election against Prigarov A.V. Preventive measures in the form of detention. However, a different, softer preventive measure was chosen by the Volga District Court - home arrest for a period of 2 months. The court of first instance was taken into account the positive characteristics and the presence of a young child.

With such a decision, I did not agree to the defense, nor the accusation. The prosecutor introduced an appeal presentation, requested the court decision to cancel, and make a new one who satisfy the petition of the investigator. Its requirement justified the fact that for many years of work in the prosecutors bodies, the accused acquired extensive social ties, using which it can affect the objectivity of the criminal investigation. In addition, the accusation side feared that Prigarov A.V. Will be able to put pressure on a witness in order to change its testimony.

The protection side has taken a completely opposite position. In the appeal, the lawyer indicated that the application for the crime was written on December 30, and on the same day a criminal case was initiated. The defense believed that for such a short term, the investigation could not be carried out proper verification of the case, and therefore there was no reason for its initiation, "the press service notes.

The court recalled that, according to the explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the election as a measure to curb the detention is allowed only after checking the court of substantiation of suspicion of persons involved in the crime.

"During the appeal consideration of the judicial material, it turned out that the validity of suspicion of Prigarova A.V. In involvement in committing a crime is not confirmed. The investigation substantially substantiated his petition only to the testimony of the witness Shlekina M.N., who claimed that she passed the cash as a bribe Prigarov A.V. Through the mediator of Vartanova O. Sh. At the same time, any evidence that the cash came from the mediator to Prigarov A.V., as well as, he was able to dispose of these means at his own discretion, not presented. Information about the location of Vartanova O.Sh. And that he was interrogated under the specified circumstances, there are no materials in the investigated bodies. Evidence of the involvement of Prigarova A.V. There are no other crimes. Based on this, the court found that the testimony of only one witness Shlekina M.N. are insufficient to confirm the involvement of Prigarov A.V. To commit a crime, "the oblast says.

In addition, during the court session, the accusation side was invited to submit additional evidence of the reasonableness of the suspicion of Andrei Prigarov in obtaining a bribe, but from the proposal the prosecutors refused, argued in the regional service.

"To date, Prigarov A.V. Not fired from the prosecution authorities and continues to be in the status of the prosecutor of the Kirov district of Saratov. The judicial material does not see the data that it may hide either otherwise prevent the production of criminal proceedings. On the contrary, it follows that it has sustainable social ties, is a widower and raises a minor child, "the press service reports.

The Saratov Regional Court, having heard the arguments of the parties, canceled the decision of the Volzhsky District Court on the election of the prosecutor to Prigarov's preventive measures in the form of a home arrest. The court also refused to satisfy the petition for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention.

  • Andrei Prigarov was detained by the operatives of the UFSB of Russia in the Saratov region on suspicion of obtaining a bribe of 18 million rubles from the representative of the funeral company for "patronage". According to some data, right before the arrest, the prosecutor wrote a letter of dismissal.
  • Later it became known about the detention of the director of the Saratov Musp "Ritual" by Mikhail Shlechain on the same cause.
  • Later it became known about the initiation against Andrei Prigarov another criminal case. As told in the CCR, it is about obtaining 15 million rubles from the construction company.

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