Readers told how domestic pets struck them with their intelligence


Our fluffy friends are cats and dogs - are considered quite smart animals. And the latter, according to researchers, almost 2 times smarter than Murzikov and Barsikov. But sometimes pets with their extraordinary behavior forcing their own owners to open her mouth from surprise.

Readers recently shared stories about how their shaggy pets proved everyone around that they are smarter than it seems.

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© Anna Zhavonkova / Facebook

  • In my childhood I had a dog Sophia. Smart is unused. Once, when I was not at home, my friend's girlfriend came to me. Sophia lay on the porch. Her light asked her as a joke: "Sophia, where is Tanya?" Sofya got up and went, Sveta behind her. The dog spent her through 3 streets to the house where my married sister lived. I asked the girlfriend in surprise: "How did you find me, were you never here?" In response: "Sophia led." © Tatyana Elizarova / Facebook
  • We scolded our cat for the fact that she had been tasty from everywhere. The covers of the saucepan and all sorts of boxes were far from the barrier for her. We have a cell at home, where we put it for a short time for misdeed. One day I come, I look - the cat sits in a cage with the head down. I thought: didn't my girl drank? Does not give in any persuasion and does not come out. Well, I think, okay, then we'll figure it out. I go to the kitchen and see that the fish was stolen and ate, leaving only the skeleton. Here I realized that the cat had punished herself for not kept. © Diana Binyamin / Facebook
  • When I was about 17, my sister brought a kitten from the street. The pitiful one was, the tail was broken. They left, grew up in a hefty black and white quotes. Very fighting cat. But it cost me to give birth and bring the baby to the house, as he became the best nannik, in general, he did not go away from his daughter. That will only feel that she sleeps tightly, goes to drink and eat. While the diet did not fall asleep, will sit. It was worth the baby to squeak, immediately fled to us, meowed, I bit my feet, they say, go, she cries. © Daria Panasenkova / Facebook

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© Olga Ra / Facebook

  • My grandmother lives an incredibly curious and intelligent catatin - varnish. So, grandma every evening before going to bed makes a spontaneous apartment - checks gas, locks, light, water. And Varka with her. The paws becomes the door and looks at the castle, looks into the sink, on the stove. And so deluth, as if it really checks. And if the grandmother suffered a TV and did not go check on time, the varnish sits on the threshold of the room and starts meow. Somehow grandmother told her: "Well, go, check myself." And that jumped and ran. Grandmother of interest traced her. The cat made a complete circle, checking the door, and gas, and water. © Olga RUD / Facebook
  • We once had a cat Tikhon (he also quiek), opened the refrigerator with one paw, if they forgot the chair. Once before Easter, he ate a stick sausage (for Olivier) and 3 herds. Mom cut off him and said that these products were for the holiday. Tishka left, and an hour later brought home a huge liver (5 kg). Only in 3 days we learned that by 2 houses from us cut the calf, and and the cat decided to help. © Elena Didenko / Facebook
  • My dachshund Basya, if I chat for too long on the phone, is suitable with a silent toy and it becomes very actively becoming so that the conversation dries. Yeah, you have to call. © Tatyana Kozyarska / Facebook

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© Lika Gavrilevich / Facebook

  • We had a cat and dog (Rottweiler). When everyone went to work, they remained in the apartment alone. From work we return, the entire floor is littered with shoes of newspapers. It should be noted that the newspapers lay a stack on the closet. It repeated this several times. Somehow the husband stayed at home, and the whole picture cleared. The cat climbed on the closet, the paw dropped the dog to the newspaper (one!), And he sat and waited. Then we decided to the newspaper in the paws, the cat followed this process, then reset the next one. Entertained so they are each other ... © Natalia Palchak / Facebook
  • We have a long history. The heroes of this story are no longer with us, but it is impossible to forget it. My grandmother got sick, lies for several days in bed, there is nothing wants, just drinks tea with milk. Looking at this "disgrace", our shepherd Lada found somewhere a tender and brought his grandmother. I put her bed and sits waiting when she takes him in his hands. Grandma always remembered this case with tears. © Irina Rytina / Facebook
  • Our cat is driving us in the evening. It looks like a shepherd dog drives sheep. It comes up to everyone and meow on elevated tones without stopping. We catch yourself on what we start justifying the cat, such as everyone, calm down, we go to sleep. And he continues to darid. As a result, everything in beds. He checks - sitting next to 10 minutes and then goes on business. © Elena Yahtova / Facebook

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© Natalia Bodnaryuk / Facebook

  • Our cat is a corner, when it was aged, borrowed chronic bronchitis, when the exacerbation of which began to cough. The prescribed drugs refused, but he burned everything with a disservice, when Dad guessed to mix them with milk and add a couple of drops of Valerian. When this simple dependence has reached the coal (cough = yummy), he began to simulate cough. From the second time it was bred on clean water. © Lev-Kindulov / Facebook
  • We have a Babe's cat. He always follows me, like a dog. If I am sick, you will not disappear from it, heals. And hugs, and falls on me, and sings songs. According to their business, it runs for a minute and with a very serious view returns back. She is a doctor, she needs to quickly return to the patient! © Lika Gavrilevich / Facebook
  • I somehow picked up a very nasty virus - the temperature is high, and rushed all the time. There could not be a few days. Edge Miki ran everywhere after me. Once I got up too sharply and the weakness and pressure drop lost consciousness. I woke up on the floor, and Miki pokes me with your nose on the cheek, licks the eyelids, and on my lips I am a raw chicken wing from his bowl. And what to do, quite the mistress of the cant. © Mirjam Zautina / Facebook

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© Jeanne Marambay / Facebook

  • More our cat saved us from fire and earthquake. The daughter studied in the 4th grade. Somehow she came from school, put a dinner on the slab healing, and herself went to bed. The wind blew the curtains towards the plate. They broke out, fell to the floor, the floor caught fire, the oil was on the table. Our cat came running to her daughter, began to tear off the blanket, woke up. She thought he wanted outside, and went after him. But he ran to the kitchen, stopped at the door, looked at her, they say, see what you did. Fire daughter has time to put out. In 1982 there were several earthquakes in Moldova. That day the daughter came from school and fell asleep. Suddenly the cat began to scold the blanket on it and wake her. When she woke up, he ran to the door. They did not have time to go out, an earthquake began. Where the daughter slept, hung a pot with a flower. During the earthquake, he fell, and if she had not woken up, a pot fell on her head. © Jeanne Marambay / Facebook
  • I lived a Staffordshire Terrier and Cattle. The cat was older and wiser. They noticed that the dog was allergic. Could not understand what. And then they found the picture: the cat dropped the dog from the table of candy, she unfolded them and ate, and pushed the paper to the sofa. © Elena Serebryanskaya / Facebook
  • My other cat is not voracious, eating in moderation. But at the sight of your empty bowl falls into hysterics. Be sure to keep something in it. At the same time, such miracles of tricks show! Makes the view that wallpaper scratches, and the faint of hungry with him, and feet bitches, and she shows all sorts of woman. A whole presentation. Actor dramatic! © Elena Serebryanskaya / Facebook

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© Anna Zhavonkova / Facebook

  • 2 Labrador. One 3.5 years, the second is a puppy. Merlin (Jr.), like all small, heating. It is worth a senior to take something, a toy for example, immediately takes, immediately he needs it. And now I am watching the picture: Jumbo (Senior) takes the rope, and then a small cywood comes on and takes himself a toy. Here Jambo gets up and goes to the kitchen. There is a basket with nuts in the corner (he never was interested in them, unlike the younger, who often stole and squandered the middle, leaving the shell on the floor). So, he goes straight to the basket, takes a nut into the mouth and returns to the room, stops near Merlin and does not sit down or falls (as they usually make dogs, when something solid is harvested), but spits the nut on the floor. Merlin immediately loses interest in the rope - and running to nut. Jambo, in the meantime, the rope is accepted again. I saw it with my own eyes, and it was not a confluence, but a thoughtful plan. They are very smart. © Galina Stegher / Facebook

Does your pets make something that says about their high intelligence?

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