Breastfeeding and maternal complexes - Mom History


Now a lot is said about the benefits of natural parenthood, in particular, about the benefits of breastfeeding.

It turns out that moms who are now grandmothers, with their "we are all a non-flux, such a breed" is not quite right. And "Poor, suspension and doctors with a mixture to normal" - also the relic of the past. And you can feed longer than a year. Many myths who came to us from the past, modern specialists dispel. However, the category of women appeared, for which the difficulties with breastfeeding were many years of pain. Here are the stories of several of them.

Margarita: "Throwing to feed after a month of attempts"

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My son is already four years old, and I say myself every day:

- He has a normal immunity. He is no different from children who fed a breast at least to six months. My child did not suffer from this completely.

From almost a complete absence of GW suffered only myself. I didn't even mind pregnancy to me that it was necessary to somehow prepare for this. For some reason, believed that Nature did everything for me. I have a breast, but it means that I can fade by any amount of babies. How can it be otherwise?

Son in the maternity hospital just did not take. He was so lazy to suck, which was just lying under my sidel, until he fell asleep from hunger. I vilue in that, that a little time did not reach. The baby was physically weak. In two weeks, he did not just not restored the weight lost in the first days, he continued to lose weight. The doctor at the reception looked at me as a contemptuous look and said:

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- Quit the mixture.

Not to convey words, what a bad mother I felt. She began to look for a consultant for breastfeeding. But I live in a small provincial town, there are simply no such specialists here. He turned remotely. Skype consultant categorically told me any mixture into a diet not to enter, feed exclusively with breasts, not to fall asleep.

"Three days later the situation will change for the better," she won me. I transferred money for communication and began to do what they said.

Nothing changed. The child slept on the chest. It was enough literally on two chips, then he fell from hunger and fatigue.

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I wonder: star mothers who are constantly criticized, but they don't care

I have come and gave a mixture. The hope that the baby will be on mixed nutrition, that is, it will still get enough useful maternal milk. He roared and fell asleep perfectly. It was the first night when the crumb was not tormented by gases. I understand, the mixture is more severe food, in a dream it was easier to digest her. But after the breast he fell up with cry, pulled the legs to the stomach and very tormented. Bottle of the mixture - and no problems. Feed his breasts, did the substitute - again a terrible roar and suffering.

In my son, I spit and stopped experimenting with GW - as my husband called. After that, we did not know any problems with the belly at all. Everything was set up instantly. And I was very soused. It turns out that I am some kind of alone?

Tamara: "Stopped feeding because of drugs, then could not restore GW"

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Everyone still says that the child fed to the year. In fact, I lie. About the daughter of three months I got sick. The doctor discharged antibiotics and categorically ordered to close the breastfeeding.

- You do not want drugs to influence your child's health?

Of course, I did not want. But I did not plan to feed in feed. I won the history of moms, which in a similar situation managed to restore the GW after the end of the course of treatment. My planned for a week. That is, in two I was going to feed my daughter again.

Breastfeeding for me was the most convenient option. Because of your lifestyle, I travel a lot and even fly. The idea that he would have to carry extra weight everywhere, I was very oppressed. This is a mixture bank, a pair of bottles, water, a thermos with boiling water - so much you need to have with you! And so - got the chest, and the baby is fed better food in the world, which is also the desired temperature. Do not heal anything.

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To restore HB, I was advised, the so-called "nest method". A few days to lie with your daughter in bed, having contact skin to the skin, and give her breasts for every squeak. I prepared. Put everything you need next to bed. Get up going only to the toilet.

But with us this wonderful method did not work. That daughter got used to the mixture by the hour, whether the drugs were influenced on my lactation. In general, she did not take particular chest, and I did not have the volume of milk. Without a mixture, we lasted four days with a hunger, a bad sleeping child.

I have a slight roof from stress. Now I understand that when the husband who came from his work observed this picture and gave the daughter a mixture, he may have saved us both. I'm already from the scream and infertility attempts in an inadequate state. Since then, the child is completely completely on artificial feeding. Plus there - we can with her husband get up to her night in turn. Minus - My feeling of guilt and oppressed state.

Alina: "I always knew that I would not cast a baby"

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In our family, no one has happened to breastfeeding. My mother was fed for three months. She managed to hold out with his brother - and she considered it an unspecified luck. The phrase about the fact that we are all "harsh breed", I listened to almost from childhood.

The pregnancy also connected mother-in-law with its recommendations.

- Four months on the chest - more than enough, - she authoritatively declared. - And now they feed one year old elephants! In this milk there is no longer any use, they are all feeding! It would be better about the psyche of children thought - they are already naked Mamina Titki can remember!

I was in the first pregnancy not only the young, but also very busy. I needed to finish the Institute. Therefore, I really hoped to help both grandmothers and their advice. In fact, it was granted responsibility for the child to the older generation.

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See also: Psychological practices to strengthen communication with the child

And my milk came almost immediately after childbirth. He was enough for three babies. Could work the cormal. But at home, I was already waiting for several cans with a mixture. She began to give almost immediately after discharge.

I got great pleasure from breastfeeding. Although I expected the promised "horrors" - cracks, pains, lactostasis. Nothing happened. But to realize how lucky I was, I could not. Gave the child to grandmothers - they made a mixture. Then daughter and herself began to give up his chest. From the bottle, it is more convenient to drink. So it turned out that I fattened the most projected four months.

Very goodbye to GW. I seemed to have selected something very important. I just did not understand what it was. A few years later I gave birth to second and fed to two years. It was a daily buzz that no one had understood in the family. How is it to want to feed your children yourself? This is torment, this is a constant binding to the baby! So the grandmother would pick up to himself, might stand up at night, and I decided myself. Crazy mother some.

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I caught what I was not enough with the older daughter. I regret that I did not have enough brains not to listen to the councils and just feed the baby.

When GW needs not only a child

Now breastfeeding consultants often suggest that it is necessary not only the child, but also his mother. Of course, kids-artificials will also get high-quality food, and quite maternal attention. But examples of these women suggest that Mom can blame himself for years. However, sometimes you need to forgive your own things and calmly raise your children on. Women even here need to support themselves, and not condemn.

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