The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the "curse" of Pope. She was pregnant


The history of life and death of a young Soviet

Inna Burduchenko may seem some kind of unreal, as if it's just the plot of the film. She was not a famous, a simple girl who studied in theatrical - and then she miraculously received a major role in the film of the famous director. This role changed her life and glorified not only in the Union, but also far abroad.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burduchenko

And after all, it was waiting for a wonderful future! New roles, a big celebrity, the whole life is ahead! But the "curse" of the Pope Roman ordered otherwise ...

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

Beauty Inna Burduchenko was born in 1939 in the Ukrainian city of Chernigov. She always loved literature and rhythmic gymnastics. It is immediately clear that the girl wanted a artistic future, but her relatives insisted the doctor's career. But Inna was self-sufficient - she did what she wanted. So she went to Kiyov to conquer the theater Institute.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

True, one perseverance was not enough, because she could not do from the first time. But the girl decided not to give up and settled in the requisition to be closer to his dream - to the stage and study at the institute! She was engaged for a long time engaged in the props and even a couple of times took part in the crowd. Somehow, she had the opportunity to play the role of Gemma in the play "Wood", which led her to the first success. One year later, the beginning actress took the Institute for the course of Vladimir Nelli.

Inna Burudchenko

In the third year, Inna is incredibly lucky, life turned cool, really reminding some kind of film. She calmly walked down the street, as suddenly he was familiar with the director's assistant. He immediately realized that this girl was supposed to be held in their new film "Ivanna". And then it turned out that the girl is not just beautiful, but also familiar with the case, because Inna studied at the Theater Institute. All doubts disappeared, and Inna was approved on a major role.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

It is logical to ask, and where is the Pope and some kind of curse? Still good? It was as long as the film, where she played the main role, did not see the world. The problem is that the film in which Inna was starred was anti-religious. Her heroine is a priest daughter, a guerrilla. The plot unfolds in the city of Lviv on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War. According to the scenario, the girl turns away from God, and during the war decides to enter the rows of partisans. The viewers are loved by the film, but they did not perceive it abroad. It is rumored that the Pope itself betrayed this picture Anathema. And in less than a year, a young actress was overtaken in a year.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

Inna, Inna was filmed in the new film "Flower on Stone". According to the scenario, her heroine was supposed to bear a banner from a burning wooden building. She has a dumble, of course, there were no and all the tricks, like many other actors, she performed independently.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

At the time of shooting this action

It was in shoes and in the unfortunate chance stuck in them between floorboards. She failed to get out and the burning beam fell on top on her top. It is strange that no one hurried to help with actress, perhaps experienced shock. Winched to the victim only worker from the mass of the name of Ivanov. He heroically pulled Innu from the fire, but there was no chance. The girl received 70 percent of the body surface burns, the doctors could not be saved. The terrible thing is that she was in the third month of pregnancy.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

The suggestive and having a great future Inna died on August 15, 1960. Shortly before his death, the girl married, and after a few months she had to become a mother, and in general, an incredible life was waiting for her. But the fate is ruthless - takes the one who wants.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

The actress has found his latest refuge in the bike cemetery in Kiev.

The well-known Soviet actress suddenly left his life after the
Inna Burudchenko

We also prepared for you the history of the life of the once of the First Beauty

which left life in complete oblivion. And recently famous actress

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