Main on Tuesday: New Dummy from Bypol, agreements with Russia and 5 thousand proposals for VNS

Main on Tuesday: New Dummy from Bypol, agreements with Russia and 5 thousand proposals for VNS 16567_1
Main on Tuesday: New Dummy from Bypol, agreements with Russia and 5 thousand proposals for VNS 16567_2
Main on Tuesday: New Dummy from Bypol, agreements with Russia and 5 thousand proposals for VNS 16567_3

Today, some details of the Allbalorussian People's Assembly, which will be held February 11-12, 2021 are known. So, the network has a new video from Bypol, Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko called the number of appeals that have already arrived from citizens, and the head of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Anatoly Fox told who from the region will enter the number of delegates. At the same time, it became known that Belarus and Russia agreed on oil and gas, and in the publication "Ganzavitsky Hour" came with a search. Below we tell about all this.

Video of the day: new plums from Bypol

Today on the Internet is discussed by a new discharge of information published by POL. It's about the detention of this spring Sergey Tikhanovsky. Included in the network, including a short passage of a person's speech, whose voice reminds the voice of the former Minister of the Internal Affairs of the Karayev. The key promise of the speaker: "There is no articles on it - we must come up with and put it for a long time."

Confirm or disprove the truth of this fragment is not possible. We applied for a comment in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and publish it if we get.

Recall Sergey Tikhanovsky was detained on May 29 during a picket in Grodno. Today, he passes the accused of three articles of the Criminal Code:

- organization of actions, roughly violating public order;

- preventing the work of the Central Election Commission;

- inciting racial, national, religious or other social hostility or retail, committed by a group of persons either by negligence the death of man or other serious consequences.

7 years for organizing mass riots and insult Lukashenko

Today, the judge of the Novogrudsky district Vasily Alekhnovich sentenced Vladimir Gorokh and Denis Kireshchenko, reports to the center of Vyasna deprived of registration in Belarus. The first was accused of organizing mass riots (part 1 of article 293 of the Criminal Code) and an insult to the president (part 1 of article 368). The second is the most difficult, 3rd part of the article on the organization of riots.

As a result, the peas are sentenced to 7 years in a reinforced regime colony. Kireshchenko - by one and a half years of the colony of the general regime.

Vladimir Porosh was detained on August 18. According to the prosecution, he was preparing for mass riots in Novogrudok and some other settlements, was going to attract many people to it; He said that he plans to wait for the building, resist the authorities, block the road with sawed trees. But did not have time to do, as it was exposed. He also posted in Novogrudsky chat "obscene in shape and humiliating in the direction of statements ... which contain a negative assessment of A. Lukashenko."

Kireshchenko was detained on August 8, he was accused of part 293rd, which provides for the responsibility for the preparation and training of participants in mass riots. According to the investigation, during a meeting with people, he reported on the possibility of using telescopic sticks as weapons and showed how to use them. Also, according to the prosecution, spoke about the possibility of payment.

The accused guilt was not recognized.

During the process, the prosecutor requested 2 years of general regime for Kireshchenko and 8 years reinforced for pea. The judge gave a little less.

Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko: Belarus agreed on oil and gas on favorable conditions

Today, the Prime Minister Roman Publichenko, during a visit to Belaruskali OJSC, said that Belarus agreed with Russia for oil and gas supplies for 2021 on favorable conditions for themselves, BelTA reports.

- As always, negotiations of any kind are accompanied by a certain trading regarding the conditions. But in principle, everything ended for Belarus on good, favorable terms, "said Roman Puzzchenko.

TASS with reference to its source reports that Russia and Belarus approved the chart of oil supplies through pipelines for the first quarter of 2021. It involves exports to the Belarusian refinery of 4.5 million tons of oil.

Chairman of the House of Representatives called the number of appeals received from citizens to discuss on the All-Belarusian People's Assembly

Today, Chairman of the House of Representatives, Vladimir Andreichenko, told reporters about the number of reports received for discussion. According to him, it is 5 thousand, BelTA reports.

Andreichenko stressed that even before the announcement of the date of the forum, there were discussions on the political and economic development of Belarus, and dialogues were worked. The parliament from citizens received more than 5 thousand proposals.

- On the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, you need to answer the expectations of people. This will be done, - added Chairman of the House of Representatives.

In addition, today in the Brest region, the nomination of delegates on the VI All-Belarusian People's Assembly began, the chairman of the regional executive committee of Anatoly Lis. He told who will be among the delegates. It is known that their nomination takes place at the sessions of the city and district councils of deputies.

- Up to 70% of delegates are deputies of the Soviets of different levels, ranging from rural, district, as well as the city and regional council. More than 30% of the meeting participants will compile representatives of the main, largest public organizations - veteran, BRSM, trade unions, "Bella Rus". Delegates will be 310 people. Plus a small number of invited from our area, "said the governor.

In particular, the region's curators from the republican government bodies, representatives of the law enforcement block will be as invited.

The editorial office of "Ganzavіqaga Chasu" came with the search

At the editorial office of "Ganzavіqaga Chasu" at 10:30, a police came with the searches. No details yet. It is known that there is the editor of Peter Guzaevsky. This is reported by Bazha.

Ganzavіtskі hour newspaper 19 years old. She registered by the Ministry of Information and belongs to the MEDIA-Gantsevichi enterprise, which founded the site "Ragian Pershes".

It is also known that the search takes place at home at the publisher of the newspaper "Ganeviki Hour" and the site "Ragіyen Pershu" Peter Guzaevsky.

(will be supplemented)

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