19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen


What would be happening in our life, for sure each of us remembers the moment when I was happy, like a 5-year-old child, jumped and squeezed from joy. It could be anything: the wedding, getting a diploma, receiving a dream job, buying a house or just the ability to paint your hair into that very cherished color.

We are in ADME.ru confident that in each of us sitting a small "I", which will not wait for it when you can forget all this adult nonsense and just be happy. And whatever the reason for fun, so I want to share with someone overwhelming you with emotions! What made the heroes of our selection.

"I think the photographer perfectly captured the happiness that I felt on this day"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_1
© amandapandapants17 / reddit

"9 months ago I woke up after the operation on the brain, and I paralyzed"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_2
© BitterlyRadiant / Reddit

"And today I prove that everyone who did not believe in my restoration was mistaken. IM proud of myself!"

"My father was worried that my deaf and blind dog would not recognize him after a year of absence. But I think she found out. "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_3
© haydenkristal / reddit

"I always dreamed of graduating from college and get a diploma!"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_4
© KeithSpexma / Reddit

"I dreamed of silver hair for so long, and finally happened! Surprisingly, as a simple color change can make a person. "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_5
© VIC1822 / Reddit

"Yesterday I told my boyfriend, which reached the maximum level of happiness. We love each other, we have excellent work, our parents are alive and healthy. But today he made me even happier "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_6

"Last year I was depressed. I spent the year to restore health and abandon antidepressants. I feel good again. "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_7
© Livin_Right / Reddit

"I struggled with cancer for more than three years. And just ended the last session of my treatment! "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_8
© SmellyarMpitz / Reddit

"Congratulations, Itan! No more chemotherapy! "

"Yesterday I woke up with my best friend"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_9
© sfetyko / Reddit

"All my life I shonened my teeth and eventually accumulated enough money to put veneers on the 4 top teeth. I no longer hide my smile from people. "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_10
© Calano_art / Reddit

"After the ten years of my boyfriend, my boyfriend made me an offer on the anniversary of dating, and I am incredibly happy."

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_11
© Domidoms / Reddit

"My transformation lasted a year. In 37 years I have finally such a body, which I always wanted "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_12
© Callese / Reddit

"After a year of waiting, so that my cat is used to me, he finally admitted his own. My heart is filled with joy "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_13
© MadPanda11 / Reddit

"My husband and I bought our first home! I'm so happy that I found the perfect dwelling for my family "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_14
© Fortwangle / Reddit

"I was thinking that I could never get pregnant. And now it really happened. I am pregnant!"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_15
© Joanieloveschachii / Reddit


"Yesterday I finally put a dental implant, and I am happy"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_16
© Khadejeh / Reddit

"I am happy that I was able to lose more than 40 kg and returned control over my life. I feel much better"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_17
© hghlvldvl / reddit

"For 5 years I suffered braces, operations on jaw and dental implants, and finally it all ended! It is impossible to be happier! "

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_18
© Luneax / Reddit

"I like the reaction of my test so much when he saw my wife at our wedding"

19 moments of concentrated happiness that splashed on you through the screen 16522_19
© Havik09 / Reddit

And what moment in your life can be called the most happy?

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