Kate Middleton as a child: Rare Archival Photo of the Duchess of Cambridge with Mom

Kate Middleton as a child: Rare Archival Photo of the Duchess of Cambridge with Mom 16521_1

March 14, 2021 in the UK marked Mother's Day. In honor of this, family photos shared not only ordinary citizens and stars of show business, but also members of the royal family. So, the Buckingham Palace published an architect shot of Elizabeth II with his mother, and Clarence House showed a photo of Prince Wales and Duchess Cornish with mothers. And later, the Kentsington Palace presented the children's photo Kate Middleton, writes Joinfo.com.

Little Kate Middleton with Mom

Official accounts of the Kensington Palace on social networks have published two beautiful photos in honor of the Mother's Day. "Today we celebrate two other special moms. The cake is made by George, Charlotte and Louis," the report says.

Kate Middleton as a child: Rare Archival Photo of the Duchess of Cambridge with Mom 16521_2
Photo: Instagram / Kensingtonroyal

In the first picture, the public was able to see a pretty cake that was made by three children of Cambridge. Dessert is decorated with icing, delicacies and six multi-colored tubes, bent in the form of hearts.

But the second frame attracted special attention to the public. On the rare archival photo, young Kate Middleton is captured, which holds a young mother for his hand. The future wife of Prince William looks very cute in the photo. It is wearing a beautiful white dress and red sandals. And Carol Middleton posed on camera in a purple dress with a print.

Kate Middleton as a child: Rare Archival Photo of the Duchess of Cambridge with Mom 16521_3
Photo: Instagram / Kensingtonroyal

It is worth noting that Mom became a role model for the Duchess of Cambridge. The royal author of Katie Nikall described their relationship: "Kate looks at Carol as a sample of how she raises his own children. They have always had intimacy, and they really discuss all the moments."

Kate Middleton as a child: Rare Archival Photo of the Duchess of Cambridge with Mom 16521_4
Carol Middleton. Photo: Getty Images

Despite the fact that Mom Catherine is a successful businesswoman, she always paid the time to three heirs. And this approach of the wife of Prince William uses in the upbringing of his children. She seeks her family to be in the first place, despite the saturated working schedule.

And earlier Kate Middleton and Prince William talked to the public to tears. Photos of the Kensington Palace appeared photos of postcards, which were made by the children of Cambridge for the deceased grandmother - Princess Diana. The touching messages of George and Louis and Louis princesses and Princess Charlotte were mirred by Internet users.

Main photo: Getty Images

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