A student of Hannibal Lecter and Superman on a pension. 10 major serials of February according to Time Out

A student of Hannibal Lecter and Superman on a pension. 10 major serials of February according to Time Out 16503_1
A student of Hannibal Lecter and Superman on a pension. 10 major serials of February according to Time Out Dmitry Eskin

Large mega projects temporarily disappeared from screens - and for all, as usual, Netflix is ​​fade. However, the 10 interesting novelties of the Time Out serial world was still able to pick up. Clarissa Starling in free swimming, postpocalyptic "hungry games" in German and the next Adventures of Superman and Lois Lane.

"Invisible city"

(Cidade Invisível)

About what:

Rio de Janeiro on the verge of ecological catastrophe. In any case, this is what the Detective Eric considers the investigating crimes associated with air and water pollution. And the pink dolphin, the corpse of which is once on the beach, this hypothesis confirms. However, soon, Eric has a new version: he begins to seem to appear that his native Brazil moans from the invasion of spirits and ghosts - immigrants from ancient legends. And only he, Eric, is able to stop this invasion.

Release date: February 5 (Netflix)

Director: Carlos Sidanana

Cast: Marco Pigossey, Alessandra Negri

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Why look:

Director Carlos Sandana, who made an excellent career in world animation (it was he removed the "Ice Age", Rio and Ferdinand), decided on a steep career turn. He took up to produce for NetFlix a multi-sieuled mystical detective, although there were no game projects (especially fantastic) in his filmography. However, talented cinematographer talented in everything, and the Brazilian "invisible city" is the best proof of that.



About what:

Mother's mother is sometimes not so simple as you want to think. Here, for example, Robin McCall: like many, she passed through a betrayal and a difficult divorce, but today it is filled out at all by hiking to school or the preparation of delicious soup for lunch. Robin McCall is the guardian angel of the dysfunctional districts of the city: she saves girls, which local gangsters choose as short-sighted victims. At the same time, Robin is fighting like Jackie Chan, and shoots better than any sniper. The only thing that she is impossible is to take revenge on himself.

Release Date: February 7 (CBS)

Director: Liz Friedlander

Cast: Queen Latifa, Adam Goldberg

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Why look:

A new version of the classic series of eighties is difficult to call the remake. Private detective Robert McCall, who was previously played by Edward Woodward, and in the full-length sequel - Denzel Washington, with a slight hand of producers suddenly changes the floor. An irreconcilable defender of all offended and depressed this time becomes an incredible Queen of a Latif, which, honestly, is a little strange to see in a similar role. She, by the way, entered the production team of the project, so it would not be surprised if suddenly it turns out that the idea of ​​such a gender "flipper" also belongs to her.

"Paris police 1900"

(Paris Police 1900)

About what:

1899 year. On the streets of Paris begins chaos: the townspeople are tired of the arbitrariness and poverty, and the scandal around the business of Dreyfus poured oil into the fire. In the suburbs, the situation is not better: only in the last year there are 247 women. True, one of them managed to find. Its body, neatly chopped into pieces and packed in a suitcase, spilled the hay. However, it was frightened by the Nakhodka itself, but the fact that the girl clearly worked "Professional": the corpse was cut so skillfully that no one would have done anyone except the surgeon with such a task. As it was called, in the police and without any disgusts of worries enough, therefore, to look for a "surgeon", they instructed the most young and inexperienced employee of the Department - Inspector Antoine Zhueni (Jeremi Laert).

Release date: February 9 (Canal + / Ameda / Cinema HD)

Directors: Frederick Baughzhyan, Fabien Nuri

Cast: Jeremy Laert, Evelin Brooch

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Why look:

The harsh detective in the retro-shell is very capricious format, labor cost and therefore rare. However, the audiences such projects can collect colossal: recall "Perry Mason" or "Alyenist". The French series, of course, is more noticeably more modest than the flagships of the NBO or Netflix, but there is also a potential. How strong, we will find out quite soon.

"Crime scene: disappearance at the Cecil Hotel"

(CRIME SCENE: The Vanishing At The Cecil Hotel)

About what:

Cecil is a hotel-legend in the center of Los Angeles. Manyaki with world name - Richard Ramirez and Jack Unterveger - stayed here constantly, and suicide was performed in the rooms. However, the strangest thing happened in 2013: some Eliza Lam entered the elevator, talking with some invisible being (the records of this "conversation" remained on the tracking chambers) - and disappeared for a month. Later, her corpse was found on the roof of a hotel in a tank with water. And since the death of the girl remained unexplored, then conversations began about the ghosts who chose "Cecil" as their residence.

Release date: February 10 (Netflix)

Director: Joe Berlinger

Cast: Pablo Vergar, Tom Schortor

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Why look:

It is difficult to believe, but all the facts associated with "Cecil" are absolutely real. Moreover, this is not the first case when the ill-fated hotel breaks his way to the screen: this is the 5th season of the American horror story, which Ryan Murphy was detected. But this time we are dealing with a documentary project: its creators want to offer their version of the disappearance of Eliza Lam.



About what:

1993 year, Washington. After lectures that Hannibal Lecter read it personally, the FBI Agent Clarissa Starling (Rebecca Brids) becomes a real gurus of a crown. And now its specialization - maniacs and perverts, creating such things, from which even Dr. Lecter himself embarrassed ...

Release date: February 12 (CBS / More.TV / Kinopoisk HD)

Showranner: Alex Kurtzman, Jenny Lumemet

Cast: Rebecca Bridrs, Raul Bannedge

Why look:

Clarissa is the loudest and expected premiere of the month. Nevertheless, we do not need to wait for the next film with the immortal novels of Thomas Harris's immortal novels. The project simply borrowed one of the main characters of Harris - the Heroine, which Jodie Foster played in the "silence". Psychiatrist Cannibal itself remains behind the scenes. Producers, however, no problem in this see and promise us a gloomy and merciless psychological thriller. By the way, among them - Alexander Kurtzman, the creator of the updated "Star Path".


(The Crew)

About what:

One small, but proud racing team several seasons in a row scares myself with disgusting results: For three years, her car never could get to the finish line, so in general ranking the team occupies the last place.

Release date: February 15 (Netflix)

Writer: Jeff Lowell

Cast: Kevin James

20 best movies about racing

To somehow save the situation, the owner of the outsiders is solved on extreme measures: he sends himself to a pension, and the Brazds of the Board conveys their legitimate heiress - the daughter of Catherine. For mechanics and for their leader (Kevin James), such a casting looks ridiculous, and the old grills are not desirable to obey the young ambitious girlfriend. Meanwhile, the young lady declares his Napoleonic plans: after a couple of months, the team should enter at least the top ten.

Why look:

"Mechanics" is quite a traditional Sitka, which would not be different from hundreds of others if not a couple of pleasant surprises. One of them is the topic associated as you already understood with auto racing. The second comedian Kevin James, who has recently been not so much worthy roles.

"Young cliff"


About what:

When the rock Johnson was small (hard to imagine, but he was so), he rose a cute boring child with big eyes. Then he turned into a bit of an awesome high school student, whose name no girl could remember - but such little things did not prevent him from thinking about football and wrestling. So, step by step, he turned into that uncomplicated Duin Johnson, according to which the whole world goes crazy.

Release Date: February 16 (NBC)

Director: Jeffrey Walker

Cast: Adrian Gru, Bradley Constant

20 facts about Dwayin Johnson: 7 bucks, grandmother-wrestler and Elvis Presley

Why look:

It happened! "Dueine Johnson took off his mini-series about his beloved." And he himself starred. Fortunately, this author's baiopic is made in the comedy genre, so without a star pathos in this case managed to do. But the irony (and self-irony!) In the project, at least debug, and just because of this Mr. Rala you start respecting even more - not everyone has enough courage to make a jerking on themselves.

"Tribes of Europe"

(Tribes of Europa)

About what:

2074th year. After a global catastrophe, which has become a final chord for all civilization, Europe breaks into many small tribes.

To live together, these tribes, of course, are not able, so the terrible word "war" has become commonplace for many. However, everything changes when three adolescents - Liv and two of her brothers are stumbled upon the broken shuttle and find a strange cube there, with the help of which you can seize domination over the world.

Release date: February 19 (Netflix)

Directors: Philip Koh, Florian Baxmeyer

Cast: Henrietta Confucurius, Emilio Sacraya, David Ali Rassed

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Why look:

After the sudden triumph of "Darkness", the phrase "German series from Netflix" became something like a quality mark. New anti-nightopia such confidence quite justifies, especially since its producers Quirin Ber and Max Vidhendane were just engaged in the production of "darkness". True, this time we promise not an exquisite atmospheric horror film, and the next version of the "hungry games", only in a more gloomy tonality.

"We are kids station zoo"

(Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo)

About what:

Six teenagers are found almost every day: fooling in clubs, pumped up alcohol and drugs, organize bed experiments. However, there are no pleasure of this kind of free, so the guys have to give debts from time to time: someone pays for his family, someone's health, and someone's life.

Release date: February 20 (Amazon / More.TV / Kinopoisk HD)

Director: Philip Padlbach

Cast: Yana McKinnon, Bruno Alexander

Why look:

The project is based on the almost forgotten diary confession of a certain Christian Felshherinov, who became a bestseller in the late eighties. In it, a resident of Western Berlin frankly and harshly told about how in twelve years first tried Hashish, and to fifteen became the "loyal servant of heroin", which received, paying the body. In about the same time, three guys from her parties die from overdose, so the girl makes several hysterical attempts to jump from the needle.

Based on this terrible story in 1981, the director Uld Edel removed the film "I am Christina", shocking my frankness. For the new version, adapted by our time, corresponds to Philip Cadelbach, director of the series "Our Mothers, our fathers" - one of the most high-profile German projects of the 2010s.

"Superman and Lois"

(Superman and Lois)

About what:

Charter save the world in 24/7 mode, Superman decides to retire to pensioners and together with his family runs away from the metropolis in Smallville. There he enjoys the life of the average man in the street: suits picnics, hesitates newspapers and raises wayward scuffs-rebels. However, the family boat soon begins to beat about life, and the enemies and villains are not at all going to leave the "pensioner" alone.

Release Date: February 23 (CW)

Directors: Whether Tolland Cryger, James Bamford, Rachel Tellery

Cast: Tyler Hacklin, Bitsti Tallock

5 reasons to watch the series "Wanda / Vizhn"

Why look:

When the information appeared that the Superman was going to conduct unequal fights with everyday life, it became clear that the eternal "conflict" between Marvel and DC went to a new round. The fact is that at about the same time, the "competing organization" announced the TV series "Wanda / VIZHN", which is actually a Double project: in it, a couple of superheroes is just as fond of downshifting, moves to the pastoral province and is trying to live the life of ordinary of people. However, who duplicated whom, in this case it is difficult to say: "Wanda / Vizhn" from Marvel started last month and has already managed to fall in love with a huge audience. Whether "Superman" can repeat the same trick until it is clear.

TV shows that come back with new seasons

February 2 - Maji Express (Mighty Express), Season 2, NetFlix

February 5 - "Ache" (Hache), season 2, NetFlix

February 8 - "Black Lightning" (Black Lightning), season 4, CW

February 8 - "Dr. Harrow" (Harrow), season 3, ABC

February 17 - "Pleasant troubles" (Good Trouble), season 3, FreeForm

February 19 - "For all mankind), season 2, Apple TV +

February 24 - "Snowfall" (Snowfall), season 4, FX

January 28 - "Walking Dead" (The Walking Dead), 2nd part of the 10th season, AMS / Kinopoisk HD

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