Develop the abatinity of the child

Develop the abatinity of the child 16496_1

Let's start with the fact that attention and perfection are directly related to the maturity of the nervous system and the brain ...

Let's start with the fact that attention and perfection are directly related to the maturity of the nervous system and the brain.

Therefore, when the child has difficulties with this, and nothing helps, I would first add to the neurologist to make sure there are no problems. Here, first of all, we think about the well-being of a child, in time to start treatment and therapy - to help the child to solve the problem.

Neurologist said that everything is fine, then check whether all the conditions for the development of the brain we create a child:

1. Safety

This is the first and basic need. When the problem in the family, something worries the baby, he will not be able to develop. Remember the strategy "Bay, Runs or Zamrie".

2. Secret Support

In the book "The Secret Support" of the psychologist L. Petranovskaya is written in detail. If a child has confidence that he loved and understand, take it, then there is, then development is faster.

3. Communication

It is through conversations with parents children at first recognize everything you need to know. When a child says, hears his words, rethinks them, analyzes the reaction of adults, it develops the brain.

4. Free game

Useful child and be busy favorite game, invent plots and junction, attract everything you need in the game. With support for parents and without condemnation, he has the right to his "world of games".

Performed all the conditions, and when will the result be? Not so soon, the child is not a robot. Everything has its time.

Want to develop more quickly, then start with these recommendations (for children of all ages):

1. Mode of the day

Very important basic point. Especially for children who are difficult to focus.

A) sleep. Minimum 8-10 hours. So, you need to go to bed at 21-22 nights.

B) food. Mandatory breakfast, lunch, dinner. More vegetables, fruits, meat, croup.

C) Walking. It is advisable to spend 2 hours a day in the fresh air.

It depends directly directly, in which mood will the child be and how long it can be focused.

2. Hours of home

Help practitioning prudence. Only it should not be punishment, distract from study. Better when without flipping, first through the game, then with the help of the conversation, instruct the child what he is more or less interesting. Children, as a rule, love to endure the garbage, put books on the shelves, vacuuming, wash the dishes.

3. Games

Desktop, logical, puzzle. All that requires concentration. Play together, start with simple games.

4. Emotional education

Teach your child to understand what he feels, talking about it and reacting correctly. Then he will understand that he cannot sit in the lesson, because he is bored, or when he is angry, and thinks how can cope with these emotions.

5. Physical activity

Children, like adults, the body's activity is needed for normal brain. Everything is interconnected. If a child moved little, and he is asked to sit and learn, of course, he won't want. But when it flashes, gets tired, you can and calmly sit with the lessons.

6. Creativity

Drawing, modeling, singing, dancing - it is proved that all this can help develop the brain and cope with stress.

These are general recommendations by performing which you will definitely see the result. The main thing is to do it with the child by mutual desire.

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