"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies


On January 23, an action in support of Alexei Navalny was held in Kirov. According to different estimates, it came from 600 to 1,000 people. Among the participants it was possible to observe schoolchildren and students, despite the threats and warnings from educational institutions and power structures. A couple of days before the rally of students and their parents, they became massively "processing": explanatory conversations were held with them, warning letters came and even visited representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"System work was conducted"

According to Anastasia Gorbushin, Chairman of the independent discourse trade union, which is engaged in the protection of the rights and interests of students, already known cases of pressure on students in schools No. 21, 45, 48, in Kumen, in Vakhrushah and in Lyceum number 9 in Slobodsky. There are isolated cases in an electrome-building technical school and in Volga-Vyatka College of Informatics, Finance, Rights and Management, in Vyatka State Agrotechnology University (former Vyatgsha) and Vyatgu.

- There was a systematic work here, because if you look at the mailing list, it can be seen that the text from many schools is the same. Someone came to this with creative, someone did leaflets, and someone simply copied the text from the mailing, "says Anastasia.

On January 21, in the official public of the Ministry of Enlightenment of Russia, a post for parents was published with a call to protect children from "Walking" on January 23 and spend this day together. Later, similar information began to appear in the parent chats. Recall that the age of participation in rallies in the Constitution is not limited, and from 16 years, citizens themselves can organize it.

"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies
"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies

Mailing to parent chat

- It seems to me that the mailing was centralized for all schools. Another question is that on the ground they treated it completely differently. Some guys suggest that even the police were pronounced at the addresses of "unrealized" schoolchildren, "says the representative of the student of the student of Fedor Kalinin.

Message for parents

40 days or 20 thousand fine

In some mailing lines, in addition to proposals to stay at home, parents threatened with fines and registration in the division and commission on juvenile affairs - PD and KDN. According to Anastasia Gorbushina, the amount of fines were called from 2 to 20 thousand rubles. In one of the mailings, which became available to the portal of the property, the parents "threaten" art. 5.35 Administrative Code. According to this article, a fine of 100 to 500 rubles is appointed for non-fulfillment of responsibilities for maintaining, education, training, the protection of the rights and interests of minors.

As lawyer Yang Chebotarev explained, these measures, from the point of view of the law, are not legitimate, since the accounting of a child in PDN and KDN implies the commission of an administrative offense. In this case, it does not have any of the parents or by the children.

"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies
"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies

Warnings about detention for 40 days or about fines at 10-20 thousand rubles

Participants and even those who were going to "just see", indicated in Art. 20.2 Administrative Code. It provides a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles, but only if participation in the rally created interference to the activities of life support facilities, such as transport or social institutions or access to them.

- To attract someone for participating in rallies, it is necessary to prove that a person knows that the meeting is not authorized. If a person passed by, he saw a crowd of people who passionately discusses his interesting topic, and stopped listening, what offense did he commit? No, - comments Yang Chebotarev. - Not to mention that the responsibility for such an act comes only if the actions entail some public adverse effects, such as paralysis of traffic and the like. Here too generalized our law enforcement bodies interpret this kind of norm.

In some cases, the school administration was less radical methods and distracted students from participation in the rally, going through this day of the event.

"In my school [in Vakhrushah] that day simply arranged a competition for activists so that schoolchildren would not go there [at the rally]," reports one of the former students of the educational institution.

"Come to work and asked to write explanatory"

According to the chairman of NP "Discourse", mailing and for schoolchildren, and for students were the same. Basically, they relied on the idea of ​​"children outside politics", despite the fact that the majority of college students and universities have already reached the age of majority.

- Yes, there were forms simpler when without comments made newsletters that rallies are not for children that children are out of politics. But in fact, both minors and students were absolutely identical newsletters, "said Anastasia.

As it became known to the portal of the property, other methods of "conviction" were used: the threat of deductions, administrative punishment and even eviction from the hostel.

- We talked in one of the departments [university] that it can come to the "administrative" and the documents will come to the university.

- Who will go on the 23rd at the rally, will be immediately expelled. I warned.

In some cases, the Administration of educational institutions transferred the exam for this time or offered to distract students:

- A couple of days ago, before Starost, the information was brought out that in no case could not go out. At the same time they said: "If someone finds out that from acquaintances going to the rally, be sure to inform, we will try to distract them for this day."

- In Vyatgu, a familiar exam was transferred for an hour of the day from 10 am.

- There are cases in the agricade: during a rally in hostels put people who celebrated the movement of students on the day. Clarified where they went, for what purpose and so on.

"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies
"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies

Students tried to distract literally by any ways

According to the chairman of the NP "Discourse", there are cases when the parents of students were warned.

- I have comrades who consist in our organization [NP "discourse"]. Their names were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to pre-drawn lists to parents, they came to work and asked to write explanatory, that their child-a student would not participate in the rally, "said Anastasia. - Some came home. At the same time, it is not one, but two or three people in shape, and conducted explanatory conversations.

As Anastasia told, rallies with a similar agenda in 2017 did not attract so much attention from agitation, nor from the state: "There was as much like a person, but there was no such noise." Then the participants also threatened that they could drive out of the hostel, to underestimate and not give diplomas. As a result, activists were invited to conversations with the administration of the university.

- intimidated by the fact that there are in the lists of the anti-extremism department, but personally I have developed immunity to this. Therefore, we set ourselves the task to help the guys and explain to them that everything in our country is not so simple. Many activists have long been in the lists, it is not to be surprised, "Anastasia comments.

After publicity in the media, psychological pressure began on activists. For example, Anastasia told that her student group was trying to deprive scholarships, and the Starla warned that "she did not work out this moment."

"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies

Photo: Sergey Zykov for Prikerovsky.RF

Covered restrictions in priority

According to the Chairman of NP "Discourse", in other cities - Samara, Sverdlovsk, Penza, St. Petersburg, Moscow - also known cases of pressure on schoolchildren and students. For example, in St. Petersburg, students of the Izhora College signed documents that they will not go to the rally, otherwise they are waiting for the deduction. In Kazan, Rospotrebnadzor wrote out fines for the fact that the participants of the speeches did not comply with self-insulation.

"I don't know what this feature explains, but we [in the Kirov region] everything went calmly. When we participated in the pickets and at rallies earlier, there was no aggression either. In fact, there are always days for the pickwick, but we are more likely quietly and without noise, fines are discharged, - notes Anastasia Gorbushin.

By the way, due to the epidemiological situation there was a two-way situation. By law on promotions and pickets, it is necessary to open a person while due to a pandemic in public events you need to wear masks.

- There was such a case at the rally: everyone came in masks, and representatives of the power structures asked them to remove, since this violation of the law is to conceal persons in public events. There was another case when we came to the picket without masks, but with the observance of the social distance. We approached and asked to put on the mask, since we do not respect the regime of self-insulation. After a while on the same rally, we were asked to remove the mask. Therefore, the precedent would be in any case, "says Anastasia.

As Yang Chebotarev explains, in this case, the care restrictions should stand above the law on rallies.

- In this case, coronavirus restrictions are a special rate, it is in relation to the situation with the highest strength. The law on rallies and procession is the total rate. In case of their competition, the norms are applied special. These are Aza jurisprudence, "the lawyer explained.

Photo: vk.com/lksm43.

Political will against the Constitution

At the moment, information about any measures towards students and students is not. However, the parents of the students of one of the schools of the city shared the photo of the document of January 27, in which the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kirov region asks "to bring to the pedagogical team, parents, students and students about the inadmissibility of participation in unauthorized public events." Also, the document states that the involvement of minors to participate in rallies should "immediately inform the internal affairs bodies."

"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies

Presented by the parents of students

On the eve of new rallies in schools, instructions were carried out "On the inadmissibility of participation in unauthorized public events". However, attempts to prohibit students participate in them contradict paragraph 3 of article 48 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation":

- Pedagogical workers are prohibited to use educational activities for political agitation, coercive students to the adoption of political, religious or other beliefs or the abandonment of them.

As a lawyer explained, the school can conduct instructing about the rules of behavior in public events, tell about the danger of such events, but cannot in this way prohibit students to participate in peaceful rallies and pickets.

"For someone goes black funnels." How schoolchildren and students dissolve from participation in rallies

Protocol briefing

Jan Chebotarev notes that citizens have the right to privacy, so educational institutions cannot prohibit students to participate in peaceful public events.

- In the Constitution, we still recorded the right to freedom of expression and on participation in a peaceful procession. There is no composition [Crime]. But, again, in modern Russia, not everything is not always determined by the norms of the current legislation. There is also a political will, which, in my opinion, is aimed at any way to prevent the increase in the number of citizens who demonstrate their disagreement with the position of power, "says a lawyer.

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