The Beatles (Bitles): 10 stories about the iconic group that few people know ...

The Beatles (Bitles): 10 stories about the iconic group that few people know ... 16481_1

Interesting stories from the life of The Beatles and participants of the group ...

The Beatles - a cult rock band from Liverpool, the legends of which they do not cease to be removed to this day! Sometimes the story with which this great four is surrounded by all boundaries ... Meetings with aliens, substitution McCartney, Satanic curses ... All this simply does not fit in the head! Especially if you consider the fact that we are not talking about Black Sabbath or Deep Purple ... However, all these stories have the right to exist. Recall the most interesting and rare (that is, those about which few people know) of them ...

John Lennon could be a victim of the curse of the "Child Rosemary"

The "Rosemary Baby" - the American psychological thriller of 1968 Roman Polanski, who catapulled to glory due to his classics of horror films ... The murders of the Menson family were committed in the house rented by the scandalous director. And Sharon Tate, one of the victims and spouse Polanski, was on the ninth month of pregnancy, when she was killed ... Such a feeling, as if her husband, her husband left a curse, destroyed the lives of many people, not even associated with the film ...

The Beatles (Bitles): 10 stories about the iconic group that few people know ... 16481_2
Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate

John Lennon was friends with Polanski, and with Mia Farrow, a star of the film. And they from Yoko, it lived for many years at the Dakota Hotel, where the "Rosemary Baby" was filmed (although in the film he was called Bramford). The Gothic building, built in the 1880s, was ideally suitable for the thoughtful, oppressive and ominous mood of the film about Satanists. And the fictional evil of the film seems to be reflected on it in reality. Dakota Hotel is also a place where John Lennon was left by Mark Chapman in 1980. Chepman, of course, "inspired" did not kinocartine (the criminal led the novel "Above the abyss in rye"), but perhaps it was an evil curse of the film, which prompted him to kill Lennon in this particular place ...

"White Album" inspired Charles Manson on misdeed

Friendship between John Lennon and Roman Polanski was not the only link between Beatles and Charles Manson - the American criminal, whose gang, who committed a number of cruel murders, killed a pregnant wife of a film director, actress Sharon Tate. It is hard to believe in it, but the Music of Beatles, namely, their "white album" - was a difficult part of the unusual theology of Manson: he saw Liverpools as four riders of the apocalypse. So ... The Beatles inspired not only on good, but also for atrocities ...

"Sergeant Pepper" was inspired by Alistair Crowley

The Beatles (Bitles): 10 stories about the iconic group that few people know ... 16481_3
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (BITLS Album)

For decades, there were rumors that Sergeant Pepper was inspired by Alistair Crowley - the so-called "the most evil man in the world." The Beatles showed the face of Crowley among the famous people with which they admired, on the cover of the SGT album. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Black Mag is in the upper left corner in the back row, next to May West). The album itself was released 20 years after the death of Crowley ... Thus, Bitles open the album with the words: "It was 20 years ago, Sergeant Pepper taught the group to play ..." In fact, Bitles declare their loyalty to Crowley's occult and spiritual teachings.

John Lennon himself greatly recognized it in one of his last interviews:

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Alistaist Crowley

"Evil dentist" deception made the Beatles try the acid

"Beatles" was lucky with a dentist less ... they had a real maniac, if you believe this story! John Riley, apparently, was from those guys who added their guests to their guests after lunch - not to mention it. George Harrison once called him a "evil dentist", and it is not difficult to understand why.

Rumored that Paul McCartney was replaced by a twin

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Paul McCartney plays a sutyr

Many fans suggest that John Lennon has said: "I buried the floor" at the end of Strawberry Fields Forever. However, Lennon argued that in fact the words were "cranberry sauce." For decades, there are stubborn rumors that Paul McCartney died in a car accident in 1966 and was replaced by a twin named William Campbell, orphan, who recently won the McCartney Double Competition in Edinburgh. And allegedly Beatles began to throw thin hints to the truth in their music and the design of albums to gradually convey this news to true fans. So, for example, speaking about Abbey Road album: John Lennon leads a group over white, like a priest, while Paul is completely barefoot and ... in a suit. Ringo dressed in a black, mournful costume, and George Harrison more reminiscent of the arter.

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The Beatles - Abbey Road (1969)

At the same time, the floor holds a cigarette in his right hand, although he is left-handed ... And in the song "Revolution 9" from the white album allegedly there is a disguised message in which it says: "Take me, the dead."

The Beatles could visit illegal parties

Jimmy Savil, a former leading Top of the Pops's long-standing show, was also one of the most prolific Pedophiles of Great Britain. According to the investigation of the National Health Service, Sav had harm at least 500 children ... In early 60s, he often visited a brothel with an unnamed Pop Group, which was also suspected of ill-treatment of young girls ... The pop-group is not mentioned in police reports But some suggested that Beatles are to blame. In defense of "Beatles" we can say that evidence against them at best is indirect, and at that time they themselves were a little more teenagers. For his part, Paul McCartney says that he and other Beatles have always considered Savil "a little suspicious" because of his strange behavior. But McCartney also adds:

McCartney insists that they were as careful as possible to avoid inappropriate contacts with juvenile girls, but dubious rumors still exist.

John Lennon pursued number nine

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John Lennon

The number nine fascinated and frightened John Lennon. It constantly appeared in his life during significant events, and he, in turn, used him for writing numerous songs. According to numerology, "nines may be egocentric, arrogant, miserable to themselves, sentimental, dissatisfied, non-permanent, cold or mentally unbalanced." And if seriously, the number of random nine in the life of John Lennon really stuns, and this is enough to make even one of the one who understands mathematical analysis, take another look at the numerology.

John Lennon brutally addressed others

John Lennon loved publicly arguing about the world and love, but for closed doors, he, as they said, physically and emotionally hurt his family ... In subsequent years, Lennon recognized a lot in himself, claiming that for this reason he was so interested in the concepts of peace and universal Brotherhood. These were the things to which he sought, and not that he claimed, the embodiment.

Here are some of the things that John Lennon did because of his hot-tempered gear (it is possible that this is a lie. All the facts were given by various sources):

He caused physical harm and emotionally manipulated his first wife Sintia and their son Julian. He inflicted the physical harm to his son Sean: damaged the boy's hearing.

John Lennon had two meetings with aliens

In two different cases, John Lennon argued that she encountered aliens. The first one occurred on August 23, 1974. Once at night, John woke up completely sober, feeling the need to approach the window of his apartment. There he saw a flying plate, steaming "no more than 100 feet" from him. Snapshots were taken, but there was nothing on them ... It seems that the aliens of this flight were not enough, because after a while they came to personally see John.

Lennon argued that one day at night in New York, sinister aliens were visited. At night, John woke the "flaming light" at the door of his bedroom, and when he went to open it, then found four little aliens awaiting him. He tried to drive them away, but they blocked him with their mind and stunned.

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John Lennon

The next thing that John remember is that he woke up next to Yoko with a strange item in the shape of an egg in his hands ... Obviously, something like a gift from the aliens. He wore this strange subject in his pockets for several months, after which the egg handed over to his friend Geller. By the way: It was Uri Geller who told the media this story, which he, quite possible, could invent.

The Beatles wrote a few very gloomy songs

The Beatles (Bitles): 10 stories about the iconic group that few people know ... 16481_9
The Beatles.

Do not allow memorable pop chords to deceive you. In the texts of many songs The Beatles they went into truly dark places ... Basically, these places suggest murders and aggression towards women, even with one hint on Zoophilia. It seems that these topics mostly proceeded from John Lennon, who was not that peace-loving hippie, which he was represented. Consider, for example, lines from "Getting Better":

But it becomes even worse when you remember "Maxwell's Silver Hammer": the whole song is a tribute to a murderer who rings on the turtles of people with their hammer. And, unlike "Getting Better", there is no a hint of repentance:

No less gloomy texts from "Dig A Pony" and "Run For Your Life". And on this everything!

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