Navalny booked with Putin. What will happen next with protests in Russia


Results of protest actions on January 31: Participants less detained more. What to prepare in the future?

Navalny booked with Putin. What will happen next with protests in Russia 16440_1

New protest rallies and processions were held in Russia. Their activity decreased, but the number of detentions has grown. What does all this mean and what will happen next?

Little sought, but a lot of accepted

On rallies in Russia on January 31, for some estimates, over 5,000 people were detained. At the same time, the participants themselves - and this recognize even the organizers - it was less than a week before. That is, the police are actively grabbed everyone in a row.

At the same time, the heat of confrontation with the security forces compared to January 23 as a whole decreased, there were fewer mass skirts. The exception is Petersburg, where the Protestants were a lot and they booted from the soul. As a result, there is a policeman with a naked pistol, and in general, everything we love. The cradle of the revolution!

Navalny booked with Putin. What will happen next with protests in Russia 16440_2
RIA Novosti / Alexander Galperin

Why is that? Perhaps Vladimir Zhirinovsky: The current protests in many regions is the echoes of the Covers of 2020, and in general the function of local problems. In St. Petersburg, before the new year, the governor of the Rules killed with restrictions - that's the protests of evil. In Krasnoyarsk, problems are fully - and the people came out. In other regions - winter, cold, and even on weekends a lot of cases, what are the rallies there. But in any case, large megalopolises remain the centers of protest activity, first of all Moscow and St. Petersburg.

And you have blacks in your ebony!

This time, mediaactivity showed not only the dignitaries, who in this podnatoreli, but also the authorities. On TV, there were plots on TV on the topic "And you have ebony linch" and disaster frames by the police of demonstrations against maps of restrictions in Europe.

The fact that in the old world in the whole rallies are permitted, and accelerate only when it comes to the riots, no one stutter. Yes, and the protest "strategy 31" of the late Eduard Limonov has long been forgotten, with all.

Festippers in social networks traditionally watered mud and nevalny, foreign guards and nimits of the West special services - Putin and regime. In general, nothing new. In general, the problem of rallies continues to remain in the conduct of security forces. And they decide it as they can.

What's next?

Organize mass protests throughout Russia, and even in winter, and even under some muddy slogans - the case is inexperienced. A significant part of citizens know no Navalny, but to go to Putin is still absolutely not ready. As a result, protest activity will be obviously to subscribe.

However, the goals of opponents of the regime are most likely different, and they are partly achieved. This is the continuation of President Putin's desacralization, indirectly indirectly drawing the Kremlin in street skirts and moves due to real estate in Gelendzhik. The main goal is to show that the "king is not real." In general, this is a clear strategy, and the rallies are only one of the tools.

And here much depends on the Kremlin. If he develops a loyal line of behavior, stops throwing, angry and lose face in the eyes of the whole country, it is likely that in a couple of years, the protest rallies will calmly go through every week, and no one will pay attention to them. Alexey Navalny will be the vice-speaker in the State Duma, and the owner of the palace will be basked in the sun and drink white for the prosperity of Russia. But, alas, believes in such idyll with difficulty.

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