As in Kameshkovo and Kameshkovsky district, snow is cleaned


The current January was extremely snow. Therefore, cleaning roads and sidewalks is a task especially relevant.

As in Kameshkovo and Kameshkovsky district, snow is cleaned 1644_1

The contracting organization responsible for the winter maintenance of municipal roads is LLC Skat-33 (director Sergey Mechans). Regional roads cleans Kameshkovskoye DRSU - branch of GUP "DSU-3". Both organizations have all the necessary techniques, reserves of sandbosolysm and reagents.

On the purification of roads in the city of Kameshkovo, in the present winter season, 2 million 140 thousand rubles were allocated from the local budget. For this amount, it is necessary to purify from snow 15 km of roads of the 3rd category (asphalt) and 34.4 km of roads to the fifth category (rubble). In addition, about 20 km of roads cleans on their own Mu Okkhah Kameshkovo. Skat-33 uses all cash technique. There are three combined road vehicles (CDM), 2 MTZ-3 tractors, 3 loader, 1 grader, 1 snow removal machine, 3 dump trucks. Roads are cleaned of snow, sprinkled with a sandbasole mixture and are processed by special antifungal reagents with reagents. In addition, the entrances to the stopping points of public transport are cleared.

Work is carried out around the clock. And although it is impossible to clear everything at once, in general, the employees "Skat-33", taking into account the abundance of precipitation, turned out to be at the height.

In Kameshkovsky district, 340 km of roads are subject to cleaning: 18.9 km - 4th category (primer) and 322 km - 5th category (rubble). For these purposes, 4.7 million rubles were allocated from the district budget. And here it was necessary. The whole area immediately after the strongest snowfall last Saturday, it was, of course, not to clean. However, work on cleaning the roads was carried out operational and transport collapse managed to avoid.

The territory of the stopping points of public transport and sidewalks purify from the snow to the employees of Mu Uzhkh G. Kameshkovo.

There is also export of snow from Kameshkovsky streets. It is taken to place temporary storage on the street Forest. This work on individual contracts also performs "Skat-33". There were already 40 snow dump trucks, only 800 cubic meters. This work continues.

Meanwhile, weather forecasters do not rejoice again with their forecasts. Strong Epiphany frosts in the coming days will replace thaw, and even with rain. And, it means, on the roads and sidewalks there will be a "rink", and road users will have to work quite a few in order to ride and walking began to safely ...

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