"I want to fall in love with the opera as many people as possible": Placido Domingo - 80 years


Life of Placido Domingo is one solid record. To give up to 80 years, keep the voice, fame and stay in the profession - a few can be proud of it. The owner of the amazing Charizma and the record repertoire, which was arranged for 45-minute ovation in the Bolshoi Theater in 1974 - a recognized exception to the rules. Our time, he compares with the work of Stravinsky and is looking forward to coming to Moscow, where in February will conduct "Bogoe" in Big. In March, he suffered COVID-19, but he didn't lose his loved on Quarantine, he was resting and engaged in his favorite business - music. In his native Madrid, so love the hot artist, which was not enough for him to be the post of mayor. He refused, because his life without a residue belongs to art! "I can not live without music, like without air!" - Says Domingo and rehearses even on vacation, although she tries to remind himself that "today is not his way out."

In August, a great tenor, which since 2012 prefers to perform a baritone repertoire, accused of Harassment, operating with episodes that had happened to decades ago. He did not defend and publicly apologized to those who could hurt his behavior, plus on his own initiative left the post of head of the Los Angeles opera. His life is a series of records, big victories and proof of tremendous strength, and not only the strength of the voice that a person is capable of! 150 leading arias (more than any tenor), four thousand speeches, 31 genused on grammy and nine victories, the most prolonged ovations - 80 minutes of applause and 200 years off after Othello in the Vienna State Opera 30 years ago. It was he who opened the season 21 times in New York Metropolitan Opera, beats the record Enrico Caruso.

"I do not know when you leave the opera scene. Of course, this is a very difficult thing. Concerts are much easier. "

Unlike Luciano Pavarotti, who preferred an exclusively Italian repertoire, in the "portfolio" of the jubilee of the composition of Verdi, Donizetti, Bellini and Pucchini, parties in French, German, American and Russian opera works. He quail almost all wagone tenor heroes, not limited to "hits." At the same time, he became a superstar in the eyes of the general public in the early 90s, thanks to the project "three tenors", which existed for 13 years. Together with Pavarotti and Carreras, they collected stadiums and brought the opera "in people" - art for chosen became belonging to the people. He says that he has never been afraid of experiments: he participated in the creation and sounding of the "Simpsons" series, was a football commentator on the match "Real Madrid". Perhaps if in 80 years of life and does not begin, it successfully continues that he proves the great tenor of modernity, which continues to selflessly serve the opera and lights the stars - helps the talents to find their place on the scene. For this purpose, in 1993, Placido Domingo organized the "Operal" contest.

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