"Prejudice live only when we allow them to live": Founder of a female football school about girls in football


Forward, girls!

Girls in football are still rare, although recently the situation in the world has become changed. Vladimir Dolgiy Rapoport, the founder of the women's football school and the Girlpower football club, told us how female football in Russia develops and with what difficulties girls who want to do this sport are facing.

Why are girls still playing football separately from boys? Will ever be that everyone will just play together, in your opinion?

Ideally, if the girls will train along with boys for years to 12 (and maybe up to 16). In our opinion, it is right from all points of view and for boys, and for girls. By the way, the attacker of Dortmund Borussia Erling Holland, which today shocks the football world, trained to 16 years and played in a mixed team, where boys and girls were. The girl from this team then won the Women's Sweden Championship.

Teams of girls are now needed for a simpler and fast entrance of girls in football.

Because now, if the girl comes to play a mixed team, then she turns out one on ten and fifteen boys there, and this requires a special courage from the girl (especially if she had never played football before that). In the team of girls, it is much easier to start. And then you can gradually mix the commands.

Photo: GirlPower football club What is the difference between girls training from boys training? For girls need some special balls? Are there any pieces that girls get funny - maybe some trickle programs, combinations, separate positions on the field, or something else?

From a technical point of view - nothing. The same field, the same inventory. With psychological - the differences are huge, if we talk about girls who have just begun to train. The fact is that girls in life behind the football field there are almost no activities with group interactions in which they need to run a lot, pushed, track the movements of other participants in the game and so on.

Therefore, the first time of girls should be smoothly learning this. At first they get tired very quickly, they are not always ready to go into the selection of the ball, to allow physical contact.

But gradually (usually in two or four months) everything comes and training becomes close to the boys. At the same time, the differences still remain - the fact is that the boys in life have a lot of football and outside training, both at school and in the courtyard and on TV / internet / communication with friends. And the girls almost not outside the workouts. Accordingly, the task of the coach also develops interest in the girl so that she wanted and was not afraid to play with the boys in the yard.

What can be advised about training during menstruation?

It is known that ligaments have receptors to hormones, but it is not clear whether the structure of the bundle changes during the menstrual cycle and is there more dangerous or safe time to play football. There is evidence that the risk is lower than the week before and after menstruation. But it is difficult to imagine how you can adjust the training process, because not to play football for two weeks a month will not work.

Therefore, it's just important to train carefully and listen to your condition.

This is if we talk about amateur sports. If about professional, then all the tips should give a doctor.

Girls who come to this school, do they find women's football? What is their motivation? Their idols are the football players of a man or a woman?

In fact, girls and girls almost do not watch football. In society, it is not customary to dad, including the match (or going to a bar or on the stadium), would take a daughter with him. Son - yes, daughter - no. The girl has an interest in football in most cases is manifested purely gaming. She just wants to play.

As love for running - few people know professional marathonuts, but everyone loves to run.

Therefore, girls often do not know not only football clubs, but also players. Clean love for the game, unmandant or the desire to be on someone like, nor the desire to become rich and famous football player. There are many minuses in it, but it's cool.

Photo: Girlpower Football Club What is the situation now in women's football now? If someone from girls wants to do it professionally, where do they need to go? Is there anyone except Hope Karpova, who speaks professionally abroad?

Over the past year, everything has become much better. Seriously. Super Liga appeared - the highest division of the competition. Several large clubs created women's teams (the teams already had "CSKA" and "Lokomotiva", last year the teams "Zenith" and "Krasnodar" appeared, in this will be at Rostov and Rubin). In Russia, a lot of new football players played. Sponsors' brands come to women's football.

All this is still a small step for humanity, but already huge for Russia.

There are several football players abroad, but by last name I will not name them. If the girl wants to become a football player, then she needs to go to any football school where girls take. There are not very much such, but they are. Private or state - it does not matter, it is important that there was a cool trainer, with which the cool team is comfortable and interesting and interesting.

Please tell us about the opening of your school - did you face some discrimination, obstacles? Or, on the contrary, everyone helped?

We faced when one of the football playpen in St. Petersburg refused to take the field to us. The owner said that we were completely nuts and soon begin to train the turtles.

Once in Moscow, the organizers of one of the tournaments refused to allow their maiden team, because "there is nothing to do girls there."

There are many such cases. The organizers of the tournament were then changed, after we published this story in Facebook (turned out to be unprincipled weaklings), Maneja owners - simply did not receive our money. But this is all the rather begets us and shows that our project is important not only from a football point of view, but also with human.

Photo: Does the GirlPower Football Club come on games girls?

It is important to understand that children's and amateur football is not interested in anyone, except for coaches, players and their relatives. So no, no boys look at the game of girls, nor girls on the game of boys.

Is it possible to become a girl if a career was the player did not hold? What is needed for this? Are there successful examples?

Yes, of course, there are many such examples in the world. The most beautiful football judge in Russia - Anastasia Pustova, the recent guest of the show Catherine Gordeva. She was judged by the women's World Cup, and the Champions League. And in Europe, the women's judges are already successfully judged by men's competitions in the English Premier League, Champions League and other major tournaments. So far, at the level of lateral and assistants, the main thing, but this is a matter of time.

And you can also become a coach. Here, too, there are examples, they are not so much yet, but it's just because women began to let there quite recently. I think another five or ten-fifteen years and women will judge and train male teams on a par with men.

What would you say to girls who love football and want to play it, but are afraid of prejudices in society?

Go see, try! Prejudice live only when we let them live.

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