In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort

In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_1
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_2
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_3
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_4
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_5
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_6
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_7
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_8
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_9
In bankrupt and back. How to revive Gomel Zhilkombort 16395_10

Two years ago, the Gomel Fat Combine announced bankruptcy. The surprise was that one of the oldest and most famous enterprises of the country was pleased with this condition, whose products were seemed to be completely in demand and loved. GZhK decades supplied the world by mayonnaise, margarine and soap - and the world, as you know, will not live for a second without these products. And suddenly this. Some reacted too directly: "And what, mayonnaise will no longer?" Because well, who still releases it? .. We then calmed down: it will be. We go to look at what light legendary production.

Ten cans in hand

The enterprise itself began with the Margarine Plant in 1932, gradually crushed capacity, types of products. Gomel mayonnaise appeared in 1967. He infrequently arrived to Gomel: it was more necessary in the capitals. The workers brought it from Kiev, Minsk, Leningrad, Moscow, where trade union organizations were equipped with "sausage tours".

Sometimes at the end of the month, local shops missed the deficit. Ten cans in hand - no one knew that you could take less. Another unattended child could be found in line, where he mobilized (for a small bribe) any hostess to increase his purchasing power. Non-entry children were a valuable resource during mayonnaise mining.

Okay, this is a special page of our glorious history. The current marketers only dream can about such a sales.

Of course, today many manufacturers. But the concern is precisely on Gomel Mayonnaise: many consider it the closest to the original version. While others flirt with tastes and compositions. Below we ask you about it.

In general, to cancel Gomel Mayonnaise - it is almost how to abolish the Rogachev condensed milk: who tried it, there is another, maybe it will not.

Left her foot

The case of economic insolvency was opened in November 2018. It turned out that an enterprise that looked normally outside and successfully filled the counter, he had long eaten himself from the inside. At the cost of property 58 million rubles (the sale of superfluous is here), the debts today amount to 45 million.

The anti-crisis manager Dmitry Boreko says that at the end of 2018, when representatives of the plant came to surrender to the Economic Court, profitability was minus 15%.

If you look into the state registry, there there is a list of 425 court cases (since 2015), in which the GLC protrudes. It seems that he should be almost everything in the country ... As long as it is treated - it is impossible to touch it. Is that he himself feels the strength to pay debts.

In fact, a huge amount of debt for suppliers of raw materials means the following: in the morning money - in the evening chairs. Without a prepayment, no one wants to communicate with you more, administrative levers (OJSC by 99% belongs to the state) flashed. And in order to get money, you need to sell the product to which the raw materials need to be needed.

The scheme is simple: Sanation mode temporarily disables debts obligations. Lenders hurt, but it gives the debtor the opportunity to stand up on his feet. And how to get up?

The manager lists the simple and standard things from which the cost reduction, the rejection of disadvantaged products (there was 150 items, 86 remained), the revision of the procurement system, the refusal to barter ... They say, in 2019 thus reduced the cost of $ 1.3 million (about 40%). As a result, they entered the schedule of taxes, they no longer accumulate; No debts by salary. Even some suppliers again believed, give raw materials without prepayment.

Minus 60.

"When we came here, some kinds of products had a profitability of minus 60%," explains the first deputy director Igor Mozhanov (she used to head "Gomeloboi", now he was thrown into this breakthrough). - What do you want, then do ... life and forced to work first of all over costs. Another feature is the local team constantly changed. You come to communicate with networks - they say: "Why should we listen to you? You are the seventh who came to us for the year from the enterprise. "

Due to what exactly have to do? Reducing the cost in any industry is a dangerous thing in fact in evil arms. Boreyko Including the Things Frighteners - for example, "Revision of Reception". Did not deteriorate as a result?

They say: in no case, everything is gaped.

They say that the costs reduced on trifles:

- Suppose it goes soap in the form of a long such bar, the car is chopped. They noticed that two pieces are sent to the box, another one - back to the bunker, is grinding again ... it is a loss. All these moments we revised.

How traveled counterfeit

Brown economic soap (the most, with the aroma of Brezhnev) is the most important product for Gomel, an important and ancient source of income. He was almost lost.

- When we came here, I was rejected by the market, - Mozhanov tells about a curious episode of the competitive war, which can be transferred to different industries. - It turned out: Russians and Ukrainians will bring out the household soap of 21 kopeck, while the economy at our enterprise at that time allowed to release only 45. As a result, all contests in 2019 we lost. We, the only major producer of household soap in Belarus, could not sell soap!

Further competitive struggle turned into an enterprise laboratory. Gomeli began to check foreign soap. Found: fucking.

- On the piece of soap indicates the fat content: 65% or 72%, "says Igor Mozhanov. - Going on a business trip, we went to different trading networks, took five pieces, brought to the laboratory. In that we checked, fat turned out to be almost twice as fewer than declared. We are for competition, but it should be honest.

Then there was a clearing of terrain from counterfeit through appeals to regulatory organizations. As a result of this, a very unexpected maneuver, some major retailers on the territory of Belarus simply closed the supply of a penny "lime" soap from abroad.

Clearing the platform, the GLC sells 130 tons of household soap per month. They say that in the first months of the epidemic reached 300: everything was fired, they were still a little calmed down.

The company is now netting to another leakage: it is more difficult for what is not through trading networks, but is purchased by enterprises in Russia directly. There, too, good volumes and "all documents are available" - but who will check the composition?

Resting (possibly) your own market, Gomel is now rushed with soap into China. Translated their standards (found out that our tougher), sent samples.

"They are not entirely understood that if, in our Slavic perception, the first deputy shall be divided. - Everyone is really looking different. And our packaging there is absolutely unfinished. There everything should be very bright - we would have it would be kitych. Therefore, the Chinese colleagues appealed to develop design.

Mayonnaise: the one?

Practice teaches us that to seize the market with the help of marketer dancers is not a great honor. Sometimes it implies that a good product should be ruling up cheaper and viable surrogate. Perhaps GLC with his patriarchal structure to some extent was the victim of this expansion.

We were told at the factory many times (we stubbornly asked) that they release the "that" mayonnaise. Of course, now all manufacturers, not only in Gomel, have different variations, but under the term "that very" we mean the product of 67 percent fat. In the USSR from Baltic to Bering Strait The composition was the same: vegetable oil, egg powder, milk, sugar, vinegar, mustard. Then the Soviet people have not yet known the letter "E".

"Our" 67th "is what the plant proud and be proud of," says Igor Mozhanov. - Old formulations remained. We can give a high-quality product - but the consumer does not want to pay for him. Of the two options, you will choose a cheaper ... Well, specifically you will not choose, but there are studies that say that Belarusians are not ready to overpay for quality. This is the most offensive. Our market went towards cheaper.

Okay, let's just comparable labels. In the first picture, the legendary jar of the eighties - she is unborn, with the contents, is stored in the Museum of the enterprise. On the second - a modern package.

It was


The basis is the same. Instead of egg powder now, the "egg product" is now, instead of the mustard - the flavoring agent, dry dairy serum and soda were added, iodine and additive from the track appeared in salt. The shelf life increased fourly.

Will we feel the difference in taste? There is no answer, since there is no more reference product for comparison. There are only phantom pain and memory of the world, in which the trees are higher, and the grass is green. Well, a rare jar with a darkened mass. We call on experienced users whose receptors remember the taste of Brezhnev times. Please answer as fair as possible and without emotions.

That the same taste? To make your choice


Yes no i'm too young (result)

I wonder how preferences are distributed over different manufacturers. You can argue about tastes only by mathematical methods. In the votor, we included the Belarusian mayonnaise, which were found in the catalog of one of the major retailers. It should be noted that the 67 percent option (analogue of the Soviet) is still supplying only Gomel and Minsk Margarine Plant ("Golden Drop"). Therefore, we are forced to compare a cheaper and common 50 percent. In this case, evaluate the quality of the product, without binding to the price. Analytics and other preferences - in the comments.

What manufacturer mayonnaise prefer? To make your choice


ABC Gomel Fat Combine "Kamako" Minsk Margarine factory Result

We often hear about sanitation, but quite rarely - about cases of recovery. The procedure is either infinitely extended (for this you have to sacrifice taxes, overload healthy organs), or even more infinitely try to sell property eliminated to pay off with a very infinite creditor queue.

In addition, at the corners and under the sofa, we have hidden many organizations (formally private, as, for example, collective farms, in fact - state), which have all the symptoms for the diagnosis of "bankruptcy" and subsequent treatment or liquidation. But continue to live in the rights of healthy, poisoning the economy.

The GLC lists signs of recovery. 2020 finished with profit - for the first time in five years. Profitability after negative - 5% plus. Sales in networks increased at times.

Exports by 2019 amounted to 269% (it is half a million dollars). The United States (Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Lithuania) was added to the historical destinations. During the reservation, for the first time, they spawned there with our brown business soap. ("They say there: almost handmade.") In fact, clarify at the plant, the echelons do not go there yet, the main customers are Russian stores, obliged to meet the need for nostalgia. They are selected to China.

The court set the expiration date: September 26, 2021. If the treatment is recognized as successful, the mathematics of calculations with creditors will turn on the full coil. Lenders are me with you. Ideally, everyone should become easier - with working laws of physics and economics.

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