Raider's capture and deceived depositors: What is known to Ryazan developer who received land without trading in Orel?

Raider's capture and deceived depositors: What is known to Ryazan developer who received land without trading in Orel? 16376_1

Ryazan company RP-STROY will be rented without trading a land plot of more than seven thousand square meters on the street Razdolnaya in Orel to a multi-storey residential building. The appropriate resolution was signed by the governor of the Oryol region Andrei Klychkov. The area of ​​the Ryazan company receives the land for rent for five years. In the near future, the corresponding contract will be concluded with the company. However, what is known about this company? Oryol News prepared a company card.

In Orel, the developer managed to prove well. Earlier, the company successfully completed the unfinished house 11 on the street Razdolnaya, who was starting to build the company "MODULINVESTSTROY", announced bankrupt back in 2016. And now as a bonus "RP-STROY" received a large plot of land for a multi-storey building.

According to the "Side view".

At first, in a strange way, all refills were transferred to the Rent of SSS LLC led by a certain director Baghdasarov, whom no one had seen. And the signatures of the owners 2/3 were supposedly existed. Vasilyev and Dmitry Posokhin stated the police about fraud, allegedly did not put any signatures.

Next, the events developed even more interesting, especially when the surname Efimova appeared on the horizon. As colleagues from, on January 17, 2017, about ten o'clock in the morning at the same time, construction equipment arrived at the same time. And under the protection of chop fighters. All actions, as later, will find out Alexander Posokhin, were initiated by his brother Dmitry, Maltsev, Altynov and Efimov, approves the publication.

The next day, that the fuel trucks could not merge "fuel", manipulators unloaded cabins literally on capacitive parks where tens of tons of gasoline and diesel fuel are stored. Naturally, the police were called, which was the relevant protocols, Alexander Posokhin and the head of the company "SVS" wrote an appeal to the prosecutor of the Ryazan district. They drew the attention of the head of the supervisory department to the fact that a number of rules and rules were broken.

The surname of Efimova is also known and according to the "DVK company" in the Ryazan region. LLC "DVK" was founded in 1999. It all started with the sale of computers in a small shop. In a few years, the company has already included 31 stores in Ryazan, Tula, Vladimir and Ivanovo regions. The number of employees is about 700 people. According to the founders, for 2007, DVK had more than 500 million rubles annual turnover. The company was in the hundreds of the largest computer enterprises in the country. In 2004, DVK begins to produce bills and give them to the population under 13-14% per annum. By November 2008, the rates reach 22%, the number of depositors - more than three thousand people. On November 5, the company's head office closes on the castle, and the founders (Boris Efimov, Yuri Altynov and Andrei Babaev) declare voluntary liquidation. Three years later, the debt is about 600 million rubles, it is 80% of all deposits at the time of closure, the Ryazan branch of the Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote.

Alexander Kochetkov became the competition manager of DVK. The tasks of the manager included to collect as much money as possible from the sale of the property of DVK, follow the receipt of computers for sold on credit and gradually distribute collected money to the holders of bills. This is theory. In practice, everything turned out to be different, wrote the publication. For the "control" over the process from Veksel holders, DVK has created the Depositors Committee, which included five people, four of whom are the depths of the founders who had large contributions. By the way, these four their money back received almost completely and one of the first.

As for the rest of the depositors, how the same "Komsomolka" wrote, then there was simply no accounting papers on the bill holders. Lists of victims made up simply: after the announcement of the liquidation, people came with bills and they were recorded. More than 3,300 people have fallen. The manager began selling property DVK. Only strange: the building opposite TD "BARS" on the Moscow highway, an area of ​​1000 square meters. M has passed for 3 million rubles, like an apartment. As a result, about 40 million rubles gathered from the sale parts of the assets. The revenue money distributed 83rd bills. Moreover, 30 million of these money received a small group of people - 100% debt, the rest of 10.55%.

In the spring of 2009, seeing what was happening, the depositors turn to the Arbitration Court with a request to suspend the operation of voluntary liquidation and start bankruptcy. The new manager, whom the court appoints, becomes Nikolai Safronov, who since the summer of 2009 and May 2011 collects 110 million rubles. Money is distributed between 2,800 weeks holders on the principle of 10.55% of the contribution. And that's it. In May of this year, the Arbitration Court decides to complete bankruptcy.

It is noteworthy that Boris Efimov and Yuri Altynov, being founders of the scandalous firm, passed in the case as witnesses, writes.

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