20+ people whose guardian angel works for himself and for that guy


Sometimes there are unexpected situations in a measured everyday life, in which only a happy chance allows you to avoid big trouble. And it happens, we do not even realize and do not notice the moment when fate could turn quite differently.

We in the adme.ru found the stories of people, the guardian angel of whom was pretty to work well, and we are very pleased that everything happened. And from the bonus you will learn how to lose it.

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  • I shot an apartment in college, I hit me from the stove. Immediately notified the owner with clear explanations, what's the matter, and came. After a few weeks, the building burned down. © Sadandshy / Reddit
  • There was a strong thunderstorm, an apartment, the 5th floor, went to turn on the light in the bedroom. Only just pressed the switch, across the room a dazzling white band of lightning straight to my hand, managed to remove the hand. The room at that moment was witnesses that were in a larger shock than me. © Marina Dolghalia / Facebook
  • Once I bought a cake for my brother's birthday. Parents said to buy a banana cake, as the birthday girl like such loves. I did not listen to them and took chocolate. It turns out that the guy had a terrible allergy to bananas, and the cake was covered with blue icing, so he could not determine if there was a banana there or not. © JellolandGuyThing / Reddit
  • Near the work pedestrian crossing and two steps electronic barrier. They walked a peasant with a child, and just at the moment when he passed under the barrier, he began to descend. And, you will not believe it, for 10 cm before the blow, a peasant sneezed so that I slightly stuck and calmly passed, noticing anything. Passersby laughed in the voice. Apparently, the Guardian Angel has a smart man. © John710 / Pikabu

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© Rocky IV / United Artists

  • I was rejected only a month, and the devil jerked me to go to the competence on sambo. Call, and against me a barn comes out. I was all squeezed, I think he will bloom me. Everyone smiles in anticipation of the spectacle, and then suddenly breaks through the pipe. As a result, Sparring did not take place, my dignity was saved. © "overheard - here are talking about you" / VK
  • As a child, I rode on the rollers near my home down the slope and never wore any protection. Suddenly my older brother first says that I will not go anywhere, until I do not wear a helmet. I obeyed and on that day first fell and landed on the head with such a force that the helmet cracked. It is terrible to think that it would be with my skull, if I had not put a helmet. © TheredLodge7 / Reddit
  • It happened literally today, and I believed that I have an angel keeper. I was driving in a minibus, the people were man 4. With frost sat in front of the stove and thought that it was successfully settled. After 15 minutes, it was hot and began to scold, although there was no such thing. Suddenly I decided to transfer to the end of the cabin and to come into myself a little. Literally after 2 minutes, an SUV flew into us. Everyone remained alive. I got rid of bruises and bruises. But only the place on which I was sitting was sick. © Parushkan / Pikabu
  • While studying in college, I worked as a cashier in a large bank. For the year, my branch robbed 4 times, but fortunately, every time it was not my shift. Nobody suffered, but every time it was stress. © NickJWebster / Reddit

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© Focus / Warner Bros.

  • A few years ago I met a girl in a restaurant. She was beautiful, I wanted to invite her on a date, but he was glad. I went to the toilet, and when I returned, my buddy, who knew about my sympathy, already with her flirting. A couple of days after that, a common friend said that the buddy from the bar robbed the girl he led to his apartment. © Accurate_letTuce_683 / Reddit
  • In childhood I was a very hospitable child. That insistently called the homeless from the garbage to visit, another time the Gypsy invited. Once the door called an unfamiliar healthy man and asked who at home. I opened the door, said that one. It turns out that it was a father's friend, and he was frankly surprised by my "hospitality". He told all the dad and asked to talk to me. After talking, I didn't open the door to anyone else, even a grandparents, who came from the area, and they needed to wait somewhere 2 hours before the bus. © "overheard - here are talking about you" / VK
  • In 2005, we left New Orleans in 2 days to Hurricane "Katrina" in Mississippi. We chose where to stay at night: at the middle class hotel or in a very cheap motel. We decided to spend a little more money for the hotel. At night, Mississippi was in the epicenter of storms and a hurricane demolished the roof of the motel from which we refused. © kylexy929 / Reddit
  • A new employee came to us. I go to work and see that she goes ahead. And I have a very bad memory for names. I wanted to call her to go together, but was afraid to confuse the name. As a result, I did not bike. After a few seconds, the ice boulder fell right behind it from the roof. If she stopped to wait for me, then the block would fall on her. © Sanchi / Adme

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  • Rested with a young man in Anapa. It so happened that we got into the storm, I really wanted to swim. And here I jump on the waves at the shore, it covers a huge wave and takes into the sea. Blrew somewhere towards Turkey. I tried to file SOS signs to a young man, what he was mildly waved in response. I left forces, there were no people around. And here, from somewhere, behind the open sea saves a man, grabs my hand and pulls me ashore. Probably, it was a keeper angel. © "overheard - here are talking about you" / VK
  • One day there was between the 5th stores, the ends of one of the buildings were lined with tiles. Suddenly I hear the cry "Stop!", I turn around - no one. And on the track in 3 steps, a piece of cladding with cement falls in front of me. Bounced, I look - fell from the level of the 5th floor. Who shouted, I did not understand. © Olya Voloshina / Adme
  • I simultaneously had 2 offers about work in different states. There, where the salary was offered more, I did not go: I did not like the potential boss. In second place, the head was a great guy. As a result, I met a woman who became my wife, in that city, where I went to work. Meanwhile, the company that made me a more advantageous offer suddenly closed and dismissed all his staff without paying a day off. © Bryaninmsp / Reddit

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© Titanic / Paramount Pictures

  • The great-grandmother and the great-grandfather of my friend got sick and could not make a transatlantic journey in 1912 at the Titanic. © ScaryPick6 / Reddit
  • When I studied in the 7th grade, went, as always, home from school. The path passed through the construction site. I go near the construction site, listening to music in the headphones and clearly to hear the whisper in the ear: "Run". I do not know for what reason, but I ran. And through the literally seconds 10 to the place where I could be, if it was calm, it fell or something part of the crane fell, or something that kept the crane. The strangest thing that, besides the craneist, who could not see me, and the men standing at 100 from this place, there was no one there. I do not know, the guardian angel saved me or someone else, but thank you! © "overheard - here are talking about you" / VK
  • We went to your holiday in Italy. On the way back, we had a non-red flight from Germany to the West Coast of the United States, 12 hours. The next morning of the news we learned that the airline, which we flew, announced bankruptcy, and thousands of people were forced to post a lot of money to get home. After about a week later, we heard that Venice flooded (it was our second stop). We are so crazy lucky! © Lustful_Livie / Reddit
  • Talked colleague. They lived then in the village, and in the neighborhood there was a hyperactive child of 3-4 years. He regularly ran out of the house, and it happened that they were looking for him to all the village. It pursues cows, then in neighboring houses will wisely. Once the child crashes out of the house and begins to move towards the road. Nearby there were neighbors who had a large 2-meter dog on the leash. But it is at that moment somehow the dog is released. She went to the child, pushed him aside and saved from under the wheels of the passing machine. The dog is alive. And the child after that has fluttering from home many times. © Gabit8989 / Pikabu

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© Skyscraper / Legendary Pictures

  • My husband and I were at the hotel. We rose on the elevator to the room to take something (the number was right next to the elevator), we leave 30 seconds to descend back and see that the elevator is fully covered by fire. Since then, I do not use the elevator in general, always raise on foot. © Olga Klyudnikova / Facebook
  • I was late for my bus and instead of running and time to stop, I decided to wait for the next one. And then, driving past the first buse, I saw that he had an accident. © roseandwolf / reddit
  • My friend was driving on the autobahn in Cyprus at a huge speed. The edge of the eyes saw the side of the gray old old man who ran on a par with the car. The buddy was very surprised, he decided to learn from him what was going on. Gradually reduced speed, stopped, the figure of the old man immediately disappeared. And then the boy runs away, the child, right in front of the car, without looking around. It seems that someone is very lucky: or to a friend, or boy. © "overheard - here are talking about you" / VK

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  • At home there is a small such electric sauna. And so I decided to warm up, but there was no one at home. I put out 90 ° somewhere, I was lying, I heard and suddenly fell asleep. And Ka-A-AK I will come back something with a back! I fall, the head is terribly spinning, I feel sick. I look at the time: it turns out, 20 minutes so lying! I think a nightmare, and if it were for me "something" did not push me and I would not woke up? © "overheard - here are talking about you" / VK
  • Somehow at school, we went to the store. They scored candies in the trading hall and headed for the checkout. Suddenly, the old man, who intended to be parked, pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake, crashed into a shop windows and drove inside at least to the back wall. The old man was in order, we all got off my fright. © ugadawg87 / reddit
  • As a child, we lived in the village, and there a very strange story happened to me. The neighbors had a big shepherd. She rushed at all, except for the owners, so always sat in the aviary. Once in the winter he returned from the slide and saw me in 50 from himself this dog. Say that I was afraid - it's nothing to say. I quickly rushed towards the house, and she for me. As a result, I stumbled and fell into the snow. At that moment, when I rose, the dog was in a meter from me. She ruined loudly and was going to bite me. But suddenly she stopped sharply, bored and quickly ran away. I do not know how to explain it, but she was very frightened, it was visible in her eyes. Later I told it to my parents. They said that my guardian angel was saved me, and went swear with the neighbors. © Zampo / Pikabu


  • First course. Sit on a pair, discipline - something like an obzh. The teacher at all seriously told us that the curses drive the guardian angel for 3 days. Here it is - a safety measure! © "overheard - here are talking about you" / VK

And with you there were situations in which only a happy case helped?

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