As the Russian authorities and federal media comment on the return and detention of Navalny


"Agent of German special services" and "Small thieves", according to TV channels, faced "Justice".

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Alexey and Julia Navalny in Sheremetyevo. Posted by: photo Kira Brummy

On the evening of January 17, Alexey Navalny returned to Russia from Germany. There he was treated and recovered after in August 2020 in Tomsk, according to the conclusion of German doctors, poisoned by the neuro-paralytic substance "Novice". Navalny flew by the "Victory" by Vnukovo, where more than 2 thousand people came to meet him. But the plane unexpectedly sat in Sheremetyevo. Politics detained on passport control and are going to keep in custody to trial as far as possible in the case of "Yves Rocher".

Russian officials and federal scarof channels responded to the return and detention of Navalny. In the Kremlin, they declared that they did not hear about what happened. Silence on most TV channels could be explained by the fact that evening news releases went on ether earlier than the aircraft of Navalny landed. Therefore, TJ will continue to monitor their reaction on January 18. So far, the plots of Navalny showed only on Russia 1, Russia 24 and NTV.

Federal TV channels

"Russia 1"

Among the TV channels, the longest conversation about Navalny took place on "Russia 1" - in the "Westime of the Week" with Dmitry Kiselev. The plot of the last 2 minutes of 20 seconds was entitled with reference to the arrival of Lenin - "in a filling car."

Kiselev noted that Navalny's blogger was sent to Russia of German special services, and "with extraordinary pumping and showing precautionary measures." Most of the plot of the presenter dedicated to what preferred conditions were created for Navalny in Germany: the police passed any inspection, the police passed the passport control, the tuple was "almost more than Merkel."

Then, in the "Westi", they said that Navalny was announced in the search, because after discharge from the clinic, he did not agree with the penitentist inspection, where he was "tried to invite." "On passport control, the expected detention took place," the Kiselev summed up.

"Russia 24"

In "Russia 24", the detention of Navalny dedicated a 47-second story. They reported that the detention occurred on passport control in Sheremetyevo and is connected with the case of "Yves Rocher". The leading just as Kiselev, mentioned the tuple "more than Merkel" and the fact that the bulk brought directly to the aircraft trapping into a queue bypass.

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The program "PE" on NTV plot about Navalny came out under the title "FIECH". Politically referred to as "especially valuable agent" of German special services. Long before Navalny arrested for 30 days, he was called "convicted" in PE.

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NTV argues that Navalny has developed "working relationships" with German intelligence, the politician allegedly "did not belong to himself" and acted strictly in the pointer of special services.

In the release, they described separately, how Julia Navalny quoted "not the most positive heroine" of the film "Brother 2" than "caused rejection."

This plot lasts almost 8 minutes. Political analyst Roman Romanov declares that Navalna had to flee from Germany, because there they could kill him to fall around the blame for Russia. Another speaker - Armen Gasparyan - calls the policy of "small thieves" and vinit in all of his small "intellectual baggage".

Representatives of the authorities


Press secretary of President Dmitry Peskov said that in the Kremlin they do not know about the detention of Navalny at the airport. He suggested that this happened in Germany.

According to Peskov, Vladimir Putin also did not know about the situation, because on January 17 was the last day of his vacation, and the president did not follow what was happening.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov reacted to the numerous requirements of the United States and the EU countries to release Navalny. Lavrov believes that Western leaders "with joy" grabbed the news about the return of Navalny, because they are trying to distract attention from the "deepest crisis, which turned out to be a liberal development model." According to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, "the case with Navalny acquired the foreign policy sound artificially and completely wrong with."

# returned # navalny

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