"Boards". Pros and Minuses of Airport in Rostov-on-Don


Honestly, the international airport "board" looks cool. And on your 50 billion rubles, he looks really worthy. Yes, it was so much that was spent on the construction of a new, modern airport in Rostov-on-Don. Airport "Platov" was introduced in December 2017.

In this publication, I want to show you the airport and a little speculate its advantages and minuses.

01. View of the airport with square in front of him.

02. If the older aircraft complex was located within the city, the new one is located at a distance of 35 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don. This is an obvious minus, however, this minus is compensated by the fact that an aeroexpress is sent from the Rostov railway station every 40 minutes in the form of a comfortable bus to the airport. Buses are working around the clock, the fare is 100 rubles and 50 rubles per baggage.

03. It seemed that the exit was on duty less taxi drivers than usual at other airports. Probably due to the presence of a bus.

04. In the warm season you can pass time before flying in a small park in front of the airport.

05. Also, the advantage of such remoteness from the city can be considered that the residential quarters of Rostov have ceased to be undergoing danger.

06. At the entrance, everything is as usual - inspection, metal detector frames, baggage tape.

07. "Plates" accepts and sends flights to Turkey, so there are mobile laboratories for arriving from there to give PCR Test to Cake.

08. Of the advantages also the scoreboard. As for me, a person with poor eyesight, it is probably one of the biggest advantages - all information about flights is located at eye level.

09. Registration racks, which eliminates big queues. Also plus.

10. There is no large number of shops and cafes, a lot of free space for registration. By the way, prices for drinks and snacks in automata are not too high - water without gas 60 rubles, and bacon flavor nuts are 65 rubles. I bought coffee for 110 rubles. Another plus.

11. In general, "cards" does not look directly expensive. Everywhere some modesty and conciseness. If it were not for a huge screen with the landscapes of the Rostov region, I would not have thought that the construction of the airport cost 50 billion rubles.

12. Passed a pre-flight inspection and hit the waiting area. And then the screen is even more, and even for all 360 degrees. Stunning!

13. Waiting area also looks modest and concise.

14. There are not many people. At this time, only two or three flights were sent, my at Simferopol, including.

15. From the advantages can also be noted a new runway, which is more than a kilometer longer runway in the old airport.

16. Along the airport itself, and the territory around it looks uninhabited. However, the authorities suggest that a whole city with hotels, shopping complexes and other infrastructure facilities will be built around the air harbor.

17. It turns out that from the minuses of "Platov" only his remoteness from the city. And that is not a completely obvious minus. And otherwise - only the advantages.

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Message "Boards". The pros and cons of the airport in Rostov-on-Don appeared first on Arkady Ilyukhin.

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