Wild Birds: Waiting against Reality

    Wild Birds: Waiting against Reality 16311_1

    We live side by side with wild birds. Someone believes that it should be so, and someone against such a neighborhood. Some are afraid of free feathered, others really strive to tame them. But everyone should know who these winged actually and what should be expected from them.

    Many people consider wild birds with dangerous creatures, which, only envying man, are immediately ready to attack him. And the feathery is larger, the more damage it is capable of applying.

    Of course, not without it - this situation is not excluded. But only if the person invaded the territory that the birds consider their own. And if it is also brazenly yes, for the purpose of rejoicing - here I'm sorry - they themselves are to blame. Winged, like people, want to protect themselves and their family. Right?

    In other cases, as a rule, the feathers do not attack for no reason. Just be good for them, do not hurt, and no one will attack you.

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    Naturally, there is always exceptions to the rules. In nature, aggressive individuals come across. Sometimes it is a deviation in development, but more often - the consequences of resentment. Birds remember if a person came with them badly, so revenge. Again, only people are to blame for this.

    People, feeding wild birds, sometimes expect those in response to take them as their own. Therefore, try to establish contact with them with all ways. Then they teach feathers with hands, then try to stroke them. And the most desperate kick the most descended individuals and make a village at home.

    With proper patience and perseverance, the results may be. Fearless feathers will be from the hands of a man, one of them will not refuse themselves from caress, and individual individuals will be able to put up with life in a cage.

    But wild birds, though very cute, but still free creatures. At any time, a calm bird can scratch or peel. So she will do, if he decides that they are attempted on her freedom, honors a danger or something else known to her. It will hurt - it is Polwy. And if the infection will bring? Yes, and it happens.

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    And the wild winged, which entered into a cage - is generally a separate topic. This happens completely and near, and often - even well. But there is always a chance that the bird is snowproof and ahead of time will go to the sunset. This moment is worthy of a separate article, therefore we will discuss in more detail.

    People picking up helpless chicks, crumpled or freezing birds, are undoubtedly worthy of respect. This is a good matter, but often everything goes the same move.

    It is expected that the feathers will grow up, get started, get started, fixed, and then returned back - in native fenats, where they will be happy. Or will remain in the role of pets, and then everyone will be happy.

    Both options are possible, but it all turns out not as intended. Wild birds, for a long time in humans, can be considered semi-permanent. Especially if they fell into human hands still with chicks.

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    Accordingly, they did not learn or have already learned to live free life. In nature, such individuals will simply die, becoming, for example, easy prey for predators. Or elementary - fails to feed yourself. No one will protect them and will not bring them food in a bowl, as a man did.

    And if you leave a wild bird, it is sooner or later natural instincts will awaken in it. And the matter is not even that it will start throwing the litter, where he wants, and spoil things. Although it is not very nice.

    Pernata can recognize in some of the households "their" and try to continue with him. It will begin to feed the "chosen one", sue in his mouth, cling to the hair. And the rest - aggressively drive away from the "partner", to yell on them and peck.

    In general, the world of birds is closely connected with our, we want it or not. Just need to be observed non-good neighborhood rules, be kind to winged brothers, to reckon with the image of their lives. That's all the truth will be happy.

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