Should I open Jes in Sberbank?

Should I open Jes in Sberbank? 16290_1

When interest on deposits became low, many wondered if Iis should open in Sberbank. For those who do not yet know, explain that the ISS is an individual investment account, with which individuals can participate in the stock market and at the same time get certain tax breaks.

The stock market and bonds can really bring more profit than the bank deposit, but the income and even the preservation of the initial amount of money cannot be guaranteed. To take the right decision, certain features of the IIS in Sberbank should be known in advance.

Why should Iis open in Sberbank

Unfortunately, interest on bank deposits may be lower than real inflation. It happens especially insulting when the contribution in rubles is made at the time of external economic stability. But then suddenly, during the period of the deposit, something happens, the situation changes dramatically, and the changed prices around - completely destroy all the profits, and more than the money received back can be bought less than if they were spent immediately.

IIS tools

Are there any options to earn more than on the deployment in the bank? It was for this that a system was proposed by a system of individual investment accounts, with which you can invest money not into deposits, but in the securities market.

The owners of accounts are available mainly two classes of instruments: bonds - debt obligations of the state and companies, and stocks - in fact, the share in enterprises, allowing to obtain a part of the profit due to dividends, as well as earn an increase in the course value.

If everything is clear with the bonds, in the end on the day of repayment the investor will receive the promised amount, then the shares income is not guaranteed. Beginners should recommend not to chase immediately for especially high profits, but to start with the best companies, so-called blue chips.

IIS and tax breaks

In order to interest citizens in investment in securities, the state provided market benefits for taxes. Moreover, two options for IIS are offered. First, you can get a tax deduction in the amount of up to 52 thousand rubles per year when replenishing an individual investment account. This type of IIS is beneficial to those who get a white salary. But it is considered useless for individual entrepreneurs and pensioners.

The second option is the liberation of IIS from the income tax on the entire profits earned in the framework of participation in this program. This type of account is suitable for those who invest significant amounts.

Unfortunately, at the same time, it is also possible to get another, the client must choose either the first or second.

How to open Jes in Sberbank

Initially, the application can be filled on the site either through the client-bank system. From the investor only the passport will be required. And also, of course, documents for receiving tax deductions, certificate from the place of work, tax forms, etc.

Every citizen can open only one IIS. The minimum term is three years, and the partial early removal is impossible. You can only replenish the account by rubles, no more than 1 million rubles per year. These rules are valid not only in Sberbank, this applies to all IIS.

Why choose Sberbank for iis

Sberbank's control package is in the hands of the state, and it definitely will support this credit institution in any situation. Therefore, any investments in Sberbank can be considered almost the same in reliability, as, for example, with government securities.

To date, Sberbank is not only the largest bank of the country, but also the most popular population. And this means that this organization opens and serves a huge amount of IIS. That is, specialists have sufficient experience.

The reverse side of a large number of customers is the queues that are found in the divisions related to both investments, and not just with utility bills.

Service rates Iis Sberbank are presented quite competitive, in some cases even lower than other brokers in the stock markets. For example, transactions in stock market from 0.018 to 0.06 percent.

Sberbank offers its customers ready-made investment solutions for IIS. The minimum deposit amount of 10 thousand rubles. To date, there are two options to choose from: "IIS strategy of accumulation" and "Strategy Russian shares". The first sentence is quite conservative investment in bonds. The second option, as is clear from the name - is based on the purchase of shares, where the yield is expected above, but also the risk will be higher.

How much can I make money on IIS in Sberbank

Revenues for IIS are not guaranteed by definition. But there are, let's say, reasonable expectations based on the forecasts of analysts. And the yield depends on who exactly runs the portfolio within the account.

According to its pre-prepared for new customers, Sberbank products voiced by a figure of 6.9-9.1 percent of the conservative portfolio, which consists of bonds. According to shares, the credit institution refrains from promises.

In general, it can be said that there are funds on the stocks, which in the past managed to earn and 30, and more percent per year. But there are also those who remained in a deep loss. At the same time, IIS has one advantage: the depositor does not have to be a passive observer for what is happening. He may study the market itself, gain experience in stock trade and enter into deals on their own. In this case, it will be at least someone to ask.

Pros and Cons of Jes in Sberbank

Let's summarize in order for everyone to make your conclusions. So, the advantages of opening IIS in Sberbank:

  • The expected yield is higher than in deposits.
  • The ability to return the paid personal income tax as a tax deduction if you select the IIS of the first type.
  • Given this return, trade will begin with a plus of 52 thousand rubles per year. That is, a novice investor has some reservation supply.
  • New experience. Participation in the stock market for many is an interesting process that brings not only profit to invested money, but also pleasure from the process itself.

Unfortunately, there is in IIS and disadvantages, unlike a simple contribution. The most important of these are:

  • Income is not guaranteed. In some cases, even a loss is possible.
  • Money cannot be withdrawn earlier than three years. Otherwise, you will have to return to the state all the tax deductions received by IIS will pay, pay NDFL.
  • You can only invest rubles in this way. That is, the IIS does not protect against the possible change in national currency courses.

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