Battle for Moscow in the diary of General Wehrmacht

Battle for Moscow in the diary of General Wehrmacht 16272_1

Although General Gothhard Heinritz did not write his own memoirs about the "Eastern Hike", after him there were detailed letters of the family and a personal diary, which he led the whole war.

These notes, initially not intended for foreign eyes and the historians who have fallen in the field of view only in the late 90s draw a new, frank the picture of the occupation and war against the USSR.

Offensive in Moscow, October-November 1941

The onset of the Army Group "Center" October 2, 1941 should have to ensure a breakthrough to Moscow. Operation "Typhoon" initially led to the victories of the Germans in the battle for Vyazma and Bryansk. During this operation, the 43rd Army Corps in the composition of the 52nd and 131st infantry divisions crossed the G. River at Zhukovka (North-West Bryansk), came to life and formed the northern flank of the Bryansky boiler.

Letter to his wife, [even] September 29, 1941

"We are on the eve of the decisive battle in Russia. You can be sure that we are again waiting for a great success. It is not yet clear whether he will reach those scales that were near Kiev. Nevertheless, the further development of the general situation in the East depends on our nearest achievements. "

Writing in the diary, [Lykovo] October 10, 1941

"Clean evening sky, approximately -5. Again sent a request for the issuance of winter uniforms. Our soldiers are still carrying their summer uniforms. But the command of the Army Group adopted the "principal" decision that the delivery of ammunition and nutrition is more important than delivery of clothing.

In my opinion, "fundamental" solutions are often incorrect. Several wagons can always be sent, and they will bring much benefit. In this situation, none of the lower commanders will not dare to break the "principal" decision. Even the field mail is no longer delivered, although there are empty wagons in some compositions. "

[Kozelsk] October 23, 1941

"Recently, two Lieutenant Cavalirist at the head of their platoon in perfect order and fully armed with us and brought two cars. They said that on the Russian side a full chaos, the entire chain of the command and the supply system do not work (they did not eat anything for four days), which the order should be abolishing his order, so they will no longer see the point of fighting.

Today, the captain of the horse was transferred to us and said that the undisciplinedness and chaos had reached such a scale that he decided to leave this whip. So, on that side, the crisis really begins, the big losses in the lively strength and gear are beginning to make themselves to know what forces Russians to send non-trained recruits to the front, who have neither the soldiers' will, nor upbringing.

But it is worth noting that not everywhere. For tens of thousands of bad there are thousands of good redarmeys, and they even now have a stubborn, fierce resistance and go to the counterattack - one of our divisions collided yesterday, the events developed for us unsuccessfully, and we suffered heavy losses. If possible, before the winter onset, the first task is to destroy the resisting remnants of their troops, in order to prevent the reorganization of the Russian army during the winter months. So far, the implementation of this task is hampered by strong and non-broken compounds on the northern section of the Russian front. In addition, there is a strong, well-armed Far Eastern Army under Vladivostok. "

Letter to Wife, [Likhvin] October 27, 1941

"We have lost all hope. All our removes stuck in the dirt and off-road, there are no gasoline in the trucks, the soldier has no bread, there are no oats in horses. Often, soldiers do not even know where their trucks are stuck. Since the changes to the weather do not have to wait, our promotion will be very slow. Other parts with roads are better, and they are left 60 kilometers to Moscow, will soon fit the goal of the city.

In any case, the weather suddenly inserted us a stick into the wheels, which is very unpleasant for us. No one will risk and can not even imagine the state of the local roads. The fatty mud porridge, centimeters in 30-40, floats on the road, and when the car or truck goes, then a wave of dirt goes before transportation. On our warehouses, only a small part of the reserves relying on us. "

Writing in the diary, [Mudnovo] December 5, 1941

"At 3:15 come first reports that the nomination passed according to plan. The troops came to Ketry and the forest east of the village. And the 82th regiment moves forward. As soon as it starts the light, I go down. I still find out that there are fights for a small rather than that Ketry, the forest to the east of her and big bulbs are taken. The 82nd regiment in Nikulinsky ravings. In the meantime, the terrible cold, -32 began, prevents the use of weapons. At one battery 25% of shots does not occur at all.

In another projectiles, only 500-600 meters fly, since the powder in charge does not ignite normally. A large number of machine guns frozen and does not shoot. From everywhere there are reports of all new frostbite, weapons failures - in the III battalion of the 17th shelf did not shoot a single machine gun and so on. The division reports that the 17th regiment is no longer able to conduct an offensive.

I ask General Bertold, that he is going to take on. He pulls a long time with the answer, then he says that the 17th regiment is ready to hold big bulbs. As a bad situation, we have tried 12-15 [November]. The 82nd regiment then must remain on his positions. In his division from frostbite suffered at least 400 people. "

Letter wife, [Mudnovo] December 16, 1941

"I am writing about the development of events with great concern. Russian in several places did such large holes in our thin front, which made us retreat. Everything happens in the same conditions that were in 1812: Deep snow, almost impassable roads, gym, blizzard and frost. What will come of this, I do not know, now you can just hope that we will be able to stop the enemy ... "

Letter to Wife, [Kaluga] December 22, 1941

"Everything is irrebated somewhere rolls. We get orders to hold on top, while the Russians bypass us all the time. Yesterday were half surrounded. Repened again to pull the head out of the loop. I do not know whether it will work for the second time. In any case, my hopes are very weak.

From day to day we feel how the loop is tightened on the neck. Führer does not want to believe in it. We themselves, aware of the situation, deprives the last forces that 14 days have been scolded for 14 days. Sometimes there is a 24-hour pass. And then again a hail of strikes. No counterattack succeed, as we do not manage the situation, the initiative in the hands of the enemy. Complete disorder, unbearable position. "

After the fall of Kaluga and leaving the positions on the Oka River at the end of 1941. The 43rd Army Corps (31st, 131st and 137th Infantry Divisions) landed into a narrow space between Kaluga and Yukhnov, hitting simultaneous pressure from the north, The south and the east, and then threatened to be cut from the West. All requests for further retreat west deviated in accordance with the Hitler's dogma "hold at any cost."

Letter Wife, [Linen Plant] January 2, 1942

"My body stands on the flank that the enemy surrounds from December 12. With large, widely deployed forces, it stands deep in our rear. From the front he attacks the day and night. For many days we had 20, 30 and even 35 frost.

Our troops are in miserable condition. Farms are added to large losses. How many more we defeat - no one knows. Maybe one day the troops will not stand it. So badly our position. "

Letter Wife, [Linen Plant] January 3, 1942

"Today we have -35, and some speak about -42. Russian, it seems that it does not feel. Once at once he attacks, and should attack such a favorable situation for him. He hopes to destroy our army and therefore cannot stop.

How will everything turn out here, I do not know. Only one God can help here. Difficulties are praying in the mountains. All attempts of help break up on snow and frost. Day after day you are happy already that nothing terrifying happened. Next day you expect with fear - what will he bring? - And the night is also afraid, because it can happen something.

It is difficult, it is very difficult to stand firmly on the legs. Perhaps this is only with the Word of God. There is not enough forces. Outside, on clean, infinitely frosty sky - the new moon again. Armillery cannonade buzzing. Russian that day was relatively calm, probably again attacks. At a minimum, he fascins the villages in which our guys are looking for shelter from the cold. Each phone call hurts horror. After all, you do not expect anything good. Heavy times, sweet work. "

Letter wife, [necessary] January 11, 1942

"And nevertheless, it is hard to take such fate when so obvious that the cause of everything has a few stubborn goals and that one could have been avoided if one large-scale decision was made to retreat three weeks ago, 14 days ago, and even 5-6 days ago. Proposals about this came enough.

But the new Supreme Command of the Ground Forces rejects everything and weighed whether it is worth paying 20 kilometers from 1200 already conquered or not. At the same time, absolutely indifferent where we will secure in Russia. I think the time will come, and they will regret everything. But for us, forced to suffer, it does not change anything.

Already now the position of things unimaginable. Everywhere the pressure of the enemy is noticeable. We were already closed so that he would soon be strangled. At -15, a man rarely falls under the roof, not to mention the horses. Transport practically stood up, Sani stuck on the dried roads, today I stepged in deep snow in the dark. The first signs of defeat are visible everywhere. Probably in the morning completely will hold the main route of the supply. A few days later, perhaps the railway. And what then?

Fight without ammunition and soldering! All my neighbors, commander commander, suddenly disappeared, got sick and so on. Someone was transferred, and they urgently wanted. I have to stay here, on the front line, without real opportunity to get out. "

On January 20, 1942, Heinrice was appointed commander of the 4th Army. Now in front of him there was a task to keep the weak positions of the 4th Army, defending the narrow cut along the highway. This "artery" of the army had to be protected not only from the southern and eastern directions, but more and more and from the Northern and Western, where the partisans attacked, the broken guardsmen-cavalrymen and landed landing troops, who were under the command of General Paul Alekseevich Belov. Further military situation that pretended in the following weeks, reminded the battle of the boiler.

Writing in the diary, [Spare Derensk] January 24, 1942

"Again 32 frost. Everything froze. Engines do not come true. Airplanes do not fly. Everywhere frostbite. Disgusting situation. In the morning I went along the highway in the direction of Yukhnov, saw traces of the day before the day. In the village of Dolina met with General Bertold. At night, about 200 Russian skiers from the area of ​​the pomita village [Rylyaki] went to the highway and settled in the village next door to the headquarters of my former corps. When I arrived, they were already removed, but they will return.

The headquarters of the corps wake up all night and finally under the leadership of the headquarters, he moved into the attack. In general, the conditions are completely wild. The partisans, paratroopers, skiers are scolding everywhere in the rear. When will the moment come when the requirements of the situation will surpass the possibilities of our troops? "

Letter to his wife, [Spare Derensk] January 30, 1942

"The brutal struggle continues. Yesterday was another day of the first crisis. And again, we did not achieve the task to discourage some spaces.

And again all the goal. Like a bubble, hanging our body in the air, covered by the enemy from all sides. In order to get inside, today I had to fly on the "storm" at an altitude of 25 meters above the Russians. They shot us, but did not hurt us. All night because of worries could not become a challenge. I could not sleep. Just the insane costs of strength. Support yourself to cognac and insane smoking »...

At the end of January 1942, the Soviet offensive has exhausted and by mid-February, the total situation on the Eastern Front as a whole stabilized. Nevertheless, the position of the 4th Army remained tense until the beginning of May, since she had weak forces to protect the highway from the attacks of the Red Army, both from the front and from the rear ...

Source: "Notes on War for Destruction. Eastern Front 1941-1942 In the records of General Heinritz ", ed. J. Hurter;

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