"Santa Claus. Battle of Mages ": Deep Trees


Fyodor Bondarchuk will be spent on Lubyanka children with a special genome

That was a long time ago. From the distant ice galaxy, the great wizard of Eliazar flew in the centuries, he fought with Cosmos chimers, and with him - seven of his sons, seven of the immortal brothers beat shoulder to shoulder, defending the planet of people from fire-haired monsters. Combining, Eliazar realized the protective dome over the ground. But he had another son, the firstborn from another mother - the Moon, named Karachun (Alexey Kravchenko). He has been ingenected and tried to cut the heavenly dome. For this, the younger brothers planted him under the castle for 10 thousand years, and the Sword, which he spent the sky, put in a tricky casket and locked five keys. The keys, without thinking, were distributed to ordinary people, having endowed those immortality and electoral invisibility. Karachun Guardians does not see, and the team of Santa Morozov simply does not know them in the face. With psychology, the brothers also turned out to be unfamiliar, calculating, apparently, that Karachun, who had won the term, would agree to the prolongation of the conclusion or tearfully covered in Women to relatives. He unexpectedly decides to take revenge, swelling to start the keepers in the keepers, turning them in turn in ice cubes.

Meanwhile, Eliazar himself left the land and sons a long time ago, and for a piece of farewell chopped his staff for a thousand needles, from which evergreen trees grew. You probably have already guessed, what are these trees? Did you know! The Christmas trees are needed in order to suck and send silver threads into space that people emit when they say such words such as "I congratulate you", "I wish you", "I love you." As soon as happy people gather in the Christmas tree, magic begins. If people stop gathering around the Christmas tree and give each other silver threads, the protective dome will become weaker and, sooner or later, will crack under Natius chimer. Here, actually, how it all works.

I will recruit the potential magicians chosen by the defenders of the sky, Santa Claus (Fyodor Bondarchuk) - not only the most elder brother, but also the smartest and strong, but Russian. The rest of the six (among them there is Santa Claus, who is the rest - unknown) - useless, cowardly magicians in ridiculous headboards, sitting on the icy Norwegian cave with sour muzzles. But there is no such frost, who led the anti-simer corporation with a military call for young magicians (those who inside there is a magic gene) on a secret attic of the Moscow "Children's World", which is on Lubyanka. Santa Claus annually recruits new gennomified citizens, and among them there is a high school student with a difficult fate of Masha Petrova (Taisia ​​Vilkov).

10 years ago, a father (Egor Beroev) was missing for the new year, left and did not return. This was preceded by an incident near one of the Moscow Christmas trees: she caught fire (whether the garland crossed, or something recently freed from the sharpening of the evil Karachun in a costume of the pink hare squeezed). Masped Masha, suffering from hallucinations and misunderstandings of classmates, enters the Deadmorozov Corporation (an organization that is not prohibited in the Russian Federation) and receives a silver ball, which allows you to shoot a chimeron and smellably smoke from the roof on the back of the non-primary snowy owl. And then she, together with other young magicians of a call age, under the wise leadership of Santa Claus, should take a number of messy and inconsistent actions, whose goal is to beat enemies and take away the keys issued to them earlier from the keepers. However, when the watchful warriors of light want to carry out cleaning in their ranks - one of them, Nikita Krutov (Nikita Volkov), is about to go to the side of evil, - Masha will be against.

Director of Painting "Santa Claus. Battle of Mages "Alexander Vortyansky For some reason, not a single scenario who worked with him on the" ghost "and" black zipper ", to compose fantasy about Santa Claus did not call and wrote a script, as he could, himself (in the credits two more than two no one known name) . The scriptwriter from Litagesky did not come out - a pretty original idea was taken by borrowing, stamps, the absence of investigative relations, vague dialogues, and, not least, mediocre jokes (only malign-quality classmates of Masha laugh above them).

Fedor Bondarchuk became a business card of the project, whose Santa Claus - a man with a status: Moves only on Sanya with a personal driver (Vladimir "Okarny Babai" guesthouse), for two hours of screening time, it replaces eight flawless costumes, and during public speeches wears beautiful white braids And staff, to disgrace similar to Saruman's rod. However, he himself is far from the image of a lental grandfather with gifts: on the contrary, it is an unkind paranoid, concerned about the problems of internal security. With the rhetoric of the Commissioner of the Motion "Ours". "On seven continents * tens of thousands of magicians work on goodness not to give up! Today you have to become one of them! I am Santa Claus, and if you hear these words - it means you need me! ", - So he will recruit youth to the corporation. * The seventh continent is, apparently, Russia.

The film's budget is only the fifth part of the "Viking", but allowed the center of Moscow - Pushkin Square, Kuznetsky Bridge (Norway was filmed there), as well as the central "children's world" on Lubyanka, in which Santa Claus settled (Veliky Ustyug - not solid better closer to the Kremlin). The larger part of the film was shot in the studio, on a chromaeee, after all the picture was conceived as a "high-tech family cinema" - this is exactly what Alexander Lastinsky promised on Pitching in the movie Foundation. Alas, the New Year's gift to the audience will not become a picture. The stop in the work was indeed made on special effects (the best can be viewed in the trailer): Scary fiery chimeras roll out of the spinning sky, like caviar from the fertile fish, but emotions do not cause them stealing, nor the very battles of magicians in Rapid. Alas, computer graphics are not able to replace the intelligible story, which is completely absent here. Much unclean in the dossier of Himer, brothers frost, keepers and girls Masha. And there are such words that can not be pronounced, otherwise you let evil. It seems one of these words "battle of magicians" would be able to characterize fully.

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