What are these serious?


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The epic "Sniderkat" epic (as short as a brief is called "justice league" in the directorial version of Zack Snidder) I watched with anxious feeling of a broken recognition: where did I see this scene? And this? And that? In promotional trailers? In episodes after the titles of other DC Comics films? On the third familiar Fragment broke and went to google reviews on the "League of Justice" 2017, which began to make Zack Snyder, and ended Joss Widon.

What?! I wrote one of them?!

Usually, such amnesia happens at superages that they do not remember where they were yesterday, and only scattering fifteen people, they begin to slowly enter what. But this is not our case. I remember the snider "man of steel", I remember the Superman against Batman, but the four-year-old limit of the "League of Justice" almost trusted. More precisely, as if dissolved in other films of the franchise or even several franchises - as something that did not have their own face. But I even praised it restrained - for the fact that the Wyon's finished the picture brought a little Marvel playing in the stern world of DC. But it was not necessary! In 2017, some lack of "Avengers" turned out from the "League of Justice". But the snider returned and did everything as it was. As it was necessary.

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Zack Snyder on the shooting of the "Fair League" Photo: Warner Bros. Record

On the day of the premiere of a four-hour Sniderkat, the online service "Filmisk" reported on a record number of views - more than 400,000. For comparison, the previous one, twice as shorter, the version of the League of Justice looked at the start of 267 803 of the viewer, and the most successful DC release Comics in Russia - "Joker" - 404 909 people.

Does this mean that the Snider "League" is not only twice as long as Wyondon, but also twice the fascinating? That is unlikely. It is appropriate to ask, who would have watched a "league" of the Snidder to the end four years ago - not even for one sitting, but in principle. But it seems, the pandemic has changed the audience habits. And what is four hours today? This is essentially mini-series. Two times have dinner dinner - and now justice has triumphed.

But it's not just a change in time perception. Sniderkat is such a DC Comics, which it should be. Etalon, monument, Everest. What DC Comics walked for many years.

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Frame from the film "Dark Knight: Revival Legend"

Batman: Dark Start

The newest History of DC Comics is logical to start with the reboot of Batmenhana, made by Christopher Nolan in the middle of zero. It was then that it became clear that the comic was not a toy more children. This is no longer a routing clowns in Triko, but the epic web, which is put by big problems, no wonder for the role of a person - a volatile mouse invited a serious dramatic artist Christian Baila.

Liha trouble was "Batman: the beginning" (2005), two more films followed - "Dark Knight" (2008) and "Dark Knight: Revival Legends" (2012), one cycinicity of the other. In these paintings from the former Batman, in essence, raincoat and mask with ears were left. At some point it began to seem that a man-mouse, which became a dark knight, simply will simply endure the Nolan social, political and moral questions assigned to him. Batman and his antagonists played not an abstract duel of good and evil in futuristic Gotham City (as in fun times when comics about a man-mouse shielded a pimer Tim Burton), but current plots against the background of a completely realistic megalopolis. The atmosphere was extremely gloomy, the hero and villaini suffered from mental injuries, but did not yet go to psychoanalyst (this will happen later).

Knights billions

The correctness of the selected strategy can be judged by the dynamics of fees. The film "Batman: the beginning" earned $ 206.85 million on the homeland, around the world - $ 373.66 million. Dark Knight raised the bar to $ 534.85 million in America and up to $ 1.006 billion in the world. A "Dark Knight: Revival Legend" put points at $ 448.13 million in American box office and $ 1,081 billion around the world.

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Frame from the film "Man of Steel"

Superman: Gospel

The Mogo Hero of the DC Comics, briefly returned to the screens in 2006 (Superman Returns Brian Singer), in the new decade they gave to the care of Megaloman and Vizier Zack Snider (with the production support of Christopher Nolan), and in 2013, "a man of steel ", I immediately identified the scale of ambitions. Suga about Superman was to become the Gospel in the world of comics.

By the time of the realization of his own mission, the beginning of the execution of feats and fitting the superman costume Clark Kent (Henry Caville) turned thirty-three years. See you with the Father of Heaven (Russell Crowe), he did not know that his real name of Cal-El, and the real homeland was the deceased Planet Krypton. Clark wandered over the world, interrupting random earnings, and rescued someone periodically, but for the time being, this activity did not have a systematic nature and ideological justification. Almost all Supersoul Clark used to look like a middle guy from the Midwest. He was the most restrained and inconspicuous superhero, until he reached the age of Christ and did not meet with Journalist Lois Lane (Amy Adams), Pulitzer Laureatka, whose eyelid editor, the sensational material would be able to entail the quotation from another great comic, which shielded Zack Snyder:

"God is, and he is an American. "

And it was not any crazy patriotism, Snyder worked thinner. After the Spartan severity of the prologue "Man from Steel" amazed the viewer with the beauty of American poetic cinema. Kansas Pastoral was unselected hardly in the stylistry of the Terrence of Malika - with the lulled movements of the camera, crossed frames, the abundance of close-ups and revolutionary for comic to the desire to show both blades and fishing rods, in the field every spikelet. So that with superviews such a splendor, Superman, despite the alien origin, might think: this is my homeland.

Steel millions

But the success of the trilogy about the Dark Knights updated Superman could not be repeated: "The man of steel" collected $ 291 million in North America cinemas, and around the world - $ 668 million.

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Frame from the film "Squash Detachment"

What is MARVEL at this time?

And Marvel by this time removed all the competitors: in 2012 the first Avengers came out, earning $ 207.43 million in American rental only for the first weekend. Success became the result of a well-thought-out strategy. Before you to release superheroes in bulk, Marvel successfully sold them back at retail, providing "Avengers" the status of supersess.

But the focus was not only in this.

The Marvel Universe in the dire use of Joss Odon was a cozy, more fun and human cruel and gloomy world DC Comics. Superheroes here constantly pushed each other. And the tone asked the Millionaire Playboy Tony Stark (Robert Downey Ml.) - In essence, anti-batman, the same superhero without supergels, also with the mind, money and the talent of the organizer; Only, unlike a man-mouse, he knew how to joke and was damn charming.

DC Comics answered "Avengers" with an unconvincing "suicide detachment" (2016), but it was just a warm-up: in parallel the main forces were put forward, the best fighters were raised - Superman and Supermen.

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Frame from the film "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice"

League of semisters

The picture "Batman vs Superman: at the dawn of justice" (2016) became not just a meeting of the two most popular superheroes DC Comics, but continued the topics of the Epiphany and Saving Sacrifice in the "man from Steel" in the "man" and visually, right up to Misanscena "Pieta". Batman (no longer Christian Bale, and Ben Affleck) looked in this story by the Borer, who opposed the heavenly supersillery human courage, perseverance and smelting. And then became the apostle. As for the devilish doubt, he was embodied by the tricky villain Lex Luthor (Jesse Aisenberg), who planned to kill the Savior and call on the earth demons.

The powerful fingel of the gospel of the Snidder was to be the "League of Justice", but the director could not complete the film due to the family tragedy - suicide daughter, and the producers of Warner Bros. Offered "League" Joss Wyonon, already hired on a parallel project - "Batgerl". It was promised that the director of the first and second Avengers will retain the Snider style, but he, of course, did everything in his own way: he added jokes, replaced the composer, something has shown something, something simply threw something. Snider just in case they advised it even not to look.

The idea to make DC Comics superheroes at least a bit similar to successful competitors from Marvel did not justify himself.

Fair score

If "Batman against Superman" gathered $ 330.36 million in American rental $ 330.36 million, and around the world $ 873.63 million, then the "League of Justice" in Udon version - $ 229.02 million and $ 657.92 million, respectively. The products of the cinematic universe Marvel brought billions by this time.

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Frame from the movie "Joker"

Poor Joker

DC Comics reputation saved "Joker" (2019), which earned not only $ 1,074 billion in global box office, but also a loud festival glory: the victory in Venice made the filmmaker talk about the film as a real art. Directed by Todd Phillips brought to a logical end, started by Nolan, - turned comics to a harsh social drama. That is, answered the question as defined by Joker (hit ash) in the "Dark Knight":

"Why so serious? "

Joker-2019, played by Hoaquin Phoenix with outstanding skill and frightening physiologist, became a walking diagnosis, a visual benefit of a psychiatrist. He was shaking and crushed, he recorded the obscurity of an obsessive nonsense in a pendant notebook, considering these reprise billets. He could not need anyone, but he often laughed himself - suddenly and terribly. He walked to a social worker psychologist to get recipes. And when the social worker was fired, stopped distinguishing the real from the imaginary. But he had a pistol.

In the history of this "Joker" there were no so many comics as "taxi driver" and "king of comedy" Martin Scorsese. And even the Gotham City, which seemed to the cause of the Hero's mental illness, and her grand projection, looked quite like New York in the 1970s.

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Frame from the film "League of Justice Zack Snidder"

Symbol of faith

"League of Justice" in the directorial version of Zack Snidder - an even more uncompromising author's project. This indicates a crazy timing, and detailed development of characters, and mental injuries, and spiritual ecstasy: it is enough to calculate how many times in four hours the apostle Batman utters the word "believe."

It is said that Snyderkat is also a visual guide on a movie device, resembling, for example, what kind of great power is installation. And to understand this, it is not necessary to revise the rolling version of 2017 at all. I testify: Memory did not let me down, the film was conceived by the Snider, I did not see any other on the same plot, but it is no longer important - canonical will become "Sniderkat "

Not because it is better, but because it shows: your way is not only every superhero, but also every universe comics. DC will not be "marvel", and Glory Superman, from now on and the foregoes of ages, Amen.

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