"You will not learn, you will become a janitor": how to help your child decide on the profession


An important decision in the life of a young man: Choosing a career. Parents can ensure the development of talents and abilities at an early age. However, many begin to push the child too early in one direction.

"Once he becomes an athlete," says Grandma when the grandson, which is a little less than a year, is sitting on her knees.

Parents Kati are convinced that their daughter will later make a journalist career, because "it is extremely curious." Andrei's father already sees a great diplomat in his five-year-old child. And Lena's mother dreams that her daughter will become a famous actress of the theater, because the girl loves to spin in front of the mirror and perfectly reads poems.

Obviously, every child is at least their own - smart and talented. Therefore, while children play in the sandbox, their mothers talk about the advantages and disadvantages of all school available to him.

Why do you think about a career with a pellery

In the modern world it is difficult to work successfully, so it is not surprising that parents, early begin to think about their children's career. Some of them are constantly in search, in order to recognize and promote the talents of their suggestive descendants.

These parents risk forget about the most important thing in life with children: unpredictability and further development. Because during puberty, the child wants to test himself and its capabilities without making a specific choice. The multifaceted nature of the growing personality should be encouraged.

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Whether the child will show her talent in the music or technical sphere, in public, commercial or physical activity, will be received to the university - the decision will be found anyway. It would be wrong to try to push the child in one direction at an early age. Because it means that it will be deprived of the opportunity to try differently and develop its uniqueness.

Help find yourself

The child needs stimulation to reveal their talents. Therefore, proposals must be as diverse as possible: the soul, the body and the mind want them to have something to do. Today there is a huge range of opportunities, from the Gymnastics section to musical lessons, from the "Children's University" to the educational proposals of museums. The child together with other children can try their capabilities in the game form.

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However, it is important to protect it from overload. Because, in addition to employment, every child needs time to not be lost in a huge list of cases. Must be leisure to play or just sit and fantasize about the magical worlds. Imagination and creativity can develop only if the child has the opportunity to relax. It takes time - and space to retire, imperceptibly for adults and without interference in the form of classes.

And he needs parents who motivate it. Permanent criticism and grumbling lead to despondency. Confirmation and positive feedback, on the other hand, give the child confidence necessary to approach the world with optimism: I appreciate me for my personality, all the doors are open to me, I can change the situation and achieve something. Such a positive psychological foundation gives the best prerequisites in order to continue to lead a full (professional) life.

When the decision is made: from calling to the profession

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No one will choose a job that, in his opinion, will not be interesting or profitable. In their activities, people satisfy some needs: they want to show what they are made, want to be active, conquer prestige and seek success, protect others and, of course, to provide themselves and their family. And the person pulls to the professions, which, in his opinion, "fit" to him.

The ideal is made up of many motifs. Often there is another external influence: the opinion of others about a particular position. Such a third-party judgment in many cases strongly affects the solution. It is perceived more seriously than its own tendency and ability. This probably explains why young people who wish to get an education prefer to choose the "traditional" professions.

But the disadvantages are obvious: on the one hand, some of them are directions that offer little opportunities to promote in a modern changing world. On the other hand, the demand for these professions is high, and there are few vacancies, respectively.

Therefore, it is worth getting an idea of ​​what professions exist and what the greatest prospects for the future are. Parents can help in this children. If you abandon your own stereotypes, you can collect useful information about actual directions.

Employment organizations also offer extensive information on the Internet. Definitely worth visiting employment centers and find out what kind of vocational guidance programs they have. Through discussions and tests on the ability, it is possible to make a profile of professions that come up for a young man.

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Such personality qualities as the ability to work in a team, motivation and initiative, are equally important than technical knowledge and good estimates. The second task of the parents is to help their children to determine exactly their strengths.

Why everyone talks about foreign languages

Today there is nothing more important than huge experience. The wider the young man looks at the world, the more professional opportunities he has. Simple possession of foreign languages ​​opens the doors to many professions. Young people should be able to spend time abroad to learn the language in the national environment. Well, when parents can help in this and analyze all programs that can be offered to children. Most of them are commercial. But if you wish, you can find language partners on the Internet and practicing at all from home.

How to get experience without working

If there is such an opportunity, you must definitely give a teenager to try your hand in different professions. It is possible that you can use your own workplace. To bring children to your own enterprise, offering to help with some easy operation. Find enterprises that offer schoolchildren to pass their practice. The earlier the child learns how the workflow is going on, the better.

For this, parents should not ignore the opportunities that the modern world gives. Children already at school are able to engage in photography and processing, record and mount video. With the development of the blocking, many learn more and write texts. Sometimes an adult seems to be superfluous, but it's good when the child tries and these directions. He will live in the world of new professions.

What else parents can do

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When choosing a profession, young people depend on supporting and helping their family. Most of them seek help to their parents if they feel that they were in a dead end, many usually need material assistance. Only a small part of adolescents are able to receive information and act independently.

First of all, the child must clearly understand his interests, strengths and talents. Of course, often adults do not know about it, because young people already live in their own world and are little divided by their hobbies and interests.

Therefore, the most important task of parents is constantly looking for opportunities for conversation with your child and listen to him carefully. Together, the strengths and weaknesses can be discussed as objectively and neutral. If a young man continues to hear from his parents: "This is not your job," "You can't do it," he or she will lose the desire to act and seek success. The family must motivate, not criticize. Then the youth will be able to realize.

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