"It's your fault that you could not get through!" Educators shared cases from life


Children in the kindergarten are forgotten not only in jokes, but also in real life. On one of the channels Yandex.Dzen, we met a curious text in which the tutor divides stories about forgetful parents from personal experience. In the comments, colleagues confirm: such situations are not uncommon, rebenok.by.

Drunk fathers and grandmothers who are leaving for the country

- For the first time he did not come from my group when I was a very young specialist. Evening, no one except me and the boy in the garden. Cell phones have not yet invented. Woman's watchman flatly refused to stay with the baby, but gave advice: "Write your address and lead a child to your home, parents will appear - I will give a piece of paper, everyone do."

With a spoiled mood (a date disappeared!) He led the boy to the apartment where she lived with her mother, dad and sister. My father had a shock when he saw the baby. But the mother quickly joined the situation: I fed the boy with snacks, I read the book and put it to sleep on my bed (that's what many years of pedagogical experience in the boarding school!). And I had to be signed together with my sister on her bed.

In the morning, my father told that at about the second hour of the night there was a drunk dad, asked to give him a son. But my dad without any pedagogical renerests just lowered it from the stairs. In kindergarten I was already awaited by mommy with a cute candy and a request to tell nothing.

A date still took place on another day, everything ended with a wedding. And already in a couple of months, I brought the next "forgetful" in the apartment of Sveck and the mother-in-law. People they are simple, the pedagogical nuances did not know, comments that evening I heard from the soul. And again behind the child came a slightly drunk father, however, the baby still did not have time to fall asleep in bed.

From time to time, the situation was repeated not only for me, but also at my colleagues. The most offensive is when the child forgot the child on the eve of the holiday in a short day. Once on December 31, my partner led to his home two brothers. Not every husband is ready for the fact that a trip to visit New Year's Eve is broken. Fortunately, just a few minutes to the Kurats, a whole delegation of relatives of kids with a bottle and snack came running towards them. It turns out that everyone hoped each other and, just gathered together, realized that no one had taken children. After the rapid clarification of the relationship with her husband, the colleagues still took place no less stormy reconciliation with the brother and the ringing of glasses.

The same colleague once again had to bring home a child not only for the night, but also for all weekends. Just a pregnant mom-loner drove to a consultation to the doctor, from there I was soon sent to the hospital. Only on Monday, she managed to contact the kindergarten, inform the address of relatives so that we ourselves would take the baby them (well, there were still no mobile in those years).

But even the appearance of cell phones has not become a guarantee that such situations will not be repeated. Another colleague said that no one had come for her pupil once, for evening calls and SMS - no reaction. In the morning I still got through to the girl's dad. The answer was original: "This is your fault that you could not get through! It was necessary to be more persistent! " It turned out that mom instructed her grandmother to pick up a child, and she forgot and left for a cottage with a phone without charging. Dad decided to "go nut" and turned off the phone for the night so that he was not delivered.

Parents may even be offended

- My colleague also took the child to his home, because I could not get through to the dad, nor to mom - phones outside the network area. He led to himself, fed dinner, played, began to sleep. And then Mom looked at, they say, "the subscriber is waiting for your call," and in the yard - already the eleventh hour.

The colleague immediately called the excited mother of the child, explained the situation, comforted as she could, they say, everyone in life happens, come, take away, I have such a thing. Mom all on the nerves: "Where will I find you among the night?! I do not know this area! It is from my house at the other end of the city! How should I get?! ".

The colleague calms her down: "Do not want to look for anything, sit on a taxi, we will meet you at the entrance." Mom is already in rabies: "I have no money for a taxi!" The teacher calms her down: "Don't worry, go calmly, I will pay a taxi."

Mommy boils: "I have no money on my phone, I can't call a taxi." The teacher calms her down: "I call you a taxi, dictate the address." Mother came, jumped out of the car and let the teacher explaining: "I am now what, walking with the child at night to drag on the other end of the city by your grace?!". Educator says: "Calm down, do not worry! I said that I will pay a taxi! " Mom overlooking the deeply offended baby stuffed in the car and pursing his lips, left. Neither sorry nor thanks. And the next day led the child to the garden - silently. The group was blocked and left. Offended.

The colleague told us this story and made a conclusion: "I did not understand what it was. It seems to be a good deed, and the feeling that I, like a lousy kitten, was naked in a puddle. "

Previously, children regularly spent the night of the educators

For almost 30 years of work in the garden, there was a lot of stories. Here are some of the most vivid cases. Twenty years ago, a girl went to my group. Her mother is a loner, grown in an orphanage. Relatives are none. So during the year at least 3 days a week, the girl spent the night with me. My mother-in-law protested first, then got sick, like everyone else. And even began to ask: "And what is this Alice, for a long time we did not spend the night?".

Another case was, also for a long time, the boy did not take on Friday. There were no phones then. In short, contact relatives did not work out - and I took it with myself to the cottage for all weekends. And parents, as if nothing had happened, came to take it on Monday evening. It turns out that she had to pick up on the weekend, but forgot.

Another girl was, her mother had a police colonel. Two weeks before the new year, she began some kind of inspection on the region and before nine in the evening she did not take the daughter from the garden. And so all four years! On all our disturbances was one answer: "What can I do? I am working!".

How many times the children diluted and do not count homes. But all this is up to one case. In the next group did not take the girl on time. Parents' phones are disabled. The tutor promoted with her until 21.00, and then took to her home. I fed, slept sleep. At 23.15, a riot policemen literally broke into her apartment, led by a drunk, writing the screaming mother: "Stolen! She kidnap my child! " I figured out, of course, but the nerves shoved, be healthy.

Now we are categorically prohibited in such cases to bring children for the territory. This is illegal. Either sit and wait when they come and take away or cause police and guardianship authorities. As a rule, sit and wait. Police once called out when they did not come for a child until 22.00.

And how about us?

We called several Belarusian kindergartens to find out if they had precedents with forgotten children. And what instruction has educators for such cases?

According to the administration, they did not have any cases that parents forget children in the garden. Usually everyone takes home to the closure of the kindergarten at 19:00.

At the educators, the other truth: sometimes parents come after closing the garden, but usually warn on the telephone delay. Then the teacher is waiting for their parents with a child on the watch, leave it with a guard and go home - it is impossible, it is forbidden. If parents never appear and there will be no connection with them on the phone, you will have to go to the police and decide the question with the district. It is most likely to determine the child in the shelter, which is in every area of ​​Minsk.

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