"In your communication, never contradict your strategy"


Why do people like Lays chips, but they don't want to buy lemonade under such a brand? Why manufacturers of pens under the BIC brand managed to spread brands on other cheap goods from plastic, but did not like the spirits under such a brand to buyers? How to build communication with buyers and create a successful association with a brand, and negative - to destroy, discussed with Professor Rash Darya Darya Darya Darya in the "Economy Economy" podkaster - a joint project of Vtimes and Rosh with the support of the Safar Charitable Foundation. And the PR Director Yandex.Dzen, Yevgeny Ponomarenko, shared his experience and promotion of the brand.

So, the basic theses Darya Dama Diabury

Why do we love brands

Buyers brands help to choose a product that suits them more than others. For example, buying adidas sneakers, you are waiting that they will be high quality sneakers of an unknown brand. Brands help and express ourselves - for example, putting on a T-shirt with the inscription Metallica, you want to say something about yourself.

Companies with brands communicate with consumers and, of course, earn brands. Brands can also be distributed to other goods. For example, the Honda brand is primarily associated with economy class cars, but the company also sells motorcycles and lawn mowers.

But it does not always work. Lays failed to spread the brand-known brand chips on lemonade. And although people love eating chips together with Lemonade, in the case of Lays the association did not coincide. When you think about chips, you present something salt and crunchy, but when you want lemonade, you think about something lightweight, refreshing and cold. The same happened with BIC: the company was able to spread the well-known brand of the handles for disposable razors. But when Bic tried to produce perfume under the same brand, they did not buy them: people did not want perfumes that are associated with cheap plastic. That is, it does not matter if the categories of goods are close, it is important that the associations do not contradict each other.

What to do with a negative association?

If a negative association with a brand originated, you need to strengthen other connections with it - than they are stronger, the less the brand will suffer from the negative association.

A well-known example of the 80s. There was a rumor that "McDonalds" uses in worm burghers instead of beef. To destroy this association, McDonalds began placing advertising burgers with the inscription "100% beef", but it did not help, but on the contrary, reminded people about worms. Then the executive director of the company tried to explain to consumers that it is not logical - kilograms of worms worth it more than a kilogram of beef and the burgers would be just unprofitable. But the mention of worms and burgers in one sentence again caused negative associations from consumers. It would be better if the company strengthened communication with their other products - Happy Meal, FRI potato, etc.

How to create a brand from yourself?

The same principles work - as you are dressed, as your resume is written, all this forms the associations with you, and these associations also should not contradict each other. Just think if you were a brand, what kind of association would you like to call people?

  • Understand what your strong side is and what makes you unique.
  • Are there buyers who are important? Find them and appreciate what you can offer them.
  • Lay Communication that would emphasize your main features and uniqueness.
  • Never contradict in the communications of your strategy.

Pepsi vs. Coca-Cola.

Scientists measured how the part of the brain reacts responsible for the pleasure of drinking Pepsi and Coca-Cola, despite the fact that people did not know what they drink. The brain reaction on Pepsi was brighter, because there is more sugar in it. But when people saw that they were drinking, the level of "happiness" was proceeded: each of them saw a drink of his favorite brand.

Since the experiment, more than 15 years have passed, and now each brand has its own individuality. But brands still seek what is needed by the consumer. For example, in the United States there was a period when the crafted soda was popular, people wanted to drink local production with history. What did Pepsi do? They found two guys in Brooklyn and with their help positioned craft soda as a new product of local production - despite the fact that it was the same Pepsi drink. It is important to be in the trend, whether people want to be part of something big or dream of an individual approach - be in trend.

Evgenia Ponomarenko on the experience of building the brand "Yandex.Dzen":

The brand has reputational debts, it seems to many that Yandex.Dzen is popular content that it's hard to find something interesting on the platform. In communication, it is important to emphasize on the strengths - the brand multiformation (on the platform there are different videos, articles, galleries, etc.), the opportunity for bloggers to promote yourself, readers can get a personalized ribbon, that is, Yandex.Dzen becomes "yours place. "

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