The complications and ways of rehabilitation after COVID-19 became known.

The complications and ways of rehabilitation after COVID-19 became known. 1619_1

Complications caused by Coronavirus, and the ways of rehabilitation of COVID-19 were discussed in Nizhny Novgorod on March 18, the correspondent of IA "Time N" reported at a press conference in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Head of the Regional Vascular Center of the City Clinical Hospital №13 Maxim Veshere called Coronavirus "A peculiar monkey", able to hit all human bodies.

"The main zone of the defeat is light, but not so simple; The virus is able to hit all organs and systems of a person, "said Pretchev. - Where there is a vascular wall, and it is everywhere, then any body is susceptible to the defeat. As the pandemic has shown, in most patients who were sick in a medium and severe form, thrombosis, pleurisites and heart lesions can emerge after recovery.

The specialist also stressed that those who had previously increased cases of damage to the nervous system, nerve and brain damage.

"People are experiencing problems of mental and psychological status, ending pathology on point bodies and systems," said the trees.

Today, rehabilitation after COVID-19 turns out to be in eight medical institutions of the region, which have stationary beds for this profile; Six agencies have rehabilitation in a daytime hospital and 22 medical institutions that rehabilitate overwhelmed in outpatient conditions.

Help is dependent on the state of the patient. It is hospitalized either in a 24-hour hospital hospital, they offer day hospital, or provide outpatient conditions - for those who have suffered a disease in a slight form.

"How are patients go to bemphanded? They are sent from the COVID hospital, they have a number of recommendations, "said Olga Schosilov, the chief freelance specialist in rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health. - The patient who is discharged from the hospital can get observation from the therapist at the place of residence. It is he solves whether there is a testimony for medical rehabilitation. If there is, then the conditions of the necessary rehabilitation are indicated. "

Thus, the patient receives a referral to specific medical care.

Socylova also stressed that if the patient is in the COVID hospital and the severity of the state cannot be discharged home under the supervision of the clinic, directly the hospital after consultation gives the direction, after which consultation is held. In conclusion, the patient is issued the date on which it is translated into medialabilitation.

"Many complain about the outflow, sleep disorder. It is also a problem. We try to decide them, - Soschilov emphasized. - Under conditions of all offices, it is possible to control the patient's condition. This is a laboratory diagnosis, and research, and daily inspection. "

The main external specialist in sanatorium-resort treatment of the regional Ministry of Health Abdurahman Rashidov stressed that the problem of coronavirus infections was before, but now it became sharper.

"We must understand that in the summer of COVID-19 will not end; He came to us for a long time. We will face more than one year with this problem, "Rashid is sure. - The virus hits the weak points of man. Recovery in severe cases goes for a very long time. "

Recall, according to March 18, Koronavirus was revealed in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, 349 inhabitants of the region.

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