The European Union and the United States introduced introduced personal sanctions, the Russian Foreign Ministry called these measures hostile

The European Union and the United States introduced introduced personal sanctions, the Russian Foreign Ministry called these measures hostile 16173_1

The European Union (EU) synchronously with the US administration introduced on March 2, sanctions against Russian officials involved, in their opinion, to the conclusion of the opposition policy of Alexei Navalny to the colony.

In the EU list, the director of Rosgvardia Viktor Zolotov was called (he is called the face of all the security officers - see photo), Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov, Director of FSIN Alexander Kalashnikov and Chairman of SCR Alexander Bastrykin. According to the Edition of Deutsche Welle, the persons who have fallen under sanctions will face visa restrictions, their assets in the EU will be frozen.

In particular, Bastrykina in 2012 Navalny publicly accused that he hides his Czech apartment. At the same time, the newspaper Izvestia published an interview with Bastrykina, in which he explained that he was needed in Prague for convenient movement in Europe and teaching in European universities, and he sold it legally, through the notary.

According to Bloomberg, the imposed sanctions will not cause Russia economic damage. Previously, Navalny's comrades called the West to introduce sanctions against large Russian entrepreneurs, including Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanova. However, there are no names in the sanctions lists.

The USA also introduced sanctions on March 2 - against the seven Russian officials associated with the Navalny affairs, reports Reuters. US sanction list is wider than the EU. In addition to Krasnova, Bortnikov and Kalashnikov, who appeared in the European list, included the first head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko, Head of the Presidential Department of Domestic Policy Andrei Yarin, Deputy Minister of Defense Alexey Krivoruchko and Pavel Popov.

According to Politico edition, in addition to personal sanctions against Russia, restrictions on the export of components will be introduced, which can be used to produce chemical and biological weapons.

According to CNN, Washington wants to send a "powerful signal" about human rights and that anti-Russian sanctions will be introduced into the coalition with the EU. The sanctions in the case of Navalny "will define a tone of policies against Moscow for the future."

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