5 cartoons that are with passion will look not only children, but also adults


It would be possible to assume that cartoons are created only for children, these days would be a mistake. The world of animation today is so versatile, which can give the joy to everyone regardless of age. Do not believe? Then we suggest familiarizing yourself with our selection of truly worthy and non-banking cartoon paintings, from viewing which will be delighted with both moms with dads and their children.

Atlantis: Lost World

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Disney Studio, as the main creator of hitted cartoons of the twentieth century, in zero experienced a heavy crisis. Actually decent paintings were very small, and the activities of American multipliers in the light of their past success resembled agony. But "Atlantis" in this plan has become more pleased with the pleasant exception. The cartoon created in the "Helleboy" stylist about the team of adventure seekers who went to search for a lost city-state, striking the masterpiece rice, as well as the plot that keeps voltage until the last second.

Earlier we talked about successful improvisations of actors who decorated well-known films.

The Incredibles

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To cross the superhero film with the works of Ingmar Bergman, only Pixar can decide. As a result, the creators came out a cartoon for the whole family, suspiciously reminiscent of the love story of the "scenes from the married life" of the famous Swede. However, in the second part of the cartoon, the creators sharply raised the bar, making the main fighter with the evil spouse of Mr. of the incredible, left nursing children. Than this turn will be wrapped for parents - the main mystery of the whole tape.

Monsters on vacation

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Another excellent job affecting the relationship of parents and children is filmed by an emigrant from Russia Jenget Tartakovsky cartoon "Monsters on vacation". The tape tells about the hotel's life for a different kind of messengers, which will unexpectedly raises Hipster Jonathan. The guy not only contributes an imbalance in a size hotel order, but also managed to fall in love with the daughter of the hotel owner of the Count Dracula. This is the plot and twists, so that it is difficult to break away from viewing difficult to the final.

Also on our site there is an article about how the actors from the series "Cadet" have changed


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In the world of movies, it is often that really some quality films are unexpectedly blurred against the background of a little more successful others. So happened, for example, with Hercules, which in the public consciousness forever remained in the shadow of the "King of Lion". And it is extremely unfair, because the cartoon is skillfully accessing the ancient Greek mythology exactly worthy of winning the place in the gold collection of cartoons of all times and peoples.


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There is also a job in our selection that affects us the most close historical themes. And in the center of the plot, it turns out not the West, even though the cartoon was created on Fox Animation Studios, and Russia. In the full-length cartoon "Anastasia", the history of Princess Anastasia Nikolaev, who first hides, to save their lives from revolutionaries, and then decides to go to Paris in search of a family inheritance. And at least in the work, full anachronism, having taken the fact that "Anastasia" is not the screening of a history textbook, and a fairy tale against the background of real events, from viewing this cartoon you can get real pleasure, and not only children, but also adults.

Among the articles, we also have a material about Russian actors who quit a career for the sake of the Church

Do you have a favorite cartoon? Write his name in the comments.

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