Gazprom turned out to be the most mentioned Russian company in foreign media last year

Gazprom turned out to be the most mentioned Russian company in foreign media last year 16166_1

Domestic Transnational Energy Company Gazprom, Public Joint-Stock Company NK Rosneft and Russian Oil Company LUKOIL headed the list of the most mentioned large companies in the Russian Federation in foreign massia in the preceding year. LexisNexis was preparing for this rating at the request of the State Information Agency of the Federal TASS.

By compiling the aforementioned rating, the specialists analyzed the frequency of mentioned in the press of the 100 largest companies in the Russian state. The assessment of their media presence in foreign publications was made on the mass-based LexisNexis - an American company operating in the field of information services.

As reported, PJSC Gazprom is a unambiguous leader of this top with an indicator of 27.21 thousand references. It is noted, foreign massiamen are interested, first of all, the construction of the "Northern Flow - 2" construction, they also write about gas supplies to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, on the formation of the cost of natural gas in deliveries to the territory of Belarus.

At the second line of the rating, experts have placed Rosneft with an indicator of 14.18 thousand mentions. Key topics in this case dealt with the termination of the activities of the Russian PJSC in Venezuela and the conclusion of the transaction with Indian Oil for deliveries to the territory of India two million tons of oil.

The third place was taken by LUKOIL. Its result is 10.83 thousand. Mentions in foreign massia. Most often, there was a contract for the purchase of 40 percent in the Senegal company called Cairn Energy. In addition, the media of other countries wrote about the supply of lubricants for the enterprise MAN.

Also, foreign media was interested in the previous year, a domestic transnational company in the Yandex Information Technology industry (7.73 thousand mentions) and its innovative developments (in particular, the use of robotic devices during food delivery). In addition, foreign publications wrote about the statements of Yandex regarding the threat of deterioration of the investment climate in connection with the draft law on the restriction of up to 20 percentage points of the share of foreign capital in those companies in Russia, which offer streaming online video services.

In addition, for the year at Aeroflot - 6.66 thousand mentions in foreign mass media (disemboding of passengers who refuse to wear protective masks), Sberbank - 6.29 thousand (cash indicators of this Russian financial conglomerate, its plans about the release of cryptocurrencies) , Norilsk Region - 3.62 thousand references (about the accident and actions of the company incident in Norilsk), Evraza - 6 thousand, Rosatom - 5,39 thousand, Rusala - 4.27 thousand ., MegaFon - 3.63 thousand mentions in foreign publications.

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