Digital coins, stocks, real estate. What is better to invest accumulations?


Hello, dear readers of the website The author of the channel in Messenger canal telegrams for the investments "Lemon on Tea", Evgeny Kovalenko, in a recent interview, was told about where it is better to invest its accumulation and where to start.

Digital coins, stocks, real estate. What is better to invest accumulations? 16146_1

Nowadays, people are actively interested in cash savings investments - even those who have never done this before. Today, Evgeny Kovalenko shared with us, in which sphere it is best to invest - real estate, shares or digital assets, what amount is optimal for a beginner and so on. We share the most interesting excerpts from this interview:

"If they say about investing, then most likely we are talking about real estate. The moment is the first - it needs solid investments. To buy any object of ownership, it is important to have at least $ 50-60 thousand in your hands - and it is often not enough for this amount. If you do not have such a number of money, the optimal version is the stock market. With regard to profits, it even exceeds investment in real estate.

If you familiarize yourself with the current situation - during the pandemic period of coronavirus infection, most assets (including dollar) have increased in price by 2-3 times. Suppose Zoom, Facebook, Amazon shares. Real estate owners are good if they have not lost anything (many just happened). Even in the red, those who surrendered accommodation for rent and remained without clients. If a comparative analysis, it turns out that the cryptosphere is much more profitable, and even all actions with digital coins are always intriguing.

Another key factor is the liquidity indicator (whether the rapid realization of its own asset is available at market value). If we consider stocks and cryptocurrency, this is done by "one click". If we talk about housing or other real estate, the implementation will take not one week, but even a few months (or years).

Thus, if you take into account 3 key parameters: the input threshold, profitability and liquidity, it is best to invest in stock and cryptocurrency markets. Not in real estate, "Covalenko concluded.


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