The study showed: video games help relieve pain children, sick cancer

The study showed: video games help relieve pain children, sick cancer 16118_1

Revealed benefits for psyche and organism

Video games help children with cancer, alleviate pain by 30 percent. These are the results of a study conducted by Madrid doctors and the Spanish Charity Foundation JuegateraPia (can be translated as "playing therapy"), reports JioforMe.

Researchers watched the children who complained about the pain from the mucrosite after chemotherapy. This treatment method may affect the oral cavity, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane. Patients were injected daily to morphine to relieve pain.

Considered data on children who played from two to three hours a day. As a result, they became easier to carry pain by 30 percent, and the morphine dose was reduced by 20 percent. The tone of the wandering nerve rose by 14 percent. Doctors noted that, thanks to the immersion, the parasympathetic nervous system is actively operating. As you know, the goal of any game is to create an immersion experience, complete immersion in the gameplay.

The foundation emphasizes that this is the first similar study, therefore a longer study is required.

Earlier, only psychological influence on patients was studied - the children were less worried, falling into the hospital walls, and relaxed more in difficult situations.

The study was filmed by the documentary La Quimio Jugando Se Pasa Volando ("Chemotherapy flies behind the game").

Juegaterapia appeared in 2010. The founder of the Monica Esteban Foundation brought the Gaming Creation to the boy who passed the course of chemotherapy. Esteban noticed how the child approached and began to smile. Since then, the Foundation provides consoles, tablets and video games Children's departments of hospitals.

Gamers send their old consoles to the Fund when they buy new, as well as companies and sponsors buy new devices. Volunteers, among whom adolescents play with patients with children online. Juegaterapia built gardens on the roofs of the three hospitals of Madrid.

"Away from home and family, in an unfamiliar situation, they are frightened by their stay in the hospital. Video games, tablet and the ability to play in the garden without leaving the hospital - an important tool for communication with the world that helps forget about where they are located. At least, as long as the game lasts, "it is written on the website of the charity foundation.

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