Golden Borate: What is the secret of Sasha Baron Cohen's scandalous character

Golden Borate: What is the secret of Sasha Baron Cohen's scandalous character 16095_1
Golden Borat: What is the secret of the success of the scandalous character Sasha Baron Cohen Dmitry Eskin

Brata-2 received the "Golden Globe" in the nomination "Comedy / Music", and Sasha Baron Cohen himself grabbed the desired trophy for the main role in films and serials of these genres. Time Out disassembled than borats every time you admire the audience alone and leads to the rabies of others.

Because of Kazakhstan

Brata represents, as noted in the title, "the glorious people of Kazakhstan". Only here the Kazakhs themselves, after the release of the film, were very unbelievable both the character himself and his creator for his limit, incorrect.

Immediately make a reservation that Kazakhstan in the film is a collective image. The village in which borate lives, actually filmed in the Romanian village; supposedly Kazakh hero shows a mixture of Romanian, Hebrew, Polish and Armenian; The anthem, executed at the end, of course, was invented; The name of Kazakhstan on the geographic map at the beginning of the film is replaced by a meaningless set of letters; Finally, on the icon, which Brathant is on the lapel of the jacket, and at all depicts the emblem of the city of Yaroslavl.

The screenwriter himself and actor Sasha Baron Cohen have repeatedly said that he chose Kazakhstan as the Motherland of Borat only because it is a name for rumor among Americans - but they do not know anything about the details of political, social and cultural life in this country.

Nevertheless, hurt jokes and the image itself, the underdeveloped country shown in the tape caused a storm in a glass. At the official press conference, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan condemned the film, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country published Times text-refutation to the appearance of the country's appearance shown in the tape.

Fortunately or not, but negative comments only have a positive effect on the PR campaign of the ribbon, and Sasha himself, Baron Cohen, from the face of borate in response to criticism, said that the Uzrunkysky's "Urbek" was to blame.

By the way, at that time, the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev, according to journalists, responded to the film well and was not even against meeting the borate personally, if he had been in the hall at that time. But it was not recommended to show the film in Kazakhstan, and in Russia the ribbon did not receive a rolling certificate at all (the only show of the narrow circle of persons was held thanks to the edition of Time Out).

Because of the USA

He was aiming in the Americans, but an offended Kazakhstanis is offended - perhaps the best characteristic of the film. After all, satire on the "civilized white people", which looks at the representatives of the Third World and consider their backward savages, was aimed at once towards the citizens of the West, and, above all, the United States.

But many, with whom, Brata met throughout the story, forgotes him of non-counterfeit jokes because of the alleged misunderstanding of cultural features, and for the support of George Bush and hostilities in Iraq, the hero is at all reducing violent ovations. True, the anthem of borate about the greatness of Kazakhstan liked not all, and the film crew had to dwell to leave the stadium.

By the way, if the first "borat" went into a rolling show on the eve of the official visit of Nursultan Nazarbayev in the United States, his sequel was released on the eve of the election of the American president. On the day of the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden Sasha Baron Cohen, as a tizer released a satirical video reconstruction of the current American president with a victory, noting in subtitles that his words may contain false statements. Trump himself said that he does not think comic comic.

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Due to pseudocumental narration

In fact, the real actors in the tape are only six. This is Sasha Baron Cohen in the role of Brata Sagdiyev, Ken Davitan, who played by the producer of Azamat Bagatov, Lunell Campbell, which is as an African American sex worker, Mitchell Falk, who performed the image of Kazakhstan Prime Minister, Bob Barr and, of course, Pamela Anderson. The rest of the people who fell into the frame did not know what they were filmed in the cinema, and considered Brata real, albeit with some oddities, a journalist.

Thus, the inhabitants of the Romanian village of GLDD thought that the foreign film crew would finally show how poorly they live - but, having learned the true goal of the project, they were offended and counted that the filmmakers simply ridiculed them. Students who picked up borate on the road did not know that the film would be shown in the United States, and served on Cohen to court. And the producer of the news show from Mississippi lost his job after the impartial participation of the Character of Sasha Boron in the present live broadcast.

Due to xenophobia

Somehow, in an interview with Sasha Baron Cohen, said that the women's laminate, racist and anti-Semite Brath were needed in order to make people reveal their inner prejudices.

The hero is experiencing an obvious hostility to the Jews, he does not like gay in absentia, insults and humiliates women and laughs on approvals that sex should occur by mutual agreement.

Despite all this, the Israelis positively appreciated the humor of Brata, and feminists were satisfied with the result done, despite the incorrect requests of the hero to remove clothing.

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