99% of unfortunate men are very similar, and that's why


Hi friends.

As a practitioner for many years, a psychologist can say with confidence that 99% of men who come to me at consultation, and share their family problems, are very similar in one error, which they all commit.

Moreover, it does not matter what kind of problems - with proximity, with conflicts, with children, with money ... The root is still alone.

99% of unfortunate men are very similar, and that's why 16080_1

For example, take some specific complaints.



When I ask the clarifying question "Listen, and if your wife was sitting here, she would have been pleased with you, or still there are shoals from your side." Here we must pay tribute, men are honest and they say that they are also not perfect.

Next, it turns out:

: A man does not like to listen to his wife's complaints, ignores them, so she accumulates, and then she starts shouting or rolls hysteria

: A man loves to put promises, and then forgets to do them, and the wife begins to command a hard, because It is infuriated

: The man got used to that in the proximity he gets what he needs, and what his wife wants - does not understand, he did not try to talk, waiting for his wife herself will say.

To blame both sides

Attention! I do not want to say that the "man's guilty again" is ridiculous. Yes, the commander of the woman is bad. Yes, screaming and insulting a man's wife is bad. Silent in the proximity wife is also bad!

Both are well done. And now to the root problem. Here it is:

A man is trying to shift the activity on a woman, waiting for the first steps from her. Or made a couple of attempts, and then threw, they say, "the wife is bad."

Compare with business: if the entrepreneur end the money, who will understand? His. If customers go to who to understand? His. If the product is bad, then who is behind it? He himself.

So why, I ask for advice, if you want to be the main thing in the family, do not understand you? Why do you blame my wife and want her the first to stop screaming, command and liberated? Yes, my wife has a problem. But also our brother problems. And solve them to us.

The first to figure out, on the basis of what a woman has complaints and discontent. It is so pleased that both are satisfied. First to say my wife "I will make what promised, and you will stop command, well?". The first to start talking about that not so in the proximity and how to fix it.

And do and do it again and again until the result is. That's all.

Pavel Domrachev

  • Helping men to solve their problems. Hurt, expensive, with a guarantee

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