Who harms plants in the garden?

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Rudolph Coller, "Boy and Goats", 1858 Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Despite all the efforts of gardeners in the field of vegetation pets, garden plants continuously attack diseases and pests. The danger lies in the fact that some defeats become noticeable externally in the later stages of development. Often such misfortunes ends with the death of plant organism.

However, harm to plants can be applied and without the participation of bacteria, insects and animals. Sometimes they harm environmental conditions and irregular care of plants.

Bacterial and fungal infections

These misfortune are found throughout the growing season. Signs of the disease may appear on different parts of the plant. In some cases, their impact on the plant itself is imperceptible. For example, when the storage where the seeds is stored, fungal diseases are spread, it is possible to notice their impact, only seeding seeds to seedlings - their germination will be much lower than normal.

The risk of infection with fungal diseases is significantly higher in places with increased air humidity, provided that poor ventilation and high temperature. That is why to preserve the quality of planting material, it is necessary to clearly comply with the rules for storing seeds.

To combat both fungal and bacterial plant diseases, disinfection of inventory, soil, as well as seed treatment before sowing are used.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Viral diseases

The development of viral disease in the plant can be suspected of deformation of the leaves. Most greatly affected by young leaflets. Symptoms and flowers are noticeable: they acquire a greenish tint or a pedestal color.

Transfer viruses from the plant to the plant most often insects, such as mol, notes. The main strategy to combat viral diseases of plants is the timely identification and destruction of carriers of infectious agents.


For plants can be dangerous and insects themselves, and their larvae. Such pests can accommodate both on the plant itself and in the soil.

To treat plants from insect pests, specially intended for this compositions prepared by the industrial method are used. Gardeners, especially scrupulously related to environmental issues, in small areas, use products based on vegetation raw materials for this purpose.

Pest animals

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Photo: Depositphotos.

It should be mentioned about animals that can harm garden plants. For example, flying on the sections of the early spring mouse are capable of digging the bulbs of tulips and crocuses. Mals disrupt the integrity of the root system of many plants, Roy has its own underground moves. Some plants die from this, the state of others deteriorates sharply.

There are no uniform recommendations to combat such animals. Gardeners use various devices for catching and scaring the uninvited guests.

Harmful factors of the external environment

Often, plants suffer and without pest participation, simply from the negative impact of the environment. Damaging factors can be:

  • Inappropriate soil composition. For example, the lack of calcium soil is manifested in changing the color of the leaves, they become pale or brown. Blossoming is broken, the process of the development of the plant organism slows down. The situation can be corrected by adding at least a gypsum powder to the Earth.
  • Inappropriate water composition.
  • Lack or excess of moisture.
  • Adverse weather conditions.
  • The negative impact of chemical means intended to combat pests. Fine plants are especially sensitive to them.
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Photo: Depositphotos.

In order for the garden from spring to fall, the garden was decorated with a thick greens, bright colors and pleased the fruits, it is necessary to closely monitor the health of plants and to prevent diseases and attacks of pests in a timely manner.

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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