15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves


Some people know how to masterfully wrap everything they said by the interlocutor against him. Sometimes this talent helps to exit dry out of the water, and sometimes turns a curious situation into a joke. Perhaps a separate prize we would give to the user who managed to congratulate a friend of his birthday, when he was clearly not in the mood.

We in ADME.ru stuck the Internet and found people who seem to have an answer to everything. And at the end we left a small bonus, proving that sometimes you need to be careful with desires.

"It looks quite logical"

15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves 16046_1
© MageRoth / Imgur

  • Cassis: "Do you take a gift?" I: "Yes." To: "Take this better. We have an action - for the same price, but the gift box. " I: "Yes, I'm so in a fig, what a box ..." To: "So you are a gift or for yourself?" I: "as a gift for yourself." To: "..." © arturdzivia / twitter
  • We stand at the bus stop, the son is crying. And here she clings to Granny: "Ay-ah, now I will pass a policeman." I say that against such methods of education. Babuli's face is thrown away: "Here youth went ..." And the son is calmly replied: "I will give you a policeman for the fact that you are talking about!" I am proud of your son. © "overheard" / IDEER
  • The spouse works in the "daughter" of Gazprom in the social department. Fits a friend and says: "Listen, ask my wife, what kind of gas slab will it advise?" I: "And she here with what?" He: "So she works in Gazprom!" I hung over a few seconds, and then I was painted: "Take the Slovenian Gorenje!" He: "Why exactly her?" I: "So it seems, too, with a temperature connected ..." © AVZVA / Pikabu

15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves 16046_2
© ssssssssscuseme / Twitter
15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves 16046_3
© ssssssssscuseme / Twitter

"Whoever led their social networks, I just want to talk to him"

15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves 16046_4
© dubstep4dads / twitter

  • - Damn, strange that in your 29 years you are interested in such children's things like cartoons and video games. - What are you keen on there? - Sports walking. - Well, so go. © JustJesswh / Twitter
  • I work in the number. The man calls, asks to translate to the manager. I ask: "How to imagine you?" Answer: "Imagine a shirtless shirt on a white horse!" Excellent mood for all day provided! © "overheard" / IDEER
  • Scraps dialogue from the fitting Zara: - Listen, these leather legs are no different from your previous ones, we spend time wasted. "You also don't have anything from my previous guy, so I'm more interesting to spend time on leggings." © Wizard_severus / Twitter
  • I sit at home, suddenly a call to the intercom. There is a girlfriend with a daughter for 5 years. And then the girlfriend explained how it was. They go with her daughter past our house, and the daughter says: "Mom, let's go to aunt Tane?" The girlfriend explains that they do not do this, no calls do not go to visit. And the girl thought and says: "So we will call the door ..." © TankTayberry / Pikabu

"The brother is studying in the 2nd grade, I get today from the mother message"

15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves 16046_5
© Rasulbagrov / Pikabu

  • We are waiting for a friend. Tired of calling the intercom. Question: "Where are you?" Answer: "In the elevator already food." © I617 / Pikabu
  • In childhood, there were a lot of gypsies in my city, but the grandmother said that they were not necessary to be afraid. In addition to one: it is better to go around the side. And I somehow went around the square, and she got rid of me and repeats the whole road: "Let me yield! Girl, let me give you! " I go, I do not pay attention, speeding up a step - does not help. I do not know what was found on me, but I stop sharply, turning to her and calm, even answer to her: "Let me pay you myself." I have not seen such horror in the eyes of an extraneous person. Gypsy stumbled, slammed sharply and ran from me with a hearing. © "overheard" / IDEER
  • The son visited the great-grandmother, she complains about his health, says: "Eh, I don't have things here, I want to my grandfather on the sky ..." Son in response: "What if his grandfather does not want?" With Empathy, he has not yet. © OldValkyrie / Twitter

"The child decided that the string" for notes "in a school diary for him, and made a branch of a personal diary"

15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves 16046_6
© Liza_INTheSKY / Twitter

Bonus: When I understood too literally

15 people who obviously did not expect their words wrapped against them themselves 16046_7
© kunalkalra97 / reddit

"I do not want engraving. Just leave a metal plate without engraving. "

Tell us how you usually answer strange comments of other people?

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