Shrubs that can not trim in spring


Good afternoon, my reader. To grow a beautiful shrub that will delight beautiful bloom, you need to attach the efforts and ensure proper care, systematic trimming. The latter will help make the flowering abundant, extend this process and even call it again. With this procedure, the crown of plants are given the desired form, strengthen its immunity and get rid of extra shoots.

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Shrubs that can not trim in spring nonsense

Shrubs that do not need to trim in the spring (photo is used according to a standard license ©

Several types of trimming are distinguished, and the choice of the desired make, based on the features of the shrub and desires of the gardener.

After carrying out the forming trimming, the shoots grow in the right direction, the krone of shrubs acquires the desired configuration. As a rule, with such a procedure, unwinievable and greasy shoots are removed, it retains energy for strong and healthy branches and has a positive effect on the plant. In addition, the grinding stems are cut off, whose tint differs from the main one.

The rejuvenating pruning extends the life of the shrub, its volume depends on the peculiarities of the plant. It is recommended to divide the procedure for 2 stages, it will reduce the stress that causes the removal of branches and shoots.

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Shrubs that can not trim in spring nonsense

Trimming shrubs (photo used by standard license ©

During sanitary trimming, the plant is freed from the frozen, broken, suffering from escape diseases. It can be carried out not only in spring, but also as needed.

At the conduct of stimulating blossoming trimming affects the peculiarities of the plant. It is important to spend it not too late so that the shrub managed to form a color-point shoot. There is a classification of shrubs for the trimming time favorable for them.

Evergreen plants need the earliest procedure, since new shoots should have enough time for development. If the plant blooms on last year's shoots in the summer, it is cut in early spring.

Shrubs blooming on last year's stems in spring or early summer is cut immediately after flowering. The removal is subjected to parts of the branches, which have already been blowing, and old parts of the plant. If you spend the event in the spring, the blossom of the shrub will deteriorate significantly or will not begin at all.

The following plants do not need spring procedure.

The bloom of barberry ordinary falls at the end of the spring and the beginning of the summer, and its species grows and develops very actively.

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Shrubs that can not trim in spring nonsense

Barbaris (photos from

This fact explains the need for regular trim: without them, the barberries will turn into prickly thickets. Thick crowns growing in the wrong direction part must be cut off in the fall.

A beautiful plant that is distinguished by abundant flowering, which begins at the end of May and lasts about two weeks. The best option is to cut a shrub every 2-3 years after the completion of flowering.

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Shrubs that can not trim in spring nonsense

Waigela (photos from

Old stems are removed, and the shuffles are shortened to the first increments. In order not to cut down the young twigs, on which the flowering kidney of the next season is formed, do not slow down with the operation. If the Wayegeli branches are frozen in winter, after warming you need to remove them.

This plant is infrequently found in garden sites, because all of its parts of poisonous. The wolper year ordinary blooms in early spring, before the leaves bloom.

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Shrubs that can not trim in spring nonsense

Mascia Year (photo with

His low variety begins to bloom in the late spring. Forming trimming is carried out in the first years of life, shortening shoots to achieve a lush tissue. In the fall, it is customary to remove patients and weak stems. The adult plant does not need a regular procedure, it is no longer so active.

Spectacular flowers in the form of a bell tape, assembled in inflorescences, give the diet unique appearance.

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Shrubs that can not trim in spring nonsense

Dale (photos from

Most varieties are not distinguished by frost resistance, they frozen to the level of snow. Detament needs to form a crown after flowering, it is carried out every 2-3 years. Frosted stems are removed in spring.

This culture is widespread among the gardeners and is famous for tasty and juicy berries, but it will be about decorative varieties, the fruits of which are inedible. Most varieties bloom in May-June, and trimming is appropriate after the completion of flowering.

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Shrubs that can not trim in spring nonsense

Honeysuckle (Photo Used by Standard License ©

By pruning in a timely manner, you will achieve long and spectacular flowering and do not harm plants.

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