Soap or antishetics? The better to handle hands to children (opinion of the doctors)


With the arrival of COVID-19, even children began to use the antiseptics. But doctors believe that schoolchildren, and especially kids, their application must be limited. The reason is much more serious than possible dryness of the skin or dermatitis.

Soap or antishetics? The better to handle hands to children (opinion of the doctors) 16040_1

Doctors warn: antiseptics affect not only the skin of the hands, but also on the whole body as a whole, writes

- The influence of antiseptics on the state of the child's immune system is ambiguous, "explains the associate professor of the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics of Belmapo, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Anna Ruban. Medic is confident that the creation of sterile conditions for the child is a big mistake of caring parents. Especially in the first year of life.

- The immune system of the child in this period matures and is improved. This occurs only when it interacts with viruses, bacteria, parasites, which fall into the organism from the environment. If the process is blocked using antiseptics, then, unfortunately, the immunity simply sleeps, remaining imperfect.

Moreover, the immune system begins to switch to work in terms of allergyizing the body. With this theory, many scientists associate an increase in the number of allergic diseases in the children's population.

The fact that antiseptics negatively affect immunity, they say the results of the study recently conducted in three countries at the same time - Spain, the Netherlands and Finland. Scientists interviewed about 10 thousand children, studied their history of disease and concluded: more often than colds, angina and flu were sicked by those children who regularly used antiseptics.

Soap or antishetics? The better to handle hands to children (opinion of the doctors) 16040_2

There is another moment: antiseptics have properties to accumulate in the body. This recently recalled the famous Russian Medic, Director of FBUN Research Institute of Disinfectology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Shestopalov, reports TASS news agencies:

- We do not recommend that skin antiseptics for younger students, from the 1st to the 4th grade. I'm not talking about to prohibit, we do not have the right right, but we do not recommend. Our studies have shown that the resorbative effect (the effect of drugs or toxic substances, manifested after the absorption of them in blood) is quite pronounced for this age category.

Medic stressed: if you consider that children handle hands several times a day, then the resorbative load on the body will be significant.

We should not forget about what. The use of antiseptics by kids is fraught with a real tragedy if the children want to lease, "fascinate in the face" solution or throw a bottle of a bottle with it.

Doctors converge: the most optimal option for a child - often wash his hands with soap. But if you still think that an antiseptic is necessary for your children, choose it correctly.

How to choose an antiseptic? (Not all children are suitable)

- Active substance destroying the virus is ethyl alcohol, - resembles Anna Ruban. - It is he who destroys the surface shell of the virus, leading to his death. For such a result, ethyl alcohol into the composition of the antiseptics should be 60-80%. However, in pediatric practice, the means with a concentration above 60% should not be used. Due to the presence of boning properties in alcohol, which will manifest the effect of skin drying.

According to the doctor, antiseptics based on triclosan are ineffective in the fight against COVID-19, as with any other virus. In addition, the triclosan, accumulating in the skin, can turn into dermatitis.

If the hands of the child were still injured (cracks, dryness appeared), it is necessary to treat the skin with moisturizing creams, and even better - with special healing means (emolients), which allow you to restore the hydrolypide skin balance, clarifies Anna Ruban.

Soap or antishetics? The better to handle hands to children (opinion of the doctors) 16040_3

What is better: gel or aerosol?

  • In sprays, as a rule, contains a greater number of alcohol. We remember that children are not recommended to use an antiseptic with alcohol at large concentrations, so we study the composition.
  • Gels with glycerin are good for the skin. But there are many fonders and dyes in such funds, be careful.
  • Creams are usually used to create an antibacterial film, so in conditions of coronavirus they are irrelevant.
  • Disinfecting napkins with alcohol content is a good choice for a walk with a child. But the best means of protection is not to drive a child on shopping centers, markets and cafes, ENNA Ruban emphasizes.

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