In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why

In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_1
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_2
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_3
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_4
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_5
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_6
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_7
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_8
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_9
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_10
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_11
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_12
In Minsk microarrneus, the third gas station is already built, the locals do not understand why 1600_13

The empty land plot taken in the vice streets of Rafieva, Slobodskaya and the Ozerstsovsky tract, the authorities wanted to master twice - in 2003 and 2008. But both attempts to open a gas station here because of a sharp disagreement of residents of nearby houses. And now the officials again try to take a revenge: on the website of the administration of the Moscow district, citizens offer to participate in public discussion of the gas station project. The customer is the enterprise "Belorusneft-Minskavtodentilment", a characteristic logo can be seen on rendering. Opinions and objections about the project are accepted until March 30. Locals are already actively collecting signatures against construction - for three days there are a little less than 300.

This looks like a plot on which the gas stations are going to build

But he is on the map

"I will not allow the construction of a gas station next to our home! We are already breathing exhaust gases from the ring road and the products of the combustion of CHP. Gasoline couples are dangerous not only by the fact that they are easily flammable, but also strong toxicity for a person! " - Leaflets of this content began to distribute activists among the tenants of three houses - 37th on Slobodskaya Street, 109th and 113rd on Rafiev Street. They are closest to the future refueling.

- To the nearest house - 50 meters, "Oleg assures, a non-indifferent local resident. He has a lot of arguments against the construction of a new object. - It's not just in exhaust gases and noise. The presence of a gas station may worsen the road situation at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Ozerstsovsky tract, on which there are no bands of overclocking and braking. Make them on such a narrow street is unlikely perhaps. And how, in this case, organize the movement of streams entering and traveling from the Moscow Ring Road, as well as visitors to refueling, is incomprehensible.

Here you can see the departure to the Moscow Ring Road from the Ozerstsovsky Tract

And here - as close to the place of construction of a gas station residential buildings

Another painful question: what will be with parking number 94, which is located near the place allocated to the construction site? Does its area reduce or leave the former?

"And so lacking places for parking, and if we lose a few more, it will complicate the lives of people from nearby houses," Oleg is sure.

Anxious citizens and foggy perspectives for stopping public transport "Go to the car market". On tenders posted on the site, it is not visible. And its disappearance or transfer, according to local, unacceptable.

- The stop is at the crossroads of Rafieva streets and Slobodskaya - this is an important transport key for residents of the microdistrict and industrial workers. The same applies to the pedestrian transition to the car market "Malinovka". What will happen to him? If it is closed, albeit at the time of construction, it will create a lot of inconvenience.

And even a 24-hour store on the territory of refueling people did not please at all: they believe that "Sale of alcohol 24 to 7 will increase the risk of committing offenses."

In general, the minuses from the future object the tenants counted decently. But the pros is somehow not very much.

- Why do we need another gas station, if not so far there are at least two? - Oleg is surprised.

Indeed, the place where construction is planned is located between the two existing gas stations of the Belarusneft network - No. 51 and No. 82. If you believe "Yandex.Maps", the distance between them is about 3 km. It turns out that the new refueling will open almost in the middle of the way. Do you need so much gas station on such a relatively small area of ​​the road - the question.

We appealed to the customer of the project RUE "Belorusneft-MinskAvtoTozapota" with a request to answer the questions exciting citizens. That's what we were told in the company.

- Not far from the site selected for construction, from one and the other side there are two acting fetters of the Belarusseneft network. They are located a few kilometers from each other. What is the need to open one more?

- Retireping No. 51 at Slobodskaya, 4 overwhelmed, customers complain about long queues. The new gas station will take part of the engine stream on the street. Slobodskaya and ul. Rafieva, thereby unloading gas stations No. 51. The gas station number 82 is located on the opposite side of the Moscow Ring Road and is designed for a completely different stream of cars.

- Locals are worried about the road situation in the area of ​​intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Ozerstsovsky tract, which may worsen ...

- At the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Ozerstsovsky tract, bands of overclocking and braking will be added, lighting masts are replaced, which will significantly improve the road situation. These questions are agreed from the traffic police.

- What will happen to the stopping of public transport "Transition to the car market" and, in fact, the pedestrian crossing itself?

- Stop persists. Pedestrian crossing is upgraded, the project provides for repair and device of ramps for people with disabilities in accordance with modern standards. During construction, the movement will be limited for only 10 days, which locals will be warned in advance.

- Do the parking suffer?

- No, construction will not affect the land of the parking lot, moreover, seven parking spaces for our customers are provided at the gas station, two of which are for electric vehicles.

-What about the fears of tenants about the 24-hour shop and selling alcohol in it ...

- The range of stores at the gas station really underwent global changes and now you can find not only specialized goods for car service, but also goods of everyday demand. Of course, there are alcoholic products there. Residents of nearby houses can consider the shop at the gas station as a shop at the house, allowing you to purchase essentials at any time of the day and without queues. In addition, at Rafiev, 81 and Dzerzhinsky, 123 are commerce facilities with 24-hour work schedule, which are sold including alcohol.

- People worry and due to the fact that gasoline couples can be dangerous to health ...

- When building a gas station project, compliance with all the required environmental measures, ensuring the absence of man-made and physicochemical factors of environmental pollution and is guaranteed to safely function the gas station.

- Public discussions on this facility will last until March 30. After that, in the administration of the Moscow region at the Town Planning Commission, there will be a consideration of all issues received and will take a final decision on the construction of the facility. We hope that the initiative group from the number of local residents will also be invited to this meeting, - added to the company.

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