Satob successfully performed on the "Golden Mask"


Recall, the performance was included in the list of nominees of the most prestigious theater award "Golden Mask" immediately in five nominations: "Ballet / performance", "Ballet - Contemporary Dance / Women's Role" (Ksenia Ovchinnikova, Maria), "Ballet - Contemporary Dance / Men's The role "(Diego Ernesto Calderon Armenian, Nurally, and Igor Kocherov, Vaclav)," The work of the artist in the music theater "(Andrei Voitenko)," The work of the artist in costumes in the music theater "(Tatyana Nognov).

Satob successfully performed on the

This year, the Samara Theater has become the only representative of the regions in the nomination "Ballet / Performance". Other nominees are musical theater. K.S.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Alirovich-Danchenko (Moscow), Bolshoy Theater (Moscow), Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg).

The tragic history of love on stage was presented: Maria - Ksenia Ovchinnikova, Vaclav - Igor Kocherov, Zarema - Anastasia Tetchenko, Giri - Dmitry Mamutin, Nuralie - Diego Ernesto Calderon Armenian. An artistic director and chief conductor of the Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater Evgeny Khokhlov worked for the conductor console.

The performance, taking into account the Covenal chess seating, passed with the manschlage. Spectators warmly adopted Samara production and generously awarded the ovations of artists, the orchestra and the stage.

Assessment of the jury "Gold Mask" will be known only at the end of April, but the artists themselves, and the leadership of the theater, and invited guests noted that all the conceived was carried out at a high level.

The General Director of the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater Sergei Filippov: "The exit to the final" Golden Mask "allowed us to perform on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, to which any Russian theater is experiencing special speakers. Never before our theater was not claimed in such a number of nominations. For the first time our soloists We became the nominees of the Golden Mask. Ikak would end the festival of this year - this is already success. "

Artistic director and chief conductor Yevgeny Khokhlov: "We have been preparing for this day for a long time, gradually increased our possibilities. And it seems to me that today we all made the most possible to get a common image. The main thing that managed, to enjoy beautiful art, Magnificent music, wonderful choreography. We did not just laid out, we enjoyed. "

Chief Invited Balletmaster Yuri Burlaka: "Emotions, of course, joyful, but" Golden Mask "is not an end in itself. This is a result of work that is pleasantly aware - we are celebrated, we are invited. The point is not in the end, the matter is in the process itself. We are starting Build your repertoire for our theater. "

Daria Pavlenko's balletmaster: "Well done ballet artists, they breathed life into this performance. It was the task of paramount importance, since Bakhchisarai Fountain is a dramatic performance solved by choreographic means."

Tatyana Nognov costume artist: "I reconstructed the work of the artist of this play Valentina Khodasevich, it is a great honor and responsibility. The value of this work is that we are trying to preserve and transfer the next generations choreography, a visual row, mood. Work was enjoyed, questions, questions which had to decide, were mainly associated with the authenticity of the tissues, finishes, hairstyles. "

The leading soloist of the ballet of Ksenia Ovchinnikova: "I am delighted with the fact that I danced on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, I didn't even dream about it. For us, it was a little unusual at a sloping scene, because in our theater she is smooth, but we coped."

Diego Ernesto Soloist Calderon Armymen: "The most difficult thing in my party is an acting game, they were especially worked out with teachers. My hero has short exits, but very significant, they had to show well, live this party."

After the end of the play of the ballet troupe artists, the Director General of the National Prize and the Golden Mask of Maria Revyakina, Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin, Minister of Culture of the Samara Region Tatiana Mrdulyash, Guidelines of the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater, Minister of Culture.

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