8 superconductors that every parent

8 superconductors that every parent 15969_1

Flash, Wonder Woman, Professor X? PF-F ...

If Peter Parker became a spider man suddenly, because he was bitten by a radioactive spider, then parents acquire Supersicles gradually, day after day. True, Moms begin to feel like that the world was saved, already at the very beginning of the superhero district - immediately after delivery. And then it seems that since you are able to go through it, then now the sea is knee-deep, and the mountains on the shoulder.

Like any Hero Marvel and DC, Moms and Pope sometimes lose faith in themselves and their own strength, dream of relieving the superhero cloak, face the villains, condemnation and pressure from society, lose the old allies and find new ones.

The path of the hero is full of difficulties, but it has a place for victories big and small, and no one can pass it instead of you.

To be parents to be helped by such superpossesses:


It's just amazing how often moms and dads guess what happens in thoughts from their children. Does the child handle something? Durable with a friend? Did not appreciate the gift and shy about it to say? Fell in love? Is it going to deceive? Mom recognizes a lie like Professor Xavier from X-Men.

Extraordinary force

Both dads and moms can simultaneously drag a heavy stroller, a bag with children's accessories, bags with products and the child himself, which only looks small and light. For this, supersila is not required, they will say some, but why are moms feel like a wonderful woman who raised the tank of the First World War in the battle for Veld?


Moms and dads help children get well. Whether it is scratched on the knee or broken heart - everything heals faster when the child surrounds care and understanding his loving parents. If a child is sick, moms and dads will make anything for his recovery.

Excellent vision in the dark

Night. The child is sleeping. In the pitch darkness of his bedroom, parents are able to find the forgotten phone, do not step on the insidious detail of LEGO and even a little climb along the way.


Parents have time to catch a falling child, take one to school, another in kindergarten, work, cook, get ready, feed the dog and cat, change the diapers, grab the glass, answer the call, make purchases - everything is in the blink of an eye. Flash is resting!

X-ray vision

Sometimes it seems like parents can see through the walls and objects. Mom and dad see that the child does not teach the lessons, but sticks out in Titkot, even when he is in another room; They know that he has a mountain garbage under the bed, not looking there; And they ask to adjust the towel in the bathroom, even without going into it. "How do you know!" - often comes from a surprised child.


Sometimes parents seem to see the future of their child, but rarely change it. "This toy will break in two days," the dad prophesies. "Will you fall," says Mom. Often, parents know in advance what the friendship will end with the bold boy, as a child will feel the next morning, what a doll will become a loved one, how long will the new passion for the Son or daughter last.

Super Highness

This ability is manifested by the parents one of the first. Usually it arises in the first months of the child's life when mom and dad is practically sleeping. Few people suspected of the presence of such a hidden talent, how to work all day, keep track of the child, maintain order, have time to have fun and at the same time be awake at night.

In this dark period of his life, the parent, like Batman, thinks about his destination, the meaning of life and begins to doubt himself, but comes a new day, and "this city needs a hero," and everything continues ...

8 superconductors that every parent 15969_2
8 superconductors that every parent 15969_3
8 superconductors that every parent 15969_4
8 superconductors that every parent 15969_5

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